What pissed you off today? Mark III

Letting myself get pulled into the drama gutter.
I'm ashamed of myself. 😔
And I deserve a spanking.

You know how bowling alleys have bumpers for crap bowlers like myself to keep us from ending up in the gutter? Those, but for the drama gutter.

But only after Fara delivers that spanking, obviously.
You know how bowling alleys have bumpers for crap bowlers like myself to keep us from ending up in the gutter? Those, but for the drama gutter.

But only after Fara delivers that spanking, obviously.

That's a million dollar idea!! Where can I get them?

(I'm an awesome bowler though ;) )
co-workers being disappointing, and me not being able to articulate why they were so disappointing, so I want to rant but can't.
As one such disappointing co-worker; I know why I'm disappointing but don't care enough to change it, so there's nothing my displeased co-workers can do anyway. Yours might be like that too.
That's a million dollar idea!! Where can I get them?

(I'm an awesome bowler though ;) )

I'm the one who gets a strike on the first frame and then gutters for the rest of the game.

(I dunno where to get drama gutters, but as soon as I find a source I am MADE.)

As one such disappointing co-worker; I know why I'm disappointing but don't care enough to change it, so there's nothing my displeased co-workers can do anyway. Yours might be like that too.

I don't think that's the situation here.

Short version: there's a super nice lady at work who I used to hang out and chat with before I got transferred to another team. AFAIK, she's the only Muslim and the only black-African person in that particular office.

After Christchurch attack happened, I emailed her to say so sorry, what awful news, thinking of you. I'm not the most socially aware person but even to me, it was pretty obvious that this would be frightening and distressing news for her.

She wrote back a week later to tell me I was the only person at work who'd said anything to her about it. I know some of her team-mates, they're nice people and they respect her, so I don't think it's that they don't care. My guess is they didn't know what to say, so they said nothing. Even though EVERY YEAR we have mental health awareness campaigns encouraging us to ask people "are you okay?"

I'm cranky because things like this seem to happen a lot - people love the idea of diversity, they want to be able to boast about how many staff we have from minority backgrounds, but they don't give any thought to what it means to be supportive of those people once they're here.

Like one time, somebody decided it would be great to have a "Multicultural Lunch" day where everybody brought food from their own culture and shared it around. Great idea, only... they scheduled it bang in the middle of the Ramadan fasting period. That's where we're at.

I know there are far worse places, just... my work is supposed to be better than this.
I'm the one who gets a strike on the first frame and then gutters for the rest of the game.

(I dunno where to get drama gutters, but as soon as I find a source I am MADE.)

I don't think that's the situation here.

Short version: there's a super nice lady at work who I used to hang out and chat with before I got transferred to another team. AFAIK, she's the only Muslim and the only black-African person in that particular office.

After Christchurch attack happened, I emailed her to say so sorry, what awful news, thinking of you. I'm not the most socially aware person but even to me, it was pretty obvious that this would be frightening and distressing news for her.

She wrote back a week later to tell me I was the only person at work who'd said anything to her about it. I know some of her team-mates, they're nice people and they respect her, so I don't think it's that they don't care. My guess is they didn't know what to say, so they said nothing. Even though EVERY YEAR we have mental health awareness campaigns encouraging us to ask people "are you okay?"

I'm cranky because things like this seem to happen a lot - people love the idea of diversity, they want to be able to boast about how many staff we have from minority backgrounds, but they don't give any thought to what it means to be supportive of those people once they're here.

Like one time, somebody decided it would be great to have a "Multicultural Lunch" day where everybody brought food from their own culture and shared it around. Great idea, only... they scheduled it bang in the middle of the Ramadan fasting period. That's where we're at.

I know there are far worse places, just... my work is supposed to be better than this.

I wanna be you when I grow up. :heart:
The European Central Bank sure loves to fuck with my life. :mad:

And a preemptive fuck you to the fucking Brexit, too, because I know that will also fuck with my life. :mad::mad:
Once more with a feeling: fuck you, European Central Bank! Although I guess in a way I'm impressed by how efficiently you manage to fuck over every single weekend plan I've made the past month or so.
Is this new or a continuation of the idiotic rejection of the one that suggested that men should aspire to be good people? :rolleyes:

It must be new bc I have no idea what you mean! :D I'm talking about Gillette using a plus size model in an ad and all of the internet feeling like they can 1. Have an opinion about someone else's body. 2. Make a moral judgement about that person based off their opinion.
What pissed me off today? Where do I begin? Pretty much the same thing that pisses me off every day.

Separatism, even in what are supposed to be strong communities.

People who define themselves by politics, religion, sexual preferences, or other self imposed boxes of thought; treating people not in their box like enemies.

People who race around treating everyone else with bitterness, spite, and indifference; then cry foul and play victim when it gets handed back to them.

The people who drive dangerously, ignoring any form of law, rule, or code of decorum, then are shocked when it leads to accident, injury, or death.

Oh, I could go on... But Won't.
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It must be new bc I have no idea what you mean! :D I'm talking about Gillette using a plus size model in an ad and all of the internet feeling like they can 1. Have an opinion about someone else's body. 2. Make a moral judgement about that person based off their opinion.

Oh, for fuck’s sake! I just did a search on Gillette as backlash and saw the story you described. Here’s an article on the backlash I recalled:

Many, many days these days I am ashamed to possess a Y chromosome. :rolleyes: