What is it that makes you want to chat or PM with someone

*bratcat* said:
or for that matter play on the board?

I got asked that question last night in a PM...and I had sort of a tough time answering it. I think that I am one of those devilmaycare types of flirters...I play with anyone who wants to play.

What about you?

Three references and nekkid pictures.

Someone who uses words properly and to excellent effect always catches my notice. After that would be the content. There are people with whom I don't always agree, but their words make discussions with them interesting as hell.

I'm actually the opposite, Brat. Flirters annoy me, for the most part. Someone who comes across as quiet, thoughtful and intelligent impresses me to no end.
Re: Re: Re: What is it that makes you want to chat or PM with someone

*bratcat* said:

Do they have to be good references?? And I have some nekkid pictures of my neighbour...will that do?

Yes, the must be good references. I'll call them to check. Your neighbors pets will do, no large farm animals please.
Nora said:

I'm actually the opposite, Brat. Flirters annoy me, for the most part. Someone who comes across as quiet, thoughtful and intelligent impresses me to no end.

I like you too :)
Nora said:
Someone who uses words properly and to excellent effect always catches my notice. After that would be the content. There are people with whom I don't always agree, but their words make discussions with them interesting as hell.

I'm actually the opposite, Brat. Flirters annoy me, for the most part. Someone who comes across as quiet, thoughtful and intelligent impresses me to no end.

Oops, Bluesboy2 was just trying to Pimp you to me too. I'll have to brush up on thoughtful and intelligent.
RE:What about you?

-we’d have to have been posting to each other for a bit first
-Sense Humor.
-They have something intelligent to say. Not like the theory of relativity in detail or something. Just nothing like “oohhh babee ur story was hott!”
-No creepy people.
lol! Happy Birthday yet again, Bob. *grins*

Brat? Flirty PMs from you are ALWAYS appreciated!

Coolidge...pay no attention to the guitarist in the red high-tops.

Bluesboy. You are deadmeat.
What did I do?

Nora said:
lol! Happy Birthday yet again, Bob. *grins*

Brat? Flirty PMs from you are ALWAYS appreciated!

Coolidge...pay no attention to the guitarist in the red high-tops.

Bluesboy. You are deadmeat.

*Whistles innocently*
It is a rare thing that I do.
I would say a bit of flirting, some getting to know new people, and then, if I feel comfortable enough, intelligent discourse.
I PM someone only if there post requires a private response or if the are particularly.....interesting. :devil:
on board personality, sometimes I'll comment on pics in private, but mostly they have to have a good on board personality.
Oh ok

Nora said:

*growls* STOP trying to pimp me out, li'lboy!
You had previously told me to not fix you up. Pimping is different. I need cab fare.