Do You Believe in Magic? (closed)

Kayne opened his eyes when he felt arms close around him. He saw Tracy's teal hair, and moved his arms to hug her back, or at least...he tried to. He tried to look down to see if his arms were bound or tied down, but found himself unable to do that either. In fact, he couldn't move anything, not even lift a finger of shift his foot to the side. He could feel though, feel the arms that had briefly held him, and feel the press of her fingers that she pressed to his lips.

While the inability to move was indeed unsettling, it faded into the back of Kayne's mind when he saw Tracy hike up her skirt and press her naked pussy against the tip of his cock. He felt the heat, the wetness, and the pressure of her movements, and even smelled her arousal, but still couldn't move, no matter how much he wanted to.

Kayne strained against the invisible bonds, desperate to participate. He heard her the words of the needy young woman, and if he'd been in any other profession he might have been worried. Here though, he understood. He knew what she'd seen, some of it at least, felt how aroused she had been, and still was. He heard her loud and shameless moans as she rocked herself back and forth on him. He knew what she wanted, and he wanted to help her! He was trapped though, able to see, hear, smell, and even feel everything she did. Taste was the only sense that was missing, making him wish that he could flick his tongue across his lips to see if he could taste her lipstick. His tongue and mouth were frozen just like the rest of him though. He could feel the pleasure of her actions too, even if his cock couldn't twitch or jerk in response to what she was doing.

Hearing Tracy literally beg for him added a whole new level to the pleasure that Kayne felt. Her cunt was so hot, wet, and needy, her juices dripping down his cock, weaving this way and that with the veins that stuck out so prominently. He'd of course heard the vibrator, and found himself willing the girl to come, glad that she at least had that tool and toy to help, since he clearly couldn't. He tried to groan in dismay along with her when he heard the toy sputter and stop. He could only watch helplessly as the girl smacked it with her hand a couple of times, bringing it back to life for but a moment before dying once more.

The vulgar word coming out of Tracy's mouth in that moment caught Kayne off guard. You don't normally expect such things from a girl as shy as she clearly normally is. It truly reflected her frustration at the situation. He knew how fragile an orgasm was, especially for a woman, and no matter how close you were, it was never easy to get back to that point after it tapered off. Still, he watched as the girl redoubled her efforts, rapidly rubbing her clit as she continued to press her pussy against the head of his cock.

Tracy was whimpering with pleasure and need, even as she put a voice to her frustrations, telling Kayne that this was the second time she'd tried to masturbate today and had a hard time of it. He found himself desperately wishing once more that he could help her, not wanting to see her efforts be in vein, especially when the new problem arose. Even with the strange force binding him, he knew the problem she was having. Her sopping wet pussy had made the head of his cock just as wet, making it that much harder to get the necessary friction to achieve her goal, especially with a partner that couldn't participate, and doubly so when the size disparity was so large. So she couldn't fuck him, and was having a hard time finding the right position and angle to properly hump him.

The words that Tracy spoke shouldn't have caught Kayne as off guard as they did. With the troubles she'd had and with her pussy straddling his cock once more, he pleaded the same thing. He wished with every fiber of his being that he could move, even if it was just to push his cock into or at least against the swollen and weeping pussy that desperately craved for it.

With the other options having failed the girl, she naturally resorted to humping his cock, splaying the lips of her cunt wide to get as much contact as she could. The position wasn't an easy one, especially when she rocked her hips to try and press her clit against his shaft at the same time. He wished, pleaded, and prayed for the girl, even as her body humped and bounced against him. Her breasts slipped free of her top as she all but screamed his name, her diamond hard nipples only adding to his own agony as he wanted to feast on them. Her whine of pleasure pulled his attention back to her. He knew she was close, and her desperate cussing made it that much clearer, as did the use of his name, this time shamelessly begging him to fuck her!

The sudden sound of the alarm blaring at that exact moment would have made Kayne jump if he'd been able to. It didn't quite have as much of a reaction on Tracy, but between the meaning of the alarm and her growing fatigue, he knew the poor girl was going to be left wanting again. The fates truly seemed to be conspiring against her, especially since the object of her clear obsession was somehow here with her the whole time, but also somehow unable to participate. He could only watch as she stopped moving and pulled away from him. Even as he saw the tears of frustration work their way down her cheeks, he couldn't help but think of how pretty she looked covered in a light sheen of sweat, especially knowing how that sweat had been worked up. Her face was flushed and red, just like her upper chest, with her poor diamond-hard nipples being as equally unattended to as her pussy was.

Kayne started awake the second Tracy disappeared into nothingness in his dream, making him wonder what the fuck had just happened. He was drenched with sweat, but a familiar smell told him that that wasn't all that he was drenched with. He pulled back the sheets to see that he'd ejaculated at least once at some point during that...dream? He wasn't sure to call it. It had felt real, every bit of it, and he could remember it, which was untrue of any other dream he'd ever had. So if it wasn't a dream and it wasn't real, because it couldn't be real, right? Then what was it? Was it some sort of vision or premonition?

