What makes a POPULAR Loving Wives story?


Literotica Guru
Jun 25, 2008
I'm thinking about entering this area and I was hoping to get some pointers from other authors.

That place seems to be very inconsistent towards what they want to read, but there are a lot of readers in that category who I'd like to meet for the first time.

Tips? Advice? Warnings? Prayers?
I read an interesting How To article under the tag of writing tips or editing a few days back that addressed the LW category, as well as some of the other categories and there's at least one thread in the AH forum that addresses writing LW stories.
I'm scared to put one in that category! I suppose I will one day. I'm just afraid that even if they like my LW story, they'll start reading the rest of my crap and I will have an army of haters after me! LOL
I have two stories in LW that both did very well in ratings and comments. In my stories, the wife cheats to benefit the husband . I did get some comments, but the ratings were good too. Most readers will hardly rate a story, forget commenting, so don't go by them.
I have two stories in LW that both did very well in ratings and comments. In my stories, the wife cheats to benefit the husband . I did get some comments, but the ratings were good too. Most readers will hardly rate a story, forget commenting, so don't go by them.

On the other side of the coin, my one and only LW entry has a cheating wife caught by her husband, who then makes her watch as he fucks his secretary. In the end, the wife is sent packing and the main character marries his secretary (who was the intended "loving wife" and why I put it in that category). It's consistently had a pretty good score and, despite some of the comments, seems to be what a lot of readers wanted to read.
If you want high scores in LW you have to punish a cheating wife. Cuckold and humiliation only piss people off. Put in some humor. Nad hope the most venomous of the anonomice are sleeping that day.
I like LW tho readers are often brutal. I was surprised that my LW fans are mostly women; my stories revolve around wives fucking-over their Beta and Omega husbands, and this appeals to a segment of the female readers.
Theme of Loving Wives

I have a few dozen loving wife stories. Here are my submissions on Lit. Look through them and see if anything jumps out at you. I've had good success in LW. There are hundred of comments. I leave in both the positive and negative ones.


Hope this helps
DG Hear

What would you say your main theme would be that has the most success? I usually write about a husband with a small penis who accepts his wife's occasional infidelity as long as she loves him and sticks with him. The bull is strictly for fucking.
I'm thinking about entering this area and I was hoping to get some pointers from other authors.

Tips? Advice? Warnings? Prayers?

"If you have to ask 'Big Man' ... You can't afford it."
What would you say your main theme would be that has the most success? I usually write about a husband with a small penis who accepts his wife's occasional infidelity as long as she loves him and sticks with him. The bull is strictly for fucking.

Wife or husband cheats, spouse gets wind of it and the revenge begins. Very rarely is it accepted in my stories. The most comments come when the husband eventually thinks of taking the wife back and the readers split on that decision and began to argue with each other.

I've also had luck with real loving wife stories where there really wasn't any cheating. The suspicions were there. Get a lot of feedback on those also.

Hope this helps
DG Hear
Interesting posts everyone. I'm glad authors can learn from each other in here.

One more question: Looking through the comments on LW's, and some of the author's comments in here, do the LW readers sexually get off on these stories?

Are the sex scenes as important as the story?

I'm starting to get the feeling that most LWs readers read the stories for an actual story as opposed to sexual gratification.
What would you say your main theme would be that has the most success? I usually write about a husband with a small penis who accepts his wife's occasional infidelity as long as she loves him and sticks with him. The bull is strictly for fucking.
That might go into fetish and taboo-- I think?

Loving Wives has evolved into one of the most breathtakingly misnamed categories ever. it mostly needs to be named "Vengeful ex husbands reading to fuel their rage" as far as I can tell.
Interesting posts everyone. I'm glad authors can learn from each other in here.

One more question: Looking through the comments on LW's, and some of the author's comments in here, do the LW readers sexually get off on these stories?

Are the sex scenes as important as the story?

I'm starting to get the feeling that most LWs readers read the stories for an actual story as opposed to sexual gratification.

If you want to do well in terms of scores, you need to write one of 3 things.

1) TLW - Truly Loving Wives where there's no cheating, usually there's some idea that there might be cheating, or resisted seduction. Sex scenes preferred.

2) Non-Cheating - Consensual, agreed upon, extramarital for BOTH partners. If it's not agreed upon, not accepted by both, and both don't participate, you won't score as well. I have several very high scoring stories in this vein. This is the only one of the 3 where the sex scenes are essential.

3) BTB - She cheats, he gets revenge big time. No death, no physical retribution to the wife. This is the basic higher scoring BTB template. No sex scene required.

