What effect did voter-ID laws have in the 2012 election?


Literotica Guru
Jul 27, 2008
]Rob Gleason may brag, but Pennsylvania's voter-ID law was not even enforced in 2012.

“We probably had a better election,” he explained. “Think about this, we cut Obama by 5 percent, which was big. A lot of people lost sight of that. He won, he beat McCain by ten percent, he only beat Romney by five percent. I think that probably voter ID had helped a bit in that.”


The law was not enforced during the 2012 elections due to an ongoing legal battle. Officials, however, were still allowed to asked for identification, a situation that resulted in confusion.

Well, it's no news that confusion is the GOP's best friend . . .

But voter-ID laws were enforced in some states. What effect did they have? Who, eligible to vote or ineligible, was turned away from the polls? Who got a provisional ballot, and which provisional ballots were discounted and which were discarded? Who was too discouraged even to show up at the polls? Have there been any studies?

From the Brennan Center for Justice:




No one cares....voting is dumb and determines shit all anyhow...it's just a warm fuzzy to keep the mass's happy.
if an ID is required to cash a welfare check...then an ID must be required to vote

try again ignorant trash man
There was massive fraud in 2012 but it was orchestrated by the Democrats and their local supporters.

There were some precincts where there were ZERO votes for Romney. Zero votes. According to exit polls over 5% of blacks voted for Romney and 27% of Hispanics, so even in a precinct without a single white voter there would have been at least a vote or two for the Mitt-ster.

Obviously there was massive fraud in favor of Obama and Democrats, but you don't hear Republicans or other people who don't support Democrats carrying on about it. They took the high road and let it go rather than whine about it or carry on.

The "sore winner" Dems continue to whine about some non-existant "unfairness" in the elections which didn't even happen and which they won anyway.
if an ID is required to cash a welfare check...then an ID must be required to vote

try again ignorant trash man

All normal countries require ID to vote. Its just common sense. Even some abnormal ones like Canada require it, and there's no major controversy.
There was massive fraud in 2012 but it was orchestrated by the Democrats and their local supporters.

There were some precincts where there were ZERO votes for Romney. Zero votes. According to exit polls over 5% of blacks voted for Romney and 27% of Hispanics, so even in a precinct without a single white voter there would have been at least a vote or two for the Mitt-ster.

Obviously there was massive fraud in favor of Obama and Democrats, but you don't hear Republicans or other people who don't support Democrats carrying on about it. They took the high road and let it go rather than whine about it or carry on.

The "sore winner" Dems continue to whine about some non-existant "unfairness" in the elections which didn't even happen and which they won anyway.

Weapons grade derpin' and sour grapes from one of Lit's premier conspiracy theorists.

Your side lost. Get over it.
Weapons grade derpin' and sour grapes from one of Lit's premier conspiracy theorists.

Your side lost. Get over it.

Why don't you take your John Wayne AV and move to the land where you think freedom lives - Canada. Don't forget to get an ID so you can vote up there though.

John Wayne AV what a laugh. The Duke would have pounded you in to the ground, then kicked the dirt over the top of you puny little head.
John Wayne AV what a laugh. The Duke would have pounded you in to the ground, then kicked the dirt over the top of you puny little head.

That, if true, reflects better on RobDownSouth than it does on John Wayne, or on you, asshole.
All normal countries require ID to vote. Its just common sense. Even some abnormal ones like Canada require it, and there's no major controversy.

Most normal countries have national ID standards, independent election apparatus and a centralized, automatic voter roll. Fix that quagmire of an election system of yours, and then we can talk ID.
No one cares....voting is dumb and determines shit all anyhow...it's just a warm fuzzy to keep the mass's happy.

Right you are.

Every election is a choice tween THE BIG OL GOODUNS and THE GOOD OL BIGGUNS.
Why don't you take your John Wayne AV and move to the land where you think freedom lives - Canada. Don't forget to get an ID so you can vote up there though.