With no answers and no way to get answers, Kayne just resigned himself to staying awake, knowing that he'd never be able to fall back asleep after what he'd just experienced. So he got up, showered, changed into a comfortable pair of boxers, shorts, and a t-shirt, before leaving the room and heading to Rebecca's house, making only one stop to pick up a couple small bottles of white wine. He wasn't sure if he would need the alcohol to help calm his nerves or give him courage, but it couldn't hurt to have on hand either way!
Rebecca's house was located in a fairly decent neighborhood, and it looked like most of the other houses on the street. It was a moderate-sized house but single-storied with plain, white siding, and a black, shingled roof. It was neither fancy nor was it cheap or in poor condition. Perfectly average would be a good way to describe it. Kayne's ringing the doorbell would have him waiting outside for only a minute before Rebecca answered. She was no longer dressed in her more formal, conservative professor wear but much more casually. She wore a loose, white V-neck shirt which looked like it had various colorful paints splattered over it and a pair of tight, form-fitting black shorts - like the kind one might work-out in. It seemed to draw attention to the curve of her ass. It was immediately clear she wasn't wearing a bra because an outline of her nipples, already a bit hard it seemed, could be seen poking through the fabric of the shirt. She held in her hand a wine glass filled with white wine and greeted Kayne with a brief up-and-down glance and a warm smile.

"Welcome to my humble abode - please come inside." She opened the door wider for him and beckoned him inside her home with a wave of her hand. Once he was inside, she shut the door, set down her glass of wine on a nearby accent table, and wrapped her arms around him for a brief hug in greeting, pressing her body in close. She pulled away and picked up her glass of white wine, leading Kayne from the entrance way into the living room - her hips sashaying along the way.

The living room was a fair size, carpeted, with a navy blue two-seated loveseat and an armchair set in front of a flatscreen TV on an entertainment table. There was a bookshelf filled with books nearby and the occasional shelves with knickknacks and picture frames. Everything was, of course, tastefully and well-decorated - there were also some paintings (she had painted herself) hanging up in the living room.

"You can sit down if you'd like." She gestured towards the loveseat and armchair. "I see you brought some wine. That's very sweet of you, Kayne; though-" She held up her own glass of wine, then took a sip from it. "My wine cabinet is well-stocked, I assure you."

She chuckled a little at that, then made herself comfortable on the loveseat herself. "I'm sure Tracy will be along shortly. I've never known her to be late to even one of my classes, and I can't imagine she'll be late here unless she gets a case of nerves."

She took another sip of her wine.

"I'm so glad you decided to agree to my little proposal. I wasn't entirely sure that you would - I know the idea is quite a bit radical, but I'm feeling very confident we can accomplish it with great success."

She shot a dazzling grin in his direction. "Besides that, I was hoping we could get to catch up, anyway. It's been so long since we've seen each other in person. I know your schedule keeps you so busy."

She leaned forward, giving him a nice view of her cleavage. "Tell me - what's new in the life of Kayne?"
It was always a little awkward driving up to a place you'd never been before, especially when you rang the bell and were waiting for the person to answer the door. You were naturally 99% right that you were in the right place, but there was always that chance that a complete stranger would open the door, making you look like a fool.

Kayne was happy to see that it was Rebecca who opened the door, and though he'd tried not to, he did give her a quick once over, seeing the well-worn greyish white shirt with it's fair share of paint stains and the form-fitting black pants. He tried to not let his gaze linger too long on the hard nipples that he could see poking through the thing and comfortable fabric as he smiled, thanked her, and stepped inside.

The hug that Rebecca gave Kayne surprised him, if only a little, while also feeling a little embarrassed that he couldn't properly hug her back with wine-filled nondescript brown bags in each hand. His cock twitched a little in it's tighter-than-normal confined when he felt her hard nipples against his chest, but he hoped that she didn't notice.

Speaking of notice, it was of course impossible for Kayne to not notice the way Rebecca's hips sashayed as she led him to the living room and how the form-fitting pants did just that, accentuating both her hips and her ass. His cock twitched again, and his only recourse was to bring one of the bags holding a wine bottle in front of his crotch as he followed after her. Things only got worse for him when he saw her gesture towards both an armchair and a loveseat for sitting options before taking a seat on the loveseat. She likely hadn't intended for it to feel like a test, but in a way it was. The armchair was the most practical, given that she was married, and there would always be something intimate about choosing to sit beside somebody on a loveseat instead of other options if they were available.

While Kayne's mind was moving a mile a minute, it all took place in the span of a couple of seconds before he chose to sit beside Rebecca on the loveseat. "Heh, yeah. I didn't know if one or all of us might need some liquid courage or if you'd have any on hand, y'know? So I just bought a couple, just in case." He set the bags on the carpeted floor next to the loveseat before lifting the foot furthest from to rest on the knee close to her.

Kayne couldn't help but chuckle and bow his head briefly when Rebecca talked of Tracy maybe getting a case of the nerves. "It would be hard to blame her though, y'know? A class setting is one thing, but private sessions can definitely feel more...intimate, even when everyone has their clothes on."

Seeing Rebecca take a sip of her wine had Kayne wishing he could do the same, especially when she leaned forward, the V-neck of her shirt giving him a generous view of her 34D breasts, which were a perfect fit for her tall 5'8'' frame.

"Yeah, it's been a while for sure. Work keeps me pretty busy though. Between the traveling, casting, and shoots , there's just not room for much else. The girls have it worse though. I don't know how they do as many videos, movies, and live streams as they do." He leaned forward, lifting his gaze to meet Rebecca's. "People put so much into looking for size and shape. They never really talk about the endurance factor. It doesn't even matter which side of the dick you're on. It's exhausting either way."
Rebecca thought she might have felt something like a twitch against her lower region, but she couldn't be sure, so she paid it no mind. It wasn't until she saw Kayne approaching the loveseat while trying to hold a wine bottle in front of his crotch that she couldn't help but smirk a little. As much as Kayne had changed, it seemed there was still something of the shy 18 year old boy who she pity-fucked all those years ago.

