What makes you feel like a true adult?

What makes you feel like you have your life together? That you are truly adulting and doing it well?

For me it’s a well organized fridge and a clean kitchen sink. A freshly scrubbed sink that smells like bleach makes me feel like I’m winning at life.
Clean sheets. Mopped floors. A fridge with condiments that are unexpired.
Being able to assist another, especially another adult.

Talking my younger coworkers through buying their first house.
Explaining how to install a ceiling fan or light fixture. Then he calls to say it works!
Helping out family when the need it (financially or emotionally or just bringing them dinner after a hard time)
Define “on time” (as I put off paying my mortgage because that number just seems too high today - maybe tomorrow - it’s not late until the 15th 😁)
I like to pay it as soon as I get the statement or the notification on my phone. If not, I will forget.😵
For me it's having done the dishes, vacuumed and washed the floors, changed the bedding, and started the wash of used bedding and it's not even my turn to do these things. Also I finally threw destroyed my fake ID now that I'm 22 and legal.