John Wayne AV what a laugh. The Duke would have pounded you in to the ground, then kicked the dirt over the top of you puny little head.
LOL U mad, bro?
You do realize the "Duke" was just an actor, right?
Why don't you take your John Wayne AV and move to the land where you think freedom lives - Canada. Don't forget to get an ID so you can vote up there though.

John Wayne AV what a laugh. The Duke would have pounded you in to the ground, then kicked the dirt over the top of you puny little head.

You seem very sensitive today about things.

Has a certain monthly visitor arrived?
What he means to say is that Democrats orchestrated the prodding of the GOP into announcing their intent to rig the election with torn up ballots, long ballot box lines, voter ID laws, and targeting minorities for discriminatory voter de-registration. When the poor put-upon GOP took the bait, Democrats used their threats to mobilize a massive get out the vote drive.

Renard Ruse is onto your tricks, man!
Most normal countries have national ID standards, independent election apparatus and a centralized, automatic voter roll. Fix that quagmire of an election system of yours, and then we can talk ID.

Now you're talking sense.

That won't do. Where the fuck do you think you're posting?
There was massive fraud in 2012 but it was orchestrated by the Democrats and their local supporters.

There were some precincts where there were ZERO votes for Romney. Zero votes. According to exit polls over 5% of blacks voted for Romney and 27% of Hispanics, so even in a precinct without a single white voter there would have been at least a vote or two for the Mitt-ster.

Obviously there was massive fraud in favor of Obama and Democrats, but you don't hear Republicans or other people who don't support Democrats carrying on about it. They took the high road and let it go rather than whine about it or carry on.

The "sore winner" Dems continue to whine about some non-existant "unfairness" in the elections which didn't even happen and which they won anyway.

Actually, you have no proof. The only REAL voter fraud was done by the GOP.

GOP Voter Fraud Accusations Suddenly Blowing Up In Their Faces

Posted: 10/25/2012 10:04 am EDT | Updated: 06/26/2013 7:06 pm EDT

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GOP Voter Fraud








Republican officials, who have used hysteria about alleged voter fraud as an excuse to support measures that disproportionately block Democratic voters, are furiously trying to distance themselves from a growing number of GOP voter registration drives that either submitted false applications or threw away authentic ones.

The incidents might have been overlooked if not for the GOP's clamorous campaign to restrict registration drives, purge voter rolls, roll back early voting, and pass voter ID laws that opponents point out have the effect of depressing the vote among minorities, the poor and other generally Democratic constituencies.

As one Southern California alt-weekly put it, it's turning into a story of "The Wolf Who Cried Wolf."

The latest drama began to unfold on Oct. 17, when the manager of a Tuesday Morning discount store in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley saw a man throwing a garbage bag into the store's private dumpster. Inside the bag was a file folder containing eight completed Virginia voter registration forms.

The manager described the man to Rockingham County sheriff's deputies, who the following day arrested Colin Small, 23, a voter registration drive contractor for the Virginia GOP -- and charged him with eight felonies and five misdemeanors related to the destruction and disclosure of the applications and obstruction of justice.

A few weeks earlier, the GOP had been under fire following reports of suspicious registration applications that had been submitted in 10 Florida counties by a company run by Nathan Sproul, a Republican operative who has long been trailed by allegations of voter fraud. The Republican Party paid Sproul's company, Strategic Allied Consulting, about $3 million this year for registration drives in five swing states: Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, and Virginia.

In Palm Beach County, Fla., alone, about 100 questionable voter registrations were flagged, more than half of which involved changing a voter’s party affiliation to Republican or independent. Discrepancies were also found in North Carolina.

And a viral video uploaded to YouTube in late September showed a young woman who worked for Strategic Allied Consulting registering voters in Colorado and admitting that she was only looking for Republicans. "Well, I'm actually trying to register people for a particular party. Because we're out here in support of Romney, actually," the woman said.

Given Sproul's history, it could hardly have come as a surprise to his GOP employers that his canvassers would generate spurious applications.

And yet, because every bit of the process of voting has now become so politically supercharged, once the allegations of voter registration fraud became public, the Republican National Committee and its state chapters quickly severed their ties with Sproul.