She smiled when he ended up setting the bottles of wine on the floor. "It was very thoughtful of you, thank you. Would you like me to get you a wine glass?"

She nodded when Kayne mentioned it would be hard to blame her. "Yes... She's always been so shy, too. As great of an art student as she is, I hadn't actually considered her first for this opportunity initially until I saw her hugging you after my art class had finished. It seemed like it took her weeks before she could even approach me individually, and she stammered so much on our first meeting. So, I was really surprised to see her make such a bold move so soon after meeting you. There must be something about you she really likes."

Well, something besides the obvious, of course. She couldn't help but take another quick glance downwards at Kayne before taking another sip of her wine and meeting his gaze again.

"I suppose we'll see if she ends up showing at all. I'd hate to think I scared her off so soon. It'll be a pity if she doesn't - I haven't done any art modeling in a long while not since I've gotten married. I was looking forward to it."

She tilted her head. "It's been a long time since we've been naked together. I hope the prospect doesn't make you uncomfortable. I know you're rather experienced at this point, but still-"

She listened to Kayne describe his busy schedule and express sympathy for the girls. Although, she was already a little wet from having masturbated earlier, she felt a warmth in her loins, and her pussy get a little slicker when Kayne brought up the word "dick." She had watched some of his videos, of course, and had seen how much he had grown, and what his dick could do to those girls. She took another sip of her wine and swallowed hard.

"Yes. I imagine that goes doubly so for when those girls are in a scene with you. It certainly looks like it would require a lot of endurance, even if you still go off as quickly as you used to. At least, for those girls' sake, I hope you do!"

Rebecca chuckled, then shook her head. "I still can't believe how much you've grown. I was really in absolute shock. I didn't really think it was possible. I mean, you were eighteen when we-"

She paused a moment, and her cheeks reddened only slightly before she waved a hand dismissively. "You know. You really ought to tell me about your diet and work-out routine sometime. Maybe I can convince my husband to get on it."

She laughed again.


Tracy had just enough time for a very quick shower before she was supposed to show up for a private painting session at her art professor's house. She tried to be quick while picking out her clothes, but she found herself a bit torn. After what had happened today, part of her thought it might be best if she just stuck with her usual hoodie and jeans combo. But-

Her cheeks reddened as she remembered what happened with Kayne Weston in her art classroom. Maybe - maybe it wasn't so bad wearing a skirt. But she definitely needed to pick out a shirt that wouldn't be so - so quick to show so much of her off. Ultimately, she ended up picking out a white, button-down short-sleeved shirt and a pink skirt that was a bit longer than the black skirt had been. She paused when she opened her underwear drawer.

She squirmed and pressed her thighs together - felt the way her almost painfully aching clit throbbed for her attention. She was so, so, wet - wetter than she had ever been before down there. If she wore panties, she'd just be ruining them with all of her juices. She had already gone without them once, and- She bit her lip as she recalled the feeling of Kayne's cock sliding over her slit than flicking her engorged clit. The thought of it made her pant a little.

If there was even the slightest possibility that could happen again - She squirmed a little more, and her hands twitched as she resisted the urge to touch herself. Well, did she really want underwear to get in the way? She was probably being a ridiculous. There probably wasn't a chance of that happening, especially not with her art professor there! But still - She thought her reasoning about not wanting to ruin her panties was logical enough.

So, she decided to skip them entirely when she was setting out her clothes on the sink counter by the shower. She reached to turn the water on and paused.

Perhaps... a cold shower would help? She turned the water to the cold setting, then reached her hand out to test it. She quickly pulled her hand back with an "Eeep!"

Too cold! There was NO way a cold shower was happening.

She turned the water to a warmer setting, tested the water again, then stepped inside. She sighed softly at the feel of the water pouring down over her aroused, curvy body. She tilted her head back a moment, felt rivulets of water running over the sensitive skin of her neck, her breasts and diamond-hard nipples, and down her arms. Every part of her felt very sensitive and primed for touch. She lathered up some body wash onto a lilac-colored loofah sponge and began to wash. Even just the act of showering felt so sensual...

It was hard not to linger when she soaped up her breasts, in particular, because she found herself wanting to pay close attention to her all-too-hard, ache-y nipples. She moaned softly at least once during her shower before stepping out, drying off, blow-drying her hair, and pulling on her clothes. She left at least three buttons of her white button-down shirt unbuttoned - showing the smallest hint of cleavage but not nearly as much as the strapless blouse she had been wearing did. She walked out of the bathroom and pulled a couple of bottles of red wine out of a cabinet that she had been saving for special occasions -

Not that she had much for special occasions, but she thought maybe her art professor and Kayne might appreciate it, anyway. Besides, she could already feel herself starting to tremble - from nerves rather than arousal though she was certainly trembling from that, too. When she put her smartwatch on, she gasped - realizing that once again she was running late. She hurried out the door...
"A wine glass would be great." Kayne said with a smile. "And yes, the shy ones can be tricky to be sure, though they are often the most talented once they come out of their shell."

Kayne got up to follow Rebecca as she went to get him a glass, talking as they walked. "It is quite understandable. It's nice to be the center of attention, and there's not many things better for that than modeling. It's also one of those things that you can get tired of but then immediately miss once you stop doing it."

