What does the H (for hot) next to a story title mean?

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I've just submitted my first work and it seems to be getting a pretty good response. I've noticed an H symbol has appeared next to my story's title on the site. What exactly does that mean? I know it stands for hot but how did I get it?
When you've more than ten votes and the score is 4.5 or higher, your story is considered "hot".

Unfortunately the red H can make the story a target for trolls who leave very low votes, or people who come to the story because it is marked 'Hot' and then disagree.

Other markings can be E for Editor's Choice which means that one person, the reviewer, liked it; and W the story won, or was placed in a Literotica story competition; and for a short time N for New Story.
Unfortunately the red H can make the story a target for trolls who leave very low votes, or people who come to the story because it is marked 'Hot' and then disagree.

Other markings can be E for Editor's Choice which means that one person, the reviewer, liked it; and W the story won, or was placed in a Literotica story competition; and for a short time N for New Story.

Is there a guide for what these symbols mean? I've been looking for one but have yet to find it.
Unfortunately the red H can make the story a target for trolls who leave very low votes, or people who come to the story because it is marked 'Hot' and then disagree.

If it's rating well enough to get a 'H' those low votes will probably be deleted in sweeps, although that may take a few weeks.
I just like to write. :eek: The numbers and letters shouldn't matter.
That is the right attitude to have! Writing should be your joy! Frankly, I think people will give a low rating to a well-written story out of resentment and envy because they don't have the talent to pull that off.

I believe this is currently happening to me. My story has plummeted to 4.25 stars. I know it's a good one, as I've sold several copies of it through an online booksite. Those numbers aren't lying. Trolls are everywhere, even on Literotica.
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