what do men really think about chubby girls...


Feb 28, 2003
hi everyone.... i find myself in deep introspective thought today and decided instead of just wondering i would ask all my friends here.... so here goes. in the real world of sex, (not the macho brain stuff of a perfect world) what do men really think about chubby girls bodies? i'm talking maybe 30 to 40 pounds overweight. is the feel of a slightly more rounded tummy, thigh, breast really repulsive? society tells us that if we don't have a reed thin body that somehow we're lacking.... is that true? i know body size isn't supposed to matter but let's face it, society and the movies make it seem like it does. so, all you experts, i need to hear those opinions. thanks.

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Chubby isn't bad

Don't worry about what people will think about you if you are 30-40 pounds over ideal weight. In the first place, it doesn't matter much in the "real world", as opposed to the idealized, salad and airbrush tv and poster world. Secondly, worrying can cause you to be hesitant and not the confident, outgoing person you should be. Since you are now single, get out there among the princes, perverts and plodders and see what develops- you won't be disappointed. If anyone doesn't like you because of your weight, it's their loss. There is no such thing as an unattractive woman, when you get to know them.
It all depends on all the people involved. Personally I don't mind a few pounds overweight ("pudgy" is the word that comes to mind), but I don't like obesity. Some men do like fat chicks preferentially though. I tend to like slim girls the best myself - tall and thin girls with A or B cups (I don't much like big tits), but I can be turned on by pudgy girls too, and I dated one for 2+ years (interestingly, she is the only one I still like).

I can say this with certainty: if a man has your clothes off and still wants to fuck you then he is not repulsed by you. If he has seen you period - clothed or unclothed - and he is still interested, then there is a 99% chance that the weight will not be an issue when you're naked. It's not like you can hide your weight perfectly -even if you can a little. He knows.

Let the man's interest be your guide. Whatever you do, don't ruin a good time by getting self conscious in the heat of the moment. If it gets that far then you have nothing to worry about.
Are you nuts

Your ex husband should be shot. How dare he make you feel inadequate because he no longer was confortable with the situation he was in. If he wanted out he should have said so instead of making you feel as miserable as he was. You really want to know the secret to being a little overweight and have men not care about it? Accentuate your other features. Men don't just look at the body. They see the face, the personality, the attitude. I useto think all men were just looking for a hot body and that's it. I found out that it wasn't true. True, some men want a really hot body, but how many hot bodies do you think come with brains, humor, personality, charm, caring, compassion, and above all no emotional baggage? Very few. There are men out there who like slightly overweight girls because they don't have to treat them like china dolls-one wrong move and her rib breaks. Also Sex is a lot more fun when you can playfully wrestle! Do you really think after sex a man can really fall asleep on top of a skinny girl? No way.
You have to learn that you are worth dating no matter how you look. He has to love you for you, not what you look like-otherwise once the pounds come back you will find yourself in the same boat you are in now. Don't give up just because you ran into one asshole.:heart:
Well, personally,I don't base my attractions on any TYPE of girl. The most attractive thing to me about a woman is when she finds herself sexy. Being sexy is not determined by a body-fat ratio, it comes from confidence and comfort with one's sexuality..... that's what turns me on, anyway.....
Big person - Big Heart

I have found slightly larger women to be more vibrant, fun loving, and warm. I could never understand why all professional models look like matchsticks. And the old saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder surely fits.
Judge the person by their heart, their personality, their mannerisms and how they fit your desires.
If they give all to you, give all of you to them.
Being a chubby, pudgy, heavy, big, BBW, hell lets be real here a fat chick who has been single for a few years I have a little bit to add here. Typically when I go out with my friends, who all happen to be skinny as hell and gorgeous, men usually hit on on them not me. Is it because of my weight? Hell yeah, do I care? Hell no. I know I am a beautiful woman and that is what matters. Yes society has warped us into thinking we have to be wafer thin and I do think that is what the majority of men want. They have been conditioned to want it. There are plenty of men though that appreciate a big woman also. I do get my fair share of attention and I appreciate it when I get it. And to be honest it is nice not having men paw at me all the time like they do my friends.

Two years ago I had little or no self confidence and not one man ever approached me. Now I am confident and men do approach me. So I think that it is all about how you project yourself. If you are a beautiful woman on the inside then no matter you weight you are beautiful on the outside.

The ironic thing is when it comes to the bedroom and getting naked for a man I am the only one in my group of friends that is completely comfortable. My skinny friends have more hang ups about thier body than I do. I believe if a man takes the time to approach me, call me, take me out, whatever then they must be interested in all of me.

So learn to love your body for what it is. If you want to lose weight for you health that is great. I am doing the same but love yourself now as much as you will when you lose the weight.

Good luck and if you need a little encouragement on the weight loss process pm me.

There are also a couple of threads on the Playground for BBW. I know the one is called BBW's and their admirers You could check these out too.

Welcome to Lit :rose:

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I will put in my two cents

I like bigger girls...obese no, but i cant stand skinny girls. I like meat not bones i have never been with a girl whos ribs showed and never want to. A belly on a woman to me is sexy and a butt should have more to it than my little butt..Bigger girls are nicer and friendlier which in the long run is the most important thing. Skinny girls tend to be snotty and hung up on themselves, i have made the choice to stay with bigger girls and i belive i am better off for it. Your husband is an idiot and will end up unhappier than he was.

