What is crossing your mind right now?

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I have been doing some stuff for work today while playing here. I am working on training workshops, considering what I do Lit is probably not the best place to be while preparing training materials. Then again there are certain places here that would fit in the things you should not do in this situation.

I have to keep going back over the stuff I have written to make sure I didn't put something inappropriate in the workshop material.
I was right, it's not worth the bother to try. All it's doing is leaving me frustrated and I hate that. :mad:
...le sigh. It's probably for the best.

Doesn't mean I'm happy about it, though.
I find it amusing how people wonder about outstanding pm's when they have the same just sayin *snickers*
Oh damn Mmm snickers
What is with all of you tonight....people keep sending me pm's telling me to go have sex. Do I sound that I need it that much:confused:

Well yeah I probably do and I will let him off the hook:devil:
I want this job I'm interviewing for in the worst possible way! I do not want to continue working where I'm working now...ugh :eek:
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