Kayne couldn't help but blush a little when Rebecca mentioned their one night together. "That day feels like a lifetime ago at this point, but that's to be expected I guess. Everything changes for you once you've done porn. You feel like everybody knows, and the people that do know treat you differently. The looks and reactions from your girls are proof enough of that."

The mention of stamina made Kayne chuckle. Hollywood magic can help a bit with that when it comes to the girls, especially for the videos. You can take as much time as you need between positions and fix it with a simple cut and splice. For the full movies though...Well, things get harder for them. It's not usually rough stuff when I get casted, making things a bit easier, but when it is for a rough scene." He cocked his head and shrugged. "Well, there's a variety of reasons why the biggest guy goes last".

The final words from Rebecca actually pulled out a full-bellied laugh from Kayne. "If only it were that easy. Truthfully though, it was pure luck, well the height and dick part. The muscles, well they came with the career, and I guess the stamina does too. You can't really do things like that and not at least accidently get in shape, unless the video or movie is specifically for that kind of thing."
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Rebecca nodded her head, happy to see that Kayne shared a similar sentiment with her. "Yes, Tracy really is just brimming with potential. I've always hoped someone would help break her out of her shell - I've tried doing what I can, of course. But I feel like she'll accomplish such amazing things once she's opened up."

She grinned a little at Kayne. "Well, you know me, I always did like to be the center of attention."

She paused, frowning a moment. She would've liked to be the center of her husband's attention for a change, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon. She shook her head. She reached out to put a hand on one of Kayne's firm, broad shoulders.

So... firm. And broad. Her cheeks started to heat up again, but she managed to snap herself out of it. She gave his shoulder a light squeeze.

"Well, I hope I haven't treated you that much differently. I still like to consider you a close friend. And well, the girls are just very excitable like I said. They're young and can't really help themselves. I think the program I have in mind will be a good way for them to get to know you. I mean, not just know you because you're an attractive, naked man, but also know you know you. Good art is about discipline and expression. Getting to know the man they're painting can only help them become better artists, in general."

She smiled warmly at Kayne, but she found her mind wandering as he talked about "rough scenes" in which the biggest guy goes last. It was unfortunate that Kayne had to go last for such scenes, but it made her wonder a bit what such rough scenes entailed. She felt a shiver course through her body a moment as she walked into the kitchen to pour Kayne a glass of wine.

She raised an eyebrow. "Pure luck? That's some amazing luck. I'm surprised you didn't try to play the lottery after."

There was a moment or two where she struggled with trying to open the wine, and she had to take a few moments to look for the wine opener. Finally, she found it and managed to successfully pour the glass. She started to lead Kayne out of the kitchen with both her own half-glass of wine and his glass of wine in her hands, still sashaying when she realized she should probably close up the bottle and store it for later.

She turned suddenly and bumped right into Kayne - her body pressing up against his. She managed to hang onto both glasses of wine, but she ended up spilling hers all over the front of her shirt - soaking it and making her breasts a little more visible through the thin fabric.

"Nah, the close friends treat you the same. It's the people you only randomly see at the store or bump into on the street who are awkward as all hell."

Rebecca's gentle touch on his shoulder, even if it did linger for a bit, pulled at Kayne's attention. He still managed to pay attention to her words though. "Here's hoping. In this case they are at least distracted by their model. It'll be even worse if they get distracted by things other than their model. Life doesn't stop happening just because you get inspired."

Kayne wasn't aware that Rebecca was struggling with the wine at first, and when he realized it he did move to help, but she'd already given up and foraged around for the wine opener. He then stepped aside, letting her lead the way back to the living room, only to have her suddenly turn around as he was walking through the doorway. There was nothing he could do to stop her from turning full force into him, and out of pure instinct his hands moved to grip her hips tight to hold her steady. He did manage to prevent her from falling, but wasn't able to prevent her from spilling the majority of one of the glasses down the front of her shirt.

"Oh shit! I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you were going to turn around so fast." Kayne stammered, his vocal struggles preventing him from realizing that he was still holding her shapely hips. His gaze naturally went to her chest to see the extent of the mess, only to be distracted by her prominently protruding nipples, partially visible through an unstained part of her white shirt. He quickly let her go then, and started to look around for something to dry her shirt with.
Rebecca gasped when she realized she had spilled wine all down the front of her shirt, and what's worse, she spilled some all over Kayne's shirt as well! But what really gave her pause was the feeling of Kayne's big, strong hands firmly holding her hips in a manner meant to steady her. They were intimately close, and the feel of his hands grasping her hips was putting ideas in her head. A rush of warmth filled the center of her. She swallowed hard because she had told herself she wasn't supposed to be thinking of fucking Kayne - just modeling with him in an intimate manner. There was a big difference. One was excusable, and the other was, well, not so much.

She shook her head.

"Please, Kayne. There's no need to apologize. I'm the one who bumped into you, after all. If anything, I should be apologizing."

She frowned, then. "Especially since it seems I spilled wine all over your shirt as well."

She sighed, partially in relief when he removed his hands so she could stop thinking such naughty thoughts, then she beckoned him to follow her. "Come with me. I was going to wait until Tracy was here to give you the tour, but it seems she's running a little late."

She led him into the master bedroom where an easel was already set up. "I thought we could do the painting here-"

She disappeared into the bathroom a moment, returning with a small, wet cloth, and a dry cloth. She set both cloths on the edge of the bed, then turned towards him, she reached for the edges of her shirt and pulled it up over her head.

"The lighting in the master bedroom is much better than anywhere else in the house, plus I think the close, intimate quarters will help Tracy really nail down the overall feeling needed for the painting."

