What skills do you have that would have...

None. I would have been wolf bait. :(

How about you, Chippy??
some wolves will be lickin' their chops :p

plenty, but if we're talking ladylike gainful employment then it'd be sewing, especially embroidery. i have a very neat hand.
I can put mechanical things together, from design through development to product.

200 years ago I would’ve been in my element.

I can put mechanical things together, from design through development to product.

200 years ago I would’ve been in my element.


excellent - a man who can not only tinker but can make stuff work. this is good *nods*
As an architect, I like to think my services would have been useful in 1813, or 1613. We trace our professional pedigree back to Iktinos and Kallicrates in Periclean Athens at least.

Now, would a bastard born in the Irish Midlands have received the education and training in the 1780s? Perhaps not. But maybe I'd have found a place on a building site in Nash's London.
...kept the wolf from the door a few centuries ago?

I can sew well, so I can make myself a red hooded cape, and keep my just sharpened knife hidden. I can get close up and take my knife and with an upward action in his sternum and twist it.
I'm pretty good with a Bow and a crossbow I'd have been a good hunter.

Also all joking aside if its a skill we possess now, never underestimate the ability to read and write. Many were illiterate centuries ago.
I can catch, kill, skin and gut, and cook my own food.
Plus I almost never call anyone to help me fix stuff.... self-sufficiency is the rule.
So long as I wasn't in the era where witches got burned, I'd be fine.
You're not planning a Lit-Amish community are ya?


not so much on the amish thingy - just nosy, i guess :D it's all very well being able to programme a computer, but how what sort of transferable job-skills do we have that would have seen us not starving or freezing? my main one is adaptability. :rolleyes:
As an architect, I like to think my services would have been useful in 1813, or 1613. We trace our professional pedigree back to Iktinos and Kallicrates in Periclean Athens at least.

Now, would a bastard born in the Irish Midlands have received the education and training in the 1780s? Perhaps not. But maybe I'd have found a place on a building site in Nash's London.
ok, we'll keep you. you can work alongside bad doggie :cool:

I can sew well, so I can make myself a red hooded cape, and keep my just sharpened knife hidden. I can get close up and take my knife and with an upward action in his sternum and twist it.
ooh, i s-s-saaaayyyyyy :eek:


is vagina a skill?
depends on its training and vocational diligence :D
I'm a decent cook and a fairly competent sailor. A position on the Nina or Pinta maybe?
I'm pretty good with a Bow and a crossbow I'd have been a good hunter.

Also all joking aside if its a skill we possess now, never underestimate the ability to read and write. Many were illiterate centuries ago.
so they could use you as a guard or huntsman - bit of both, and yeah about the writing thing. that would've been pretty cool, unless they murdered you having first gotten you to write out some verwy important dockewment :devil:

I can catch, kill, skin and gut, and cook my own food.
Plus I almost never call anyone to help me fix stuff.... self-sufficiency is the rule.
So long as I wasn't in the era where witches got burned, I'd be fine.
so - poacher? :D take care, they used to cut yer hands off n stuff. they'd probably hire you in the manor house kitchens. at least it'd be warm in winter.
Depends what you can do with it.

Were there Ping-Pong balls 200 years ago, that's a neat trick.

well, there were always conkers....

I'm a decent cook and a fairly competent sailor. A position on the Nina or Pinta maybe?
any port in a storm or kitchen in a blizzard *nods*


Well in that case, I haz mad skillz. :D

I can patch fish nets. I can work at any port.
wtf is that bear doing?

mending the nets, sir

oh... carry on then.
I'm a decent shot, with either gun or bow.

And I'm smart, which helps regardless of the century.