What pissed you off today? Mark III

My parents did the travel thing, too. I wanted to cruise by myself. Found a cruise line offering "solo" cruises (( like that much better than a "singles" cruise). Told people I was going - I was kind of proud I made big plans for myself!

A week later, my parents announced they booked the same cruise.

It worked out ok. Their room was far far away from mine. They (mostly) respected I wanted to do things alone. But it was still that sense of obligation on a trip that was supposed to be mine alone.

Will you say anything, seela?

I don't know. I feel like I should, because this has really been bumming me out, but I'm not sure how to do that. I'm not good at people.

I'll see them on Sunday, so I'll just see how that goes and how I feel after I guess. At least my SIL had stopped constantly texting me about making plans together, so that's something.

What the fuck is with people and 'videos'? It's like some kind of bad drug or infectious disease.
My step-brother finally calling to find out how his dad is doing after I message my niece (who apparently doesn't claim my dad as her grandfather :mad:) and, then, him saying that my mom should have called to tell him how bad my dad is. Except my mom has been sick, too, and he KNEW about the surgery. I want to punch him in the face. I want to punch his sister in the face for getting pissed off 30 years ago because I said "my dad" while talking to her on her first and only visit. He raised me... he IS my dad. Apparently, his step-children are the only ones who give a rip about him. If we lose him and they show up looking for "their portion", I'm going to punch them in the face. I'll let that house turn back to dust before I agree to sell and give them any portion of it. :mad:

My brother better hope he's in charge of the estate, cos I won't even bother calling them.
My government.
I'm not posting in the politics forum because it tangentially involves that nice Italian couple who used to post here.

I was just reading this article and it reminded me that my government (as well as most other European states) have not created legislation to guarantee the living status of EU citizens in the UK, and UK citizens in the EU, even though the so-called 'hard brexit' is starting to look like what we'll end up with. The run-down is that if we do end up with a 'hard brexit' that would mean all residence/migration agreements between the UK and EU become nullified, meaning that all EU citizens living in the UK (like said Italian couple) would have no legal guarantee they will not end up being deported back to their home countries, regardless of how long they've lived in the UK.

And as you can see in my governments guide on the rights of EU citizens in the event of no-deal (point 17), they are going to take the childish stance of refusing to provide a legal guarantee that EU citizens can continue to live in the UK so that they can deport any country's citizens as a retort to that hypothetical country doing the same thing. "You got rid of our citizens? Well then we'll get rid of your citizens! Hah! How do you like that?"

Fortunately Italy has actually been the adult in the room and is the only country so far to provide that legal guarantee to British people living in Italy, so E & G will almost certainly be fine as a result. But it's still unnerving that the numpties in charge are keeping the question of "hey should we deport people who have been living in this country for decades, working and paying taxes and all that?" open-ended.
My government.
I'm not posting in the politics forum because it tangentially involves that nice Italian couple who used to post here.

I was just reading this article and it reminded me that my government (as well as most other European states) have not created legislation to guarantee the living status of EU citizens in the UK, and UK citizens in the EU, even though the so-called 'hard brexit' is starting to look like what we'll end up with. The run-down is that if we do end up with a 'hard brexit' that would mean all residence/migration agreements between the UK and EU become nullified, meaning that all EU citizens living in the UK (like said Italian couple) would have no legal guarantee they will not end up being deported back to their home countries, regardless of how long they've lived in the UK.

And as you can see in my governments guide on the rights of EU citizens in the event of no-deal (point 17), they are going to take the childish stance of refusing to provide a legal guarantee that EU citizens can continue to live in the UK so that they can deport any country's citizens as a retort to that hypothetical country doing the same thing. "You got rid of our citizens? Well then we'll get rid of your citizens! Hah! How do you like that?"

Fortunately Italy has actually been the adult in the room and is the only country so far to provide that legal guarantee to British people living in Italy, so E & G will almost certainly be fine as a result. But it's still unnerving that the numpties in charge are keeping the question of "hey should we deport people who have been living in this country for decades, working and paying taxes and all that?" open-ended.

Yeah, it's so ugly and sad :-(

Somebody or other said about this kind of stuff: "the cruelty is the point". It's not just that people are making decisions badly and causing collateral damage, often it's actually about wanting to hurt others and the rest of it is just a figleaf.

WPMOT: fuckin' Nazis giving Nazi salutes and being egged on by an elected representative, in my city, and media coverage trying to both-sides it.
Wanting to post something super cunty - but knowing I'm just a little bit better than that. Ah well...
Myself. I know better than to let people get close to me. If I know what "NOT" to do, why do I keep doing it? :confused:
getting a nice PM from a Master, answering the PM with heart felt response then being told the person does not accept PM. Had me all submissive and serving and nothing.
Being screamed at on the phone for once again, failing as a human by my mom. Please note I hung up on her. I will not even stand that shit from the woman who birthed me. I have less tolerance when sick. :cattail:
Being screamed at on the phone for once again, failing as a human by my mom. Please note I hung up on her. I will not even stand that shit from the woman who birthed me. I have less tolerance when sick. :cattail:

Hugs and good thoughts going out to you

Why thank you kindly maam

Best part. She was mad at me for not getting anyone to shovel my snow. Seriously, why she was flipping out.
She once came over my house on Christmas even to tell me off because my kid had not been to the dentist in a decent amount of time. I put her out and went to bed. Ah, the fun family memories. :rolleyes:
Best part. She was mad at me for not getting anyone to shovel my snow. Seriously, why she was flipping out.
She once came over my house on Christmas even to tell me off because my kid had not been to the dentist in a decent amount of time. I put her out and went to bed. Ah, the fun family memories. :rolleyes:

Well damn. That sucks all to hell. Did you shovel your own snow?

Well damn. That sucks all to hell. Did you shovel your own snow?


Nope. I called my ex-hubby and asked for a favor. He, as normal, called his mommy. She and my mom did it. I guess at some point he showed up so as not to lose face for sending his mom to do his job... again.

I am telling you. I somehow ended up with TV characters in my life instead of real people. You just can't make this shit up!
Nope. I called my ex-hubby and asked for a favor. He, as normal, called his mommy. She and my mom did it. I guess at some point he showed up so as not to lose face for sending his mom to do his job... again.

I am telling you. I somehow ended up with TV characters in my life instead of real people. You just can't make this shit up!

That is weak. What kind shit is that? Omg.

Wish that I lived nearer

Yikes...lol. well I surely can understand the ex part. Been there to.


It is odd to look back at y past relationships and see exactly when I should have walked away but missed the big red flashing signs due to love goggles. Hence my self imposed celibacy. I need to get y head right before I jump back into that water. To many sharks.
It is odd to look back at y past relationships and see exactly when I should have walked away but missed the big red flashing signs due to love goggles. Hence my self imposed celibacy. I need to get y head right before I jump back into that water. To many sharks.

I totally get that. Its a slow conscious process. Sometimes I think I put to much emphasis on the sexual aspect of things
I totally get that. Its a slow conscious process. Sometimes I think I put to much emphasis on the sexual aspect of things

I am pretty sure that is guy thing in general. I tend to miss all the warning signs that a guy is broken in some way and skydive into that shit like it is pudding. :rolleyes:
I am pretty sure that is guy thing in general. I tend to miss all the warning signs that a guy is broken in some way and skydive into that shit like it is pudding. :rolleyes:

I thought women liked their men to sky dive into their pudding?