Her flat abdomen was exposed to him for a second, then her bountiful D-cup breasts sprung free. She threw the shirt down on the floor. Then, she picked up the wet cloth and started dabbing at her breasts and into the cleavage to make sure wine wouldn't remain and end up making her sticky.
Kayne happily followed Rebecca when she mentioned the tour, anything to help relieve some of the obvious sexual tension between the two. Any relief he had planned on all but faded away when she led him immediately to the bedroom, and the king-sized bed that it held. His gazed lingered on it for a moment, until she started to speak again.

When Kayne saw Rebecca pulling her shirt over her head, he respectfully turned his back to her.

"Yeah, the big overhead light definitely helps. Are there any pictures or identifying features we need to remove from the nightstands or over the bed so your friends or husband won't know that we did it here?"

Kayne asked with his back turned, still wanting to be engaged in the conversation while still respecting her privacy.
Rebecca shook her head as she dabbed the wet cloth over her breasts.

"In preparation for your and Tracy's arrival, I already took the liberty of removing such things. Though, some identifying features might end up getting noticed eventually, anyway. It'll be fine. I'll cross that bridge when we get there."

She might have lingered a bit too long over one of her nipples, but when she looked up, she noticed Kayne had respectfully turned away from her. She gave a little grin, shaking her head.

"You can definitely look, Kayne. Besides, once we start modeling together, you're going to end up seeing them, anyway. And rather up-close at that. To say nothing of the rest of my body."

She approached him and tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. "You're going to need to take this off. I can put it in the wash for you. I'd offer you one of my husband's shirt, but-"

Rebecca glanced him up and down a moment. There was a kind of longing hunger in her eyes when she looked over him. She cleared her throat. "Well, you're much taller and far more muscular than he is. Your shoulders alone have to be at least twice the size of his own."

And her husband's shoulders weren't nearly as nice and firm to grab onto - but she wasn't about to tell Kayne that. That would probably be too much. Probably.
It would be hard for most people to believe it, but despite the conversations they'd been having, Kayne had all but forgotten that she was going to be topless and more soon enough. He felt a little silly turning around knowing that, but he was still glad he did, especially when he turned around to see the beautiful woman walking towards him, her lovely big breasts bouncing with every step.

"As beautiful as ever Rebecca..." Kayne found himself saying as he pulled his own shirt over his head, speaking before he could stop himself. Part of him hoped that she hadn't heard it, not wanting to make this awkward, given their history, brief as it was.

Kayne's dark brown eyes studied the lovely woman before him. It felt weird to admit to himself, but the view seemed so different from back then, what with him having grown a literal foot. He remembered those lovely breasts being just a bit below eye level back then, and remembered burying his face between them as she'd ridden him to their orgasms. His cock twitched and jumped before slowly starting to harden as he remembered that night. He found himself wanting to touch her, to kiss her, and do so much more to properly thank her for everything she'd done for him that night.
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Rebecca felt another shiver course through her body as she tilted her head up to look him in his deep, dark brown eyes. When was the last time she'd been told she was beautiful? Certainly not by her husband any time recently. She wondered if he was thinking about that night they had together which seemed like forever ago. It had been different, then. She remembered how she had felt sorry for him - a scrawny nobody with no dating prospects and certainly very little chance of losing his virginity on prom night. She supposed that had been part of the initial draw for her - the thought of being someone's first. It had fascinated her and aroused her, and though, he was inexperienced, he seemed so eager to learn and please her. It had been a pleasant surprise when she'd actually managed to ride his cock until she came. And of course, even though, they didn't continue a relationship - even though it was a one-time thing, he was really too sweet not to become friends with afterwards.

She lifted the wet cloth and started to dab it against his hard, muscular chest - occasionally using her bare fingertips to trace over his muscles. He felt like he was built of solid muscle - he was like some kind of Olympian - powerful and magnificent to behold. It was still so hard to believe how much he had grown in so many ways. Rebecca could feel her panties becoming damp with her juices as she thought about what it would be like to ride his cock now. Now, that it was so much bigger. Now - after it'd been so long since she orgasmed during sex.

Her eyes became half-lidded, and her ruby red lips parted. She leaned in close - her lips mere inches away from reaching his own.

The doorbell sounded, and her eyes snapped open. She pulled away.

"Oh, wow, uh, that must be Tracy." She grabbed a new shirt from the closet - another white v-neck with a Monet painting printed on it - and pulled it on over her head.


Tracy knew she was late. But to be fair, it wasn't entirely her fault. She'd ended up stuck in traffic at some point. It had probably been for the best that everything was so slow-moving because even the act of focusing on her driving was proving to be difficult as her pussy juices leaked over the leather driver's seat.

And then, when she finally got a chance to drive normally - at some point, she ended up accidentally running a red light at an intersection. Very fortunately for her, the intersection was not busy, and there were no police around. But she had never done that before, and her heart was pounding in her chest for a good few minutes afterwards.

And then, SOMEHOW, she ended up arriving at the wrong house - standing in front of someone she didn't know in her white button-up shirt which still showed off an outline of her nipples poking through the fabric, a pink skirt, and not wearing any panties at all. Fortunately, the right house was just next door, and when Rebecca answered the door, Tracy was a bit out-of-breath (not entirely due to her incredibly aroused state but somewhat) and blushing a dark red (also not entirely due to her incredibly aroused state but somewhat).