TLW, BTB, and Reconciliation stories are all about the story.

Reconciliation stories, usually are about the story, and have good sex scenes, but rarely score as well, due to the rabid BTB readers.

Cuck stories are usually about the humiliation and sexual gratification. Explicit sex scenes usually expected. (Abysmal scores)

Of course I'm generalizing and there are exceptions to everything. Long chapter stories, for example. You may have reconciliation, and have high intermediate scores, but expected the final chapter to tank.

Good luck - be thick skinned.
Thanks, I'm going with BTB.

It might be the most easiest to write for me. :)
If you want to do well in terms of scores, you need to write one of 3 things.

1) TLW - Truly Loving Wives where there's no cheating, usually there's some idea that there might be cheating, or resisted seduction. Sex scenes preferred.

2) Non-Cheating - Consensual, agreed upon, extramarital for BOTH partners. If it's not agreed upon, not accepted by both, and both don't participate, you won't score as well. I have several very high scoring stories in this vein. This is the only one of the 3 where the sex scenes are essential.

3) BTB - She cheats, he gets revenge big time. No death, no physical retribution to the wife. This is the basic higher scoring BTB template. No sex scene required.

TLW, BTB, and Reconciliation stories are all about the story.

Reconciliation stories, usually are about the story, and have good sex scenes, but rarely score as well, due to the rabid BTB readers.

Cuck stories are usually about the humiliation and sexual gratification. Explicit sex scenes usually expected. (Abysmal scores)

Of course I'm generalizing and there are exceptions to everything. Long chapter stories, for example. You may have reconciliation, and have high intermediate scores, but expected the final chapter to tank.

Good luck - be thick skinned.

Interesting breakdown there, Triple-T, and I think it's pretty accurate. That may explain why my LW story -- BTB as you would call it -- has done as well as it has.

I wonder, though, how many readers in the LW category actually expect to read a story about truly loving wives? I'm sure there's no real way to answer this, but given the name of the category, it makes me wonder how "Loving Wives" became a dumping ground for "That bitch! I'll show her!" or "I'm going to turn my hubbie into a panty-wearing cuckold."

When I first came to Lit back in '06, my initial assumption of LW, based on its name, was that it was almost like Romance, just without the initial seduction. A sort of "what happens during the Happily Ever After part."

Boy, was I wrong . . . :p
Hang on a second...

As an author who's first posting on Lit was in LW with a willing cuckold theme, I know exactly how vicious the comments and backlash can be. Indeed, I have several more stories which I have reworked or put into different categories for fear of inflaming the rabid Anon natives of LW that just seem to lurk waiting for a cuck story to flame.

But please answer me this?: If the intention of LW is BTB stories or TLW stories as described above, then why is the *official* Lit category description "Loving wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more"?
Who is wrong, the Anon trolls who frequent the category obviously wanting to swing (pardon the pun) the theme of the category, or Lit for mis-reading the audience and putting an inaccurate description of this category?

Either way, I want a place to put my stories, which mostly feature married/attached women (but few of which are true cuck stories).
Thanks, I'm going with BTB.

It might be the most easiest to write for me. :)

Good luck with that. The main thing to remember is that the husband does not run the wife over with his car at the end. While some commenters like the stories where the wife and her lover(s) are left in a vegetative state at the end, there will be quite a few haters.

The trick is to get revenge without being physical about it. ;)

As an author who's first posting on Lit was in LW with a willing cuckold theme, I know exactly how vicious the comments and backlash can be. Indeed, I have several more stories which I have reworked or put into different categories for fear of inflaming the rabid Anon natives of LW that just seem to lurk waiting for a cuck story to flame.

But please answer me this?: If the intention of LW is BTB stories or TLW stories as described above, then why is the *official* Lit category description "Loving wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more"?
Who is wrong, the Anon trolls who frequent the category obviously wanting to swing (pardon the pun) the theme of the category, or Lit for mis-reading the audience and putting an inaccurate description of this category?

Either way, I want a place to put my stories, which mostly feature married/attached women (but few of which are true cuck stories).

Cuckolding is essentially a Fetish, and there is a category by that name. So why not put it there? That said, I do agree that the LW sharks have no business blasting your story. If I read it, I'd very politely point you to the correct category rather than spew undeserved vitriol all over your comment board.
Cuckolding is essentially a Fetish, and there is a category by that name. So why not put it there? That said, I do agree that the LW sharks have no business blasting your story. If I read it, I'd very politely point you to the correct category rather than spew undeserved vitriol all over your comment board.

