Pmann Wants to Discuss the Lit/PG Ecosystem

Lord Pmann

Mar 12, 2012
There has been some discussion about the goings ons at Lit over in the What Are You Thinking thread and how the PG seems a bit… different lately. There are definitely some differences in what people want and need on Lit, specifically the PG. We need all kinds to make this place run.

So that brings me to the ecosystem we have here on the PG. It’s unique. Quite different than, say, the GB or the Fetish forums. It’s flirtier. More lighthearted. Sometimes there are tits. Once, a butthole. There are lots of repeat threads and vanity threads.

1. What makes your experience enjoyable for you?

2. What kind of person spurs engagement?

3. What types of threads get you posting?

4. What would make Lit better right now?

For me…

1. Banter. Intelligent conversation. A thread that can make me laugh (mainly my postings).

2. Sharp wit. See #1. There are lots of different types of people here. There are some people who have like 100k posts and I’ve literally never interacted with them, because they post in threads I don’t like. Make us laugh.

I’m kind of loud and obnoxious and that turns some people off. But I like people who are a bit brazen with their posting style. Sarcasm. Snark. Thick skin (figuratively).

3. Ones that involve discussion. I don’t like the game threads. Those aren’t my cup of tea. I also like fast moving ones with banter back and forth, but I feel like those are few and far between recently. I feel like there are a small number of people who make those kinds of threads happen.

4. I always love one of those new threads that are unintentionally funny. Usually a Personals ad that is just so ridiculous and it goes horribly awry.

Let’s hear it.
There has been some discussion about the goings ons at Lit over in the What Are You Thinking thread and how the PG seems a bit… different lately. There are definitely some differences in what people want and need on Lit, specifically the PG. We need all kinds to make this place run.

So that brings me to the ecosystem we have here on the PG. It’s unique. Quite different than, say, the GB or the Fetish forums. It’s flirtier. More lighthearted. Sometimes there are tits. Once, a butthole. There are lots of repeat threads and vanity threads.

1. What makes your experience enjoyable for you?
There are many things and they can vary from day to day. Mostly when there is less drama and more happiness/friendliness going on. When you see activity where people are coming together to participate in threads or discussions etc.
2. What kind of person spurs engagement?
You do. While it took me a while to get to know you and your personality. You almost always have the ability to make threads that get people talking. Whether it be good or bad. They are almost always active.
But over all. The kinder. More welcoming person.
3. What types of threads get you posting?
Like you. I don't care much for the game threads. They are simply filled with guys trampling all over the other men to post after a woman they like to flirt with her. They seem to think they will get cooties if they simply say "no" to a guy above them or whatever the question may be. Many of those threads end up being the same person's name over and over again. The name a litster type thread. half the people just respond, "I don't know," They cannot grasp the fact that if you don't know. Just skip over that fucking question and let someone answer who does know and answer another question. It's truly not that hard. So rather than pull my hair out. I typically just don't jump into those threads. Sometimes they are fun to read though. Especially when you can learn new things about a Litster.

Question threads that involve anyone and anyone. I like these.
Threads that invite all types of personalities.
Good debates/discussions that make you think and still offer varying opinions.
Threads that don't feel like only certain people are allowed.
I think AGG makes some good threads that she tries really hard to include all and make them feel welcome.
PLP made many good threads that got people talking/interacting (even if I never felt comfortable in them)
Overall. I think those who are well liked have better success with threads.
You personally can go either way. lol. People engage because you get many people thinking and ask pretty damn good questions, but I also think some simply come into your threads because they know that they will eventually turn into drama in some way. train wreck love.

