What did you accomplish today?

So you sat in the bathroom alone all day? No food? No other people? Nothing but water to drink? I could leave the tee shirt in the closet and it would still find stains.

The is the same tee shirt I wore while having my coffee this morning, drank cranberry juice later in the day, ate a salad with dressing, AND applied lip gloss. I dared the Gods, and I’m winning. ;)
The is the same tee shirt I wore while having my coffee this morning, drank cranberry juice later in the day, ate a salad with dressing, AND applied lip gloss. I dared the Gods, and I’m winning. ;)

I hope you bought lottery tickets with that kind of luck you'd win.
1) i opened my eyes
2) made a cuppa
3) fed the cat

it's all go this morning..........now taking said cuppa and going back to bed
- Few hours this morning in my studio.
- A successful first attempt at spicy shrimp California rolls. That sticky rice doesn’t have anything on me!
- I looked in the laundry room and made note that clothes should be washed. Tomorrow I’ll reevaluate the situation.
- Found the match to one of my Baldga sock. It’s been lost for a week or so.
- A stop at the grocery store, I’ve got a circus kinda day tomorrow.
- 28.5 miles of a tabada workout on the spinning bike.
- Few hours this morning in my studio.
- A successful first attempt at spicy shrimp California rolls. That sticky rice doesn’t have anything on me!
- I looked in the laundry room and made note that clothes should be washed. Tomorrow I’ll reevaluate the situation.
- Found the match to one of my Baldga sock. It’s been lost for a week or so.
- A stop at the grocery store, I’ve got a circus kinda day tomorrow.
- 28.5 miles of a tabada workout on the spinning bike.

Over achiever
I worked 12 hours today...and then did almost 2 hours at the lacrosse field watching the boy play...

That's enough for today.
Was forced to quit my job, scramble to set up an interview for another one tomorrow morning, had a near stroke-level panic attack and total crying freak-out meltdown, took a nap, got up, filled out an online application to the one job, sent a resignation email to the other. Lose my phone at midnight...but I think I'll be ok.
Chapter framework laid out...characters developed and some background work done. And a few chats with beautiful people today.
Tuff one....

Suited up here for my 8 mile bike ride. It will be too hot by 11 to head out.
that sock find....

- Few hours this morning in my studio.
- A successful first attempt at spicy shrimp California rolls. That sticky rice doesn’t have anything on me!
- I looked in the laundry room and made note that clothes should be washed. Tomorrow I’ll reevaluate the situation.
- Found the match to one of my Baldga sock. It’s been lost for a week or so.
- A stop at the grocery store, I’ve got a circus kinda day tomorrow.
- 28.5 miles of a tabada workout on the spinning bike.

Made the whole day great!
I've been dragging myself through the day for the last couple of weeks. This morning I loaded the dishwasher, folded a load of laundry, and got my walk in all before work.
So far, I woke up. And since I lucked out and have two days off in a row, I will do everything I put off yesterday. A sale at Bath and Body Works is more important than housework. 😀
I deleted eight pages of Messages.

Which are different than messages, if you know what I mean.

Goodbye, Professor! Goodbye, Gypsy King!

Whew! Shoulda done that a while ago.
I fixed a sprinkler in the front yard all by myself!! (I did TONS of other stuff, but I'm pretty damn proud of that one :) )