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Sutherland! I didn't mean to be late! Please don't dismiss me from this educational opportunity!"

Tracy couldn't help but feel a little distressed at the thought.

Rebecca put a hand on Tracy's shoulder and ushered her inside, closing the door. "Tracy, you have nothing to apologize for. Just take a few deep breaths. You're fine. No one is dismissing you from anything. I'm sure we're both very happy to see you here, right, Kayne?"

She looked over at Kayne a moment, then looked back at Tracy, smiling warmly. "Oh! I see you brought some wine."

Tracy's eyes widened a little, then she held up the wine as if she were giving the professor an offering. "Um, yes! I'm a guest, so I thought it would be a good idea, and um, I'm a little nervous..."

She held up one of her hands and waved it as if to sweep away any potential negative thoughts. "But not in a bad way! A good way. I'm - I'm really excited - I mean honored! - I'm really honored to be here!"

Rebecca chuckled. "Let me pour you a glass of that wine."

She accepted the wine from Tracy and went into the kitchen. Tracy stood there awkwardly for a moment before noticing Kayne. Completely shirtless. She pressed her thighs together and swallowed hard as her eyes raked over his broad, manly body.

"O-oh! Hello!" She gave a little wave.
Kayne's gaze met Rebecca's and held it, he felt drawn to her, seeing things move in slow motions as her lips parted, she leaned up, his own hand lifting to cup her cheek only to be left hanging mid-air when the doorbell sounded and completely shattered both the moment and the atmosphere surrounding it.

Still, Kayne made no attempt to stop Rebecca as she grabbed a shirt, hastily put it on, and headed to answer the door. He only went as far as the doorway between the living room and kitchen. He'd of course nodded when Rebecca looked back at him while more or less asking a rhetorical question.

"We wouldn't let such a fine opportunity pass us by just because of a few minutes." Kayne said with a smile as Rebecca mentioned getting Tracy a glass of her wine. He stepped out of the doorway into the living room, giving her room to walk by. "And hello to you, Tracy." He said with a smile before moving to pick up the two bottles of wine he'd set by the loveseat. Even at a brief glance the poor girl still seemed out of sorts, meaning she likely hadn't been able to take care of the problem they'd talked about. His mind flashed briefly back to the weird dreamy vision thing he'd had before shaking it off and smiling again. "Seems we both had the same idea." He said casually before a soft chuckle slipped from him.

"After you..." Kayne said simply, gesturing Tracy towards the kitchen before following behind her with his own bottles. "Maybe I should carry the wine this time..." He offered up with a wry grin at Rebecca as he set his bottles on the counter.
Tracy seemed to sigh in relief when both her art professor and Kayne didn't appear to be mad at her. She smiled a little at Kayne at what he said regarding not letting a fine opportunity pass them by. "I - I promise to do my best!"

She really did mean that she would try and do her best, but she was worried. She remembered how hard it had been to paint Kayne's naked form in the art classroom because she had gotten aroused - and now she was supposed to paint an even more distracting painting (which would entail who knows what) while she could barely keep her mind off of her aching, needy privates.

"Oh?" Tracy looked at him with wide eyes. "Are... you nervous, too?"

The thought seemed almost incomprehensible to her. Kayne Weston? Nervous? He always seemed to look so confident in the adult films she watched so often.

She followed her art professor into the kitchen - although, she was on the petite side, she did have a generous enough hip area and a good curve to her full, round bottom - but she didn't quite sashay like her art professor had.

Rebecca chuckled when Kayne offered to carry the wine this time around. "Perhaps that would be for the best."

She looked over at Tracy. "I accidentally spilled some all over myself and Kayne earlier. That's why he's not wearing a shirt right now."

"Oh!" Tracy said, surprised. "I just thought, um, maybe you had started without me."

Rebecca laughed louder at Tracy's assumption. "Of course not!"

She tried to keep her mind off the fact that she had nearly kissed Kayne earlier. If she was already having trouble resisting him now, what was it going to be like when they were naked together?

"It'd be pointless without my star pupil painting us," she said, smiling warmly at Tracy.

Tracy's cheeks darkened another shade of red at her art professor's compliment. "So, uh, where are we going to be painting?"

She hoped she didn't sound too eager about it as she tried to keep herself from squirming too much. She also hoped Kayne didn't notice how often she kept glancing at him and especially his bare chest and abs.

Rebecca handed Kayne a couple of glasses of wine. "Here you go, wine man," she said, smirking at him a little. She beckoned Kayne and Tracy to follow her.

"Allow me to show you. I already have an easel set up for you, and I see you've brought your paints. Good."

Tracy nodded, adjusting the strap of her satchel which contained her magical paints. She followed Rebecca and Kayne into the master bedroom. She stared at the bed a moment, eyes wide.

"That's a really big bed," she mumbled.

Rebecca chuckled. "It's very comfortable, too."
"Well, it's always a bit harder to do things in a private setting. It's easier to be more clinical in the classroom or on set. When it's such a small group, every little thing gets noticed by everybody." Kayne said as he picked up the three wine glasses and followed the two lovely women into the bedroom.

"King-sized beds are the best. It's much easier to do things when you aren't worried about somebody rolling off the bed." Kayne said with a chuckle as he handed Tracy her glass of red wine and moved to hand Rebecca her glass of white wine. He then took a sip of his and closed his eyes for a moment as the cool liquid slid smoothly down his throat with barely a hint of the alcohol aftertaste. He then took another before moving to sit at the foot of the bed with his legs hanging off. He took a long and deep breath, pushing his stomach out as he breathed from his diaphragm before letting his gaze go from one beautiful woman to the other.