4. What would make Lit better right now?
I think many of us like a small percent of drama (especially when we aren't involved in it) But too much really brings Lit down.
On the other side of that. I think too much happiness and love ends up feeling like a barf fest.
So somewhere in the middle. But overall. I genuinely like seeing people get along and having fun with one another.
I know personally I feel better with myself when I am not getting sucked into the drama. I have no self-control so it can be easy. 😳

So, to answer. Simply that. Seeing more engaging threads, welcoming people. Happiness and friendliness.
1. What makes your experience enjoyable for you?
A wide variety of conversational topics that amuse me. Sometimes they are insightful, sometimes revealing, often joking, silly, sarcastic banter in which the unexpected will be said.
2. What kind of person spurs engagement?
Humorous, silly, sarcastic, smart asses, who are different from most and not predictable.
3. What types of threads get you posting?
I like discussions and questions. I really enjoy threads that aren’t pigeonholed into one topic. Threads that encourage back and forth conversation, humor, a variety of different posters, where it just flows and bounces from topic to topic, people to people, and if I walk away and try to guess what I will read when I come back, I’ll be wrong. I will also drop in on the general alphabet games, poster above you, or watching/listening if nothing else is going on.
4. What would make Lit better right now?

I would like there to not be a time limit between posts and replies. It slows things down when holding multiple conversations.
I would like there to not be a time limit between posts and replies. It slows things down when holding multiple conversations.

It’s hard to find that happy medium between threads that move way too quickly and threads that just drag. It makes it hard to jump into certain threads when it’s moving at lightning speed.
It’s hard to find that happy medium between threads that move way too quickly and threads that just drag. It makes it hard to jump into certain threads when it’s moving at lightning speed.
I enjoy the quick threads. It is not an issue for me as I move fast. Apparently, I just move too fast for Lit forums. Hum, I guess that is possible.
1. What makes your experience enjoyable for you?

1. Banter. Intelligent conversation. A thread that can make me laugh (mainly @lakesailer_mi's postings).
Much the same for me most days. And thanks, I think I'm pretty damn funny too. But I would add, some good friends. And not always good times. I've been through my own bad times, with friends here, and I'd like to think helped one or two through theirs, at least a little.

2. What kind of person spurs engagement?
Boobs. No wait, sorry, that's not accurate...Boobs and ass. There we go.
Intellect, wit, humor. Kindness and honesty.

3. What types of threads get you posting?
I like the word games and the ask a question type games the most. I like language and playing with words. I like cunning linguists. What can I say.

4. What would make Lit better right now?
Fewer dicks. No, I'm serious, I think your previous thread established that there are more men than women here. I did my part and stayed away for four years, and it didn't help. Time for some of these other dick's to take off. I want the Beach Boys "Surf City" ... Two girls for eeeevvvvrrrryyyyy guyyyyyyy.....(see I can sing too.)
Ok seriously, mostly just not a wonky interface.
1. What makes your experience enjoyable for you?
Occasionally I really get to help someone here, and I love being in a position to do that. Also, I have made good friends here and I do like interacting with them on threads. I have a new friend here and I’m loving the heck out of getting to know her (you know who you are! ❤️)
2. What kind of person spurs engagement?
Spurring engagement here takes many forms: posting boobs will do it, posting controversial statements, humor…the list goes on and on. I prefer humorous posts.
3. What types of threads get you posting?
It really depends on the day. I stop in several times a day, usually just to check to see if there are reports. I usually can’t spend enough time here to participate in the fast moving threads, so I either don’t post or I do a drive by posting. My favorite threads are in the chat support forum, though.
4. What would make Lit better right now?
There are a few people I would like to see return to posting. They shall remain nameless here, but I miss them.
1. What makes your experience enjoyable for you?
Boobs and butts are first and foremost. I want to be painfully clear about that. After that it gets into all that mushy stuff like intelligent banter and humor and throught-provoking matter

2. What kind of person spurs engagement?
Someone who differentiates themselves. A unique voice, an intensely hot avatar, someone who PMs me spurs some engagement, you know what I'm sayin'?

3. What types of threads get you posting?
If the commenters/comments are interesting then that's where I want to be. Also, are there tits and tushes?
4. What would make Lit better right now?
More boobs and butts. There's a small group carrying a very large load (heh)
But seriously, the only way it gets better is with more diverse individuals. Or if @Little_Sister_Kitten <--why does little_sister not show up but this does???????!?!?!?!!!! Anyway, if she comes back. People like her that stir up the hive
Drama is good. It shows the true nature of people. What isn't when people need to have the last word. They simply must be right...even though they may only be right for themselves. When drama gets really the fucking piling on shit. Say your piece...once...maybe twice...and let it go. Trust me...there is usually something else going on...or had been going on...than what the drama is about when the real shit happens and you don't have the full story. Lit is no different than real life. No matter how much people want to pretend differently.
1. What makes your experience enjoyable for you?

