What is crossing your mind right now?

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No worries there. I just need a hot shower to clear away all the cobwebs. I don't suppose you could help me with that, could you?

Ohh Ella you know how much I love feeling your body against mine under the hot spray of the shower.
wait. Miles is walking around pants-less? someone get pictures for our naughty newspaper, The Daily Playground.
I always assume that we're all posting nekkid or at least half-nekkid.
Makes for interesting reading.


Well, now I'm wondering why you wanted me to picture myself half-nekkid or fully-nekkid. I had another something crossing my mind, but you blew that one right out my ear.
I am always dressed in corset, stockings, thong, high heels and always- always either just had sex, or about to have sex or having sex while typing, or stuff. Always. Uhum.
Thank you, Mr. Predictable. :p

and here I was being all nice and trying to comfort you

I'm kind of confused anyone ever thought I did have pants on. Just goes to show you no one on the internet ever really truly knows you.
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