"Does anybody have any questions, concerns, or suggestions?" Kayne asked simply, opening the floor for discussion about how exactly they wanted to do this, let alone start it.
Rebecca took a generous sip from her new glass of wine after it was handed to her. "Well, before we begin, I'd like to say-"

She looked over to Tracy, in particular. "If for any reason, you start to feel uncomfortable about anything, please don't hesitate to speak up - that goes for everybody, but especially for you, Tracy. We don't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable or unsettled. And you don't have to worry about it affecting your grades or how we think of you or anything like that."

Tracy's eyes widened, and she held up her hands. "Oh! Oh, that's very kind of you to think of me, Mrs. Sutherland. But I promise I'm not uncomfortable, and everything will be fine!"

She beamed broadly at both her art professor and Kayne Weston. Truth be told, she was uncomfortable - though, not in the way Rebecca was suggesting could happen. No. It was rather uncomfortable how much her clit kept throbbing, and she could feel her juices leaking over her thighs again.

Rebecca smiled gently at Tracy. "Well, I'm glad to hear it. But again, please do not hesitate. Now, then, onto making art!"

She said this with a bit of dramatic flair for fun. Tracy giggled a little at her art professor's dramatics.

Rebecca approached Kayne. "What I was thinking is that you'd be laying on your back just over here-"

She indicated a position on the bed. "It'll give Tracy an optimal view, and the lighting will strike just nicely. I'll be straddling your lap..."

She got onto the bed and indicated how she would be straddling Kayne even though he wasn't currently underneath her at the moment. "Hovering - just inches above your penis."

She thought it would be best to keep things clinical for now. "Basically, I'll be looking like I'm about to sink down on top of you. For effect, I'm thinking there should be a lovely bead of precum gathered at your tip, and of course, I'll need to be pretty wet to get the right glistening effect. Also, just in case of any potential accidents where I might end up ACTUALLY sinking your penis right inside of me."

She paused a little at that - the mental picture lingering in her head. She cleared her throat. "Um, of course, you'll have your hands on my hips because it'll add to the intimacy of the painting, but I also expect you to try and keep me from falling and having an aforementioned accident."

Tracy took a very big gulp of her red wine; her eyes seeming to get bigger with every word the art professor was saying. Wow. That sounded really...


Hot. She bit her lower lip and pressed her thighs together again, feeling the walls of her pussy spasm.

"Are we, uh, going to start right now?" Tracy pressed her fingertips together in a nervous manner as she realized she was sounding a little over-eager again.
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When Rebecca started to speak, Kayne turned his head towards her. He was glad she was saying what she was saying, particularly to Tracy. Things were certainly going to get pretty personal and intimate pretty quick, and it was good for her to know that she could always tell them to stop.

"Good to hear, Tracy, but if that changes, please let us know. Rebecca mentioned before about how participation was going to be one-hundred percent volunteer based, and that includes now before it's started. If something makes you uncomfortable, or you need a break, please let us know." Kayne had naturally looked towards Tracy as he spoke, finding her light blue gaze with his gentle brown one while offering up a reassuring smile.

Kayne did like the sound of Rebecca's idea, but something didn't quite look right.

"Hmm..." Kayne started, his voice changing to sound a bit more professional. "That's good, but what about..." He set his glass down on the dresser and out of the way before kicking off his shoes and climbing onto the bed. He crawled towards the head of the bed, being careful around the kneeling Rebecca. "If I'm up here..." He sat back against the headboard with his legs together sticking straight out and motioned for Rebecca to come closer. He guided each one of her knees up the bed on either side of his closed legs until she reached the head of the bed with him, his hands moving to her hips, helping to position her over his lap. "I think it would be more intimate if..." He lifted his gaze from her hips, past the lovely swell of her breasts with their protruding nipples, to find her light brown gaze with his darker one. "If we could look...into each other's eyes...y'know?"

Kayne swallowed hard as he felt his cock twitch and start to harden again from being this close to Rebecca. The position was so similar to the one they'd shared that night, and even if he couldn't guarantee that he'd be "up" for the task, he certainly wouldn't have any problems anyway.
Rebecca had no qualms with following Kayne's lead, but as soon as she got into position over his lap, she felt her heart begin to pound in her chest. His hands had rested on her hips, and they were looking into each other's eyes. It felt like all too familiar a position. She hadn't realized she had started holding her breath until she let out a deep exhale.

"Actually, I think you're absolutely right. This is the superior position for really conveying intimacy in the art. Don't you think so, Tracy?"

Tracy was still staring at them with wide eyes, and she gave a nod of her head. "Oh! Uh, yeah! It looks, um. Very intimate."

She moved over in front of the easel and got out her magical paints since she felt she might need to be prepared soon.

Rebecca glanced at Kayne out of the corner of her eyes. She was a little too afraid to look at him head-on again for now. There was an undeniable sexual tension sparking between the two of them, and every time she kept looking into his dark brown eyes, she felt herself getting pulled closer and closer to something sensual and forbidden due to the marriage vows she had made. She started to move off of Kayne's lap.

"Well, I suppose I should get myself warmed up." She paused, then she shot a teasing look in Kayne's direction. "Unless you want to do the honors, Kayne?"
It was impossible for Kayne to not notice Rebecca's sudden exhale, and the inhale that followed, given the way her breasts bounced from the quick movement. He took his lip between his teeth as he struggled not to take what was basically a free look down her shirt in this position.