I agree with you LaRascasse. Cuckolding *is* a fetish. I also defer to your status as a far more experienced author than me.

However, I will politely query one point:
You say that cuckolding is a Fetish and it should be posted in "Fetish".
Well, I would contend that BDSM is also a fetish; should BDSM stories also be posted in "Fetish" rather than the category labelled "BDSM"? Incest is a fetish; should incest stories be posted in "Fetish" also, rather than "Incest/taboo"? And so on and so forth...I will not labor the point further. Suffice it to say that the LW category explicitly has the words "Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more" in its description. I fail to see how cuckolding is not included in these themes. Every other fetish with its own category can be published in its own category. LW seems to be the exception.
What I am essentially asking is why cuckolding must be placed in "Fetish" when it has its own defined category in the Lit listing?

Forgive me if I seem out of line. My beef is definitely not with you, but with the "sharks" (or conversely the Lit managers for not splitting LW into "sharing" and "BTB").
I agree with you LaRascasse. Cuckolding *is* a fetish. I also defer to your status as a far more experienced author than me.

However, I will politely query one point:
You say that cuckolding is a Fetish and it should be posted in "Fetish".
Well, I would contend that BDSM is also a fetish; should BDSM stories also be posted in "Fetish" rather than the category labelled "BDSM"? Incest is a fetish; should incest stories be posted in "Fetish" also, rather than "Incest/taboo"? And so on and so forth...I will not labor the point further. Suffice it to say that the LW category explicitly has the words "Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more" in its description. I fail to see how cuckolding is not included in these themes. Every other fetish with its own category can be published in its own category. LW seems to be the exception.
What I am essentially asking is why cuckolding must be placed in "Fetish" when it has its own defined category in the Lit listing?

Forgive me if I seem out of line. My beef is definitely not with you, but with the "sharks" (or conversely the Lit managers for not splitting LW into "sharing" and "BTB").

Look, friend, it comes down to simple mathematics at the end. LW is a shark-infested pool. Fetish readers tend to be much more tolerant. When you have a story which can go into both categories, why would you choose the one where you get feedback like this?

You suck, yu pthetic spinless cucy wimp asshoe. Go shoot urself inthe hed and do us all a favor (Copied this off one of LW's finest)

Ultimately, you're the author and it's your decision, but Fetish offers you a way out. I would grab it with both hands.
I posted in this category for the first time this year. I read the top stories and also read the stories that were posted by authors I already liked (TxTallTales, TxRad, DGHear, for example).

After I posted, got one-bombed within seconds, and then received death threats for being another "useless whore" writing a story with a consensual threesome, I decided to do another type of research.

The highest rated story written by a female in this category was ranked somewhere around 75 (at that time). And then the next highest ranked was over 100, if I remember correctly. That is to say, women writers are not well accepted in this category, no matter what they write.

My only suggestion to you if you want your story to at least get read and evaluated based on the merits of your creativity and writing, is to change your profile to clearly state you are MALE.

I'm not stating this because I hate men. I most certainly don't. No one should receive the degree of hate mail and threats that I received over a short piece of fiction that wasn't even inflammatory to begin with. It was a semi-true love story, even. :rolleyes:
Look, friend, it comes down to simple mathematics at the end. LW is a shark-infested pool. Fetish readers tend to be much more tolerant. When you have a story which can go into both categories, why would you choose the one where you get feedback like this?

You suck, yu pthetic spinless cucy wimp asshoe. Go shoot urself inthe hed and do us all a favor (Copied this off one of LW's finest)

Ultimately, you're the author and it's your decision, but Fetish offers you a way out. I would grab it with both hands.

lol, I love the quote you provided! That about sums it up the quality of the comments :)

I suppose I am being bull-headed about this because I don't want to be cowed by a few illiterate, bigoted readers who are out to ruin things for others. I don't want LW to be a category where people like D-Lynn get instantly down-voted to 1 star because she is a female writer who dares to write about a consensual threesome (see post between your last post and this one). I don't want the sharks to win. :(

But in the end, you are absolutely right, Rascasse. Posting in Fetish is a way out, and my own behavior proves your point. Most of my stories overlap LW, Group, Non-consent, Interracial and Fetish. Thus, I put the first story in LW, then the next 6 were in any category *other* than LW (and had >4 ratings for each one). But this is not to say I won't return to LW. I've got just the story and am itching to pull the 'submit' trigger soon. Now where was that flame-proof suit...