The people. Having friends I can banter with makes me want to keep coming back.

2. What kind of person spurs engagement?

I'm not sure. Lots of different types of people spur engagement, sometimes not for great reasons. I guess i would say the ones that are consistent and keep showing up.

3. What types of threads get you posting?

My favorites are the audio threads and the question threads. Neither seem to be very popular right now, so I've been spending most of my time in Chaos. I like that there's always people there to talk to and the thread is always moving.

4. What would make Lit better right now?

Maybe i just don't have a clear picture yet since i just came back, but it seems like Lit has died off a bit. At least most of the people and threads I were close with. If I could see anything, it would be more substance. That's what drew me in. That's what formed relationships. That's what kept me here.
Makes notes: boobs, butts, sarcasm, banter and drama good but no mention of legs or actual genitals

I like quicker moving threads with full sentences not paragraphs TBH

I’ve been gone quite a long time but there’s still banter. I miss little sister, maus ass and purr, but there’s a couple of posters I’ve got my eye on to fill the gaps.
Makes notes: boobs, butts, sarcasm, banter and drama good but no mention of legs or actual genitals

I like quicker moving threads with full sentences not paragraphs TBH

I’ve been gone quite a long time but there’s still banter. I miss little sister, maus ass and purr, but there’s a couple of posters I’ve got my eye on to fill the gaps.

Legs are not necessary. Genitals are mostly theoretical here. A boob having torso will do.

I like quickly moving threads for fun, but some move too quickly for me. I like to think before I act (that’s right, even the way I behave has thoughts put into it).
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Legs are not necessary. Genitals are mostly theoretical here. A boob having torso will do.

I like quickly moving threads for fun, but some move too quickly for me. I like to think before I act (that’s right, even the way I behave has thoughts out into it).
NTS quit posting random stockings ;)

I have a habit of having a joke conversation during the one liner threads, I always wonder if that pisses people off.

but I’m only here for fun where it’s not offensive to mention sexual activity or be a bit crass. I am unable to think before posting I don’t have that filter between brain and mouth / fingers, it should be a recognised disability
Legs are not necessary. Genitals are mostly theoretical here. A boob having torso will do.

I like quickly moving threads for fun, but some move too quickly for me. I like to think before I act (that’s right, even the way I behave has thoughts out into it).
Genitals are mostly theoretical here 😲
My mailbox so did not get that memo.
4. I always love one of those new threads that are unintentionally funny. Usually a Personals ad that is just so ridiculous and it goes horribly awry.

Let’s hear it.
so this made me have a look at personals ads and I am chuckling now
so this made me have a look at personals ads and I am chuckling now

There are some really good ones. Many of them make me wonder, “Have you ever talked to a girl?” Like, I’m not the smoothest guy out there. But if I’m ever feeling down about my abilities to not be pepper sprayed by the opposite sex, I can look in the Personals and be like, “You’re doing okay, Pmann.”

There used to be one guy… he posted a new thread every week, at a minimum. And no one ever responded because his posts were creepy AF. And maybe he got PMs from them. Who knows? But based on the fact that he was constantly posting, he never got a response. He was like a serial killer kind of guy, without all the charm.
I say this a lot but I do genuinely love interacting and bantering with people on Lit. That is enjoyable for me. I love when I find someone who likes to do the public back and forth or flirting or just being silly or whatever. That stuff just gets to me. Even better when it's someone you talk to often or know outside of the forums. It's my jam.
I say this a lot but I do genuinely love interacting and bantering with people on Lit. That is enjoyable for me. I love when I find someone who likes to do the public back and forth or flirting or just being silly or whatever. That stuff just gets to me. Even better when it's someone you talk to often or know outside of the forums. It's my jam.

If you want more banter, you should start posting better music.