What sort of messages do people like to receive?

I like PM's with photos and/or requests
Would love to hear from someone close by again
Erotic thoughts are welcome
I like how graphic we are all welcome to be here
As well as random discussion like stuff that comes up as a tangent on these threads.
I like when I have time to enjoy others thoughts and needs. Pretty amazing how fast time goes when here.
Start with a simple hello and what about me made you take the time to drop me a line
Playful, funny, suggestive, flirty, , filthy, thought provoking, and any combination thereof.
I like receiving all kinds. I am happy to chat about anything. I don't judge every message on a 10 point scale. I realize that not everyone replies to messages so often people just reach out to test the waters.
I like all kinds of messages... anywhere from naughty make me blush to just a hello how are u... most importantly my favorite messages are respectful and a dash of humor never hurts.
*Porn clips are always welcome..
Something that suggests why the writer thinks we might have something in common or a connection. For example, a response to or question about something I've said in a thread. If I get a message with no context, I assume it is something fake and don't respond.
I think people generally like to receive messages that are positive, supportive, and personalized. Whether itā€™s a simple ā€œthinking of youā€ or a more detailed check-in, knowing that someone cares can make a big difference. Encouraging messages, funny anecdotes, or even sharing interesting news or tips can be really appreciated. Recently I had trouble with signal reception, but a 5G mobile signal booster in the UK that I found here https://www.uctel.co.uk/blog/mobile-signal-booster-reviews-for-the-uk-in-2022 was a great solution to improve my connectivity and ensure I never miss an important message.
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Recently got some nice messages from a lady masturbator. Otherwise I get messages that are very dead end.