What is crossing your mind right now?

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That it's almost time for bed, when most of the Lit world is just getting going. :/

...is exactly whats running through my mind too. "Someone should blow those (whoever invented timezones) up..."
(WTF! channelling Kingswood Country? must be time to hit the mattress!)
Wish I could slip in and out of the wake tomorrow, without having to stop and make small talk.
These two adults who collect Cabbage Patch dolls. Put themselves in massive debt but by Go they have the largest cabbage patch kid collection. Fuck bills. Give me creepy stuffed things staring at me in the middle of the night. Things don't even blink.
These two adults who collect Cabbage Patch dolls. Put themselves in massive debt but by Go they have the largest cabbage patch kid collection. Fuck bills. Give me creepy stuffed things staring at me in the middle of the night. Things don't even blink.

Someone told me I look like a cabbage patch doll when I smile..:p Am I creepy?? :eek::D
I need to clean out my little lady's toy box to make way for her birthday presents this weekend, I also need to do this without her realising certain things have gone!
well you would be WAY more likely to wanna see some guys cock..so toss those in, mr panties and a few wackos...and there ya go.
Nah not really I like a bit of 'I wonder what's under there'. Not the 'here is my 10 inch dick I googled' :p
They should show American Chopper on the Lifetime Channel with all the drama that comes with it.
They should show American Chopper on the Lifetime Channel with all the drama that comes with it.

no no no.. it's Labor Day on Lifetime.. an entire morning of pregnancy movies
(and now you don't have to wonder how easy it was to get me to go out for the afternoon)
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