"We've made it clear we're not doing business with these guys anymore," Sean Spicer, the RNC communications director, told Michael Isikoff of NBC News. "We've come out pretty strong against this kind of stuff -- and we have zero tolerance for this."

As for Small, who was first hired by Sproul's group, the RNC this week simultaneously denied he was working directly for them and announced that he'd been fired.

On Friday, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus told HuffPost's Amanda Terkel: "If it's true, the guy should be punished. He was fired, and he should have been fired. There's no tolerance for this stuff."

Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins released a statement saying Small's actions were "a direct contradiction of both his training and explicit instructions given to him."

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, by contrast, issued her own statement, calling Small's arrest just another example of "a concerted effort by the RNC and its allies to win the game by rigging it altogether."

And three Democratic congressmen from Virginia on Tuesday sent a letter to the Justice Department requesting "a multi-state investigation to determine if a pattern of voting registration irregularities related to Strategic Allied Consulting are connected and constitute a broader conspiracy of voter registration fraud."

The frequency of allegations "would seem to suggest something more than the isolated acts of 'a few bad apples,'" they wrote.

Voter registration fraud is different, way more common and considerably less threatening to democracy than actual voter fraud. Registering Mickey Mouse to vote is easy, and a far cry from actually casting a fraudulent ballot.

The main reason voter registration fraud is so common is that canvassers are sometimes rewarded based on how many applications they submit -- which can incentivize padding. That's what happened fairly frequently with Acorn, the community group that Republicans demonized as a fraud factory after it successfully registered over a million mostly inner-city residents before the 2008 election -- with some imaginary and dead people mixed in.

Priebus himself recently cited the example of Acorn to support his argument that "Democrats know they benefit from election fraud."

But Acorn, unlike Strategic Allied Consulting, actually self-reported its canvassers' suspicious applications -- which it was legally obligated to submit nonetheless. The ones from Sproul's groups, on the other hand, were spotted by election officials.

And the Colorado video, combined with the fact that the suspicious Palm Beach applications featured so many party switches, suggest that Sproul's group might have added a new wrinkle: rewarding its canvassers for applications from Republicans or independents, but not from Democrats.

What none of that explains, however, is what might have motivated Small -- who, after all, didn't submit fraudulent applications; he's charged with throwing out legitimate ones.

Because Virginia doesn't register people by party, "it's not possible to tell a party affiliation just by looking at the voter registration form," said state board of elections spokeswoman Nikki Sheridan, ruling out one potential answer.

The eight applicants varied in age, and the rural area where they live is overwhelming white, ruling out two more.

So as it turns out, although county officials won't confirm it on the record, the most likely possibility may be that Small was throwing the applications away because he'd waited longer than the statutory 15 days after he collected them to turn them in, and was afraid of getting in trouble.

Virginia's guidelines for voter registration drives clearly state that failure to turn in completed applications within 15 days can lead to prosecution for a misdemeanor.

Small, although he was released from jail not long after his arrest, could not be reached for comment.

Sheridan, from the state board of elections, said that the eight applications found in the dumpster were processed by local officials that same day.

As it turned out, three of the applicants were already registered, and one was rejected on account of a felony conviction. But four of them will now be newly on the voter rolls in November.

Looks like you got owned.

I am in favor of keeping blacks from voting. They have the mental age of minors so they should not be allowed to vote.

The United States would be a better country without them. They would be lost without us. There would be no one to pay their welfare checks.
North Carolina is about to pass the biggest voter suppression legislation of any state:

- No more registering high school seniors at school

- No more pre-registration of teenagers approaching voting age.

- No more satellite polls for the disabled

- Reducing early voting

- The state Bureau of Motor Vehicles will no longer assist people in changing their polling place when they renew their driver's license.

- No more same day voter registration


But hey, the cap on campaign contributions was raised so that wealthy people and corporations can have more influence. The Republican Party ladies and gentlemen: the party of voter suppression and undemocratic corruption in electoral politics.