What is crossing your mind right now?

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Lots to do today! But, I think I am going to take my last cup of coffee out to the deck, so that I can watch the parachutes open and drift down. It's such a beautiful morning!
Lots to do today! But, I think I am going to take my last cup of coffee out to the deck, so that I can watch the parachutes open and drift down. It's such a beautiful morning!

I think one of these days I'm going to do that. Jump out of a plane into a beautiful bright sky and watch the gravity slowly drag me home.
Sounds wonderful!! I have to warn you though...I have a pile of laundry that seems to multiply no matter how much I wash.

Clothing is like bunnies....if you leave even two pieces of clothing on the laundry room floor, they mate and make three more loads of laundry.

I'm pretty sure this is happening with the hangers in my closets too.
How amazing it is to hear a certain song everytime I turn on the tv or radio. The power of a song is amazing!
Yeah I finally said no more dirty clothes down the shoot until the laundry room is cleared up. It's always the rags, a sweatshirt here, just something always laying around.
Clothing is like bunnies....if you leave even two pieces of clothing on the laundry room floor, they mate and make three more loads of laundry.

I'm pretty sure this is happening with the hangers in my closets too.

I always knew the laundry was fucked up!
Sounds wonderful!! I have to warn you though...I have a pile of laundry that seems to multiply no matter how much I wash.

Clothing is like bunnies....if you leave even two pieces of clothing on the laundry room floor, they mate and make three more loads of laundry.

I'm pretty sure this is happening with the hangers in my closets too.

Yeah I finally said no more dirty clothes down the shoot until the laundry room is cleared up. It's always the rags, a sweatshirt here, just something always laying around.

I'm tellin' ya, the end of the world is underneath a pile of laundry, and there is always a pile of laundry! So, just remember that your are doing your part in saving the world by not getting the laundry completely done!
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