I just had to stop by and add my 2 cents worth. I prefer women with flesh on their bodies. Having said that, there is a difference between curvy and fat. I am sort of weird though to start with. I prefer ladies who are shorter than average with extra curves. I think women should be soft and not hard like some women body builders. I'm also not fond of women who look like skeletons with skin stretched over their bones.
I think it's criminal what clothing companies and modeling agencies are doing to the self image of young girls all over the world. For gods sake let people be people and live their lives. Especially children. Girls that are 10 and 12 years old dieting to be thin!!?? And we see way too damn much of that these days.
Oops I better get down off this soap box. Have a good day, and if you ever find yourself in Oregon give a me a look up.

Super Dave
Personally the thing that i find sexy in a woman is her wit. A smart, witty woman can get me goin anyday.
I think Shescurious put it better than I can all I know is if you can feel comfortable with yourself your confidence will grow and you will blossom welcome to Lit madam
Greetings Bachlum Chaam:rose:
the true question is do you love your self if you do who cares what other people think your ex is a idiot in my own words you sound like a real woman not a twig like women think they need to be to be loved.
How is it possible I've never heard of anyone in this thread?

Did it get moved from somewheres else?
As you'll no doubt notice, Lit is filled with men and women who are more interested in inner beauty than outer...and who see physical beauty in a much more normal and wider range than Hollywood does. We like our women real, whatever size they are, and it never hurts if they are horny and enthusiastic!!
Marxist said:
How is it possible I've never heard of anyone in this thread?

Did it get moved from somewheres else?

LOL was just thinking that myself.

Welcome to the GB everybody. Please keep your seatbelts fastened in the event we encounter any of the usual turbulence. (There's a lot of wind around here.)
Marxist said:
How is it possible I've never heard of anyone in this thread?

Did it get moved from somewheres else?
recent refugees from the playground i would venture to say
People say i`m not chubby i think they`re just being polite the fact is i`m barely 5`6 and i weight 143 lbs it maybe more since last Christmas, some guys like a little meat thats a fact but when comes to it i think guys like average than chubby especially the well built guys, eveytime i get close to a guy that is in shape he wouldn`t look at me twice
I've posted on this subject before and gotten into trouble, but maybe people have mellowed a little.

What do I think? It depends. I personally prefer a rounded woman, but I do have that genetic and cultural programming that says I am only phsyically attracted to a woman who has an hourglass shape. That doesn't mean super model skinny - just the opposite as many super models seem to have little shape. It mean that at either extreme, either low weight or obesity, when a woman loses that hour glass shape then they cease to be physically attractive to me. Anywhere in between is usually fine by me.
Re: I will put in my two cents

symplesimon said:
I like bigger girls...obese no, but i cant stand skinny girls. I like meat not bones i have never been with a girl whos ribs showed and never want to. A belly on a woman to me is sexy and a butt should have more to it than my little butt..Bigger girls are nicer and friendlier which in the long run is the most important thing. Skinny girls tend to be snotty and hung up on themselves, i have made the choice to stay with bigger girls and i belive i am better off for it. Your husband is an idiot and will end up unhappier than he was.

Wait a second there. Body type has little to do with personality traits. As a lady who is a former skinny and is if now not exactly ample, certainly well padded, I think I can speak for at least my own perspective on this. When I was model thin I know I wasn't snotty or hung up on myself. I am just the same person on the inside then as I am now. Friendly, funny, loving, smart, cynical. The outer package has changed, but the core of my personality certainly hasn't. Your physical preference is for heavier girls, thats fine, but don't diss the world of skinnys out there by attributing negative persoanilty traits to body type... okay off my soap box.
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Marxist said:
How is it possible I've never heard of anyone in this thread?

Did it get moved from somewheres else?

I was just thinking the same thing...

It is truly a matter of confidence.
And it seems the farther a man is from a "perfect body", the more he demands the woman embody his ideal. We all have our preferences for body style. Love and live in your body, and that will make you sexy.

My now ex-husband used to tell me no one would ever love me or find me attractive. Years later, he admitted he always thought I was the most beautiful, sexy woman alive, but had degraded me at the time so I wouldn't leave him. His plan back fired.
aw too much emphasis on idealized self

down under the external

thats where the light is

"standing in line to see the show tonite
and theres a light on...heavy glow..."

dig yourself
dig it?

puns not intended BTW
accidental as usual...;)
Marxist said:
How is it possible I've never heard of anyone in this thread?

Did it get moved from somewheres else?

I'm wondering if it perhaps started in the BDSM board and got moderated for being off-topic.
Marxist said:
How is it possible I've never heard of anyone in this thread?

Did it get moved from somewheres else?
I bet it was moved from How To. Questions get posed over there that are more for general discussion rather than actual query into how to do something/someone.

To answer the question, I've seen women of the same size and build get completely different responses from men. If a woman is confortable in her body, others will be comfortable around her. If a woman is not, then people will not gravitate to her.
HotxXxReader said:
People say i`m not chubby i think they`re just being polite the fact is i`m barely 5`6 and i weight 143 lbs it maybe more since last Christmas, some guys like a little meat thats a fact but when comes to it i think guys like average than chubby especially the well built guys, eveytime i get close to a guy that is in shape he wouldn`t look at me twice
If that is you in your av then I would say you are not chubby - you seem to have a very nice shape from what I can see.

Do guys like average? Yes - many people who study the science of beauty say that is the definition of beauty; average looks.