Rebecca's mention of Tracy sort of reminded him that she was there. It was easy to forget things when there was a beautiful woman in your lap. Still, he did remain still as she started to move off of him. He'd briefly turned away from her, but her words made his head snap back around.

"ME...? Warm you...Oh...OH...OOOOOOOOH." Kayne was naturally briefly confused at first, with his last words coming off as confusion, understanding, and then shock.

"I could...I mean I can...I mean I will...If...If you...If she..." Kayne was stammering almost uncontrollably as he was trying to comprehend what she was asking him, the context it was in, and of course how it might effect everybody involved.

"Relax Kayne..." Kayne finally said to himself at last. "Breathe..." He cleared his throat and looked at Rebecca. "Eating you out would be the fastest way to...warm you up, and I can do that if..." His gaze slowly turned towards Tracy. "If that's okay with you, Tracy. I mean would you be okay with that...Do you want to step out...Do you want us to step out?" The situation had the potential to be uniquely awkward for all of them in so many ways, and Kayne was certainly more than eager to taste the pussy of the beautiful woman who'd taken his virginity, but he didn't want to appear insensitive to the third person in the room.
Rebecca couldn't help but chuckle at the wide-eyed expression on Kayne's face and his stammering. Adorable. Simply adorable. ​It reminded her so much of the blushing, stammering eighteen years old virgin who had been so surprised when she offered to take his virginity from him. But then, Kayne managed to get a hold of himself, and she remembered very quickly that he was very much not a virgin anymore (besides the fact that she had seen to that) when he offered to eat her out to warm her up.

It was her turn for her eyes to go wide. She had initially only been teasing, but the offer he presented was far, far too enticing to pass up. Her husband was not a particularly thoughtful lover and very rarely offered to eat her out - even special occasions such as her birthday didn't always make it a guarantee. Coupled with that, he was not particularly good at it, either. Even if Kayne didn't turn out to be very good at it himself, she didn't think anyone could do a worse job than her husband, and at that point, she'd have done anything to feel a nice wet, tongue sliding over her slit and pressing against her sensitive clit. Her pussy practically quivered in excitement at the very idea.

"Yes. Clearly, the fastest, most efficient way. We should start right away." Rebecca had surprised herself with how quickly she had said this and how demanding she must have sounded. She cleared her throat. "I mean... as soon as possible."

She had already hooked her thumbs under her form-fitting black pants to start sliding them off but paused when Kayne brought up Tracy. Oh! Oh right! The art professor shot Tracy a bit of a sheepish and apologetic look.

"Oh, yes, of course. Tracy, you don't have to wa-"

As wide as Tracy's eyes were at the entire prospect, there was also something undeniably eager in her eyes to witness this sexual act up-close. "I'm okay! I want to watch- I mean - uh, I think it'll - be very educational. Um."

She was squirming and pressing her thighs together again from behind the easel, but the eager tone in her voice was unmistakable. "I mean, if that's okay with you guys."

Rebecca was a bit taken aback by how eager her art student sounded and got the strongest impression it wasn't entirely for educational reasons that Tracy wanted to watch Kayne eat out her pussy, but she wasn't about to call out her art student on it. She didn't want to antagonize the girl's nerves.

"Well, I'm certainly fine with you - learning as much as possible, Tracy." Rebecca couldn't shake a bit of her grin. "In fact, you're free to get as close as you feel comfortable with to watch - if that's all right with you, Kayne?"

Rebecca looked over at him, quirking an eyebrow.
Seeing Rebecca's eyes go wide when he suggested that he eat her out had Kayne worrying that he'd overstepped. He knew she was married, but he'd still dared to ask anyway, but she'd asked first right? Or did she mean his fingers, or maybe him holding a vibrator?

Kayne's mind was working a mile-a-minute, trying to think of what he shoulda, coulda, or woulda said and what reaction that might have, but when Rebecca spoke in the affirmative, he let out a long sigh of relief. She cleared her throat then spoke again, likely hiding an eagerness of her own. Kayne swallowed hard as both his and Rebecca's eyes moved to Tracy. Her eyes were as wide as both Kayne and Rebecca's had been at each of their respective suggestions, but her words and tone as she spoke also spoke of how eager she was.

"I certainly have no problems with it." Kayne said as he moved to slide off the bed as well. "and I think that..." He started, stopping by the dresser to take a deep drink from his wine glass. "Tracy may get the best angle and lighting if..." He moved to the adjoining bathroom, turned on the light and left the door wide open before moving back into the bedroom. "If we sit you right here..." He pointed to a spot on the side of the bed that was nearest the bathroom. "There shouldn't be any shadows, and the bathroom light will fully illuminate everything..." He paused, flicking his gaze back towards Rebecca. "As long as you can spread your legs wide enough..." He then moved to stand in front of Rebecca, looking down at her for but a moment before lowering himself to his knees, lifting his hands to her hips, sliding his thumbs just under the waistband of her pants, and looking up at her with his big brown eyes. "Unless you think a different position would work better?"

All while he'd spoken, Kayne had simply used his more professional tone, speaking matter-of-factly as he drew from his experience. Still, he tried not to be condescending, and ended with two questions, one verbal end one nonverbal.
They'd all voiced their agreement with what was going to happen, and with no small amount of eagerness. All that was left was to see if she had another idea for the position and if she'd let him undress her, something that he thought may also help arouse her even more.
Rebecca would've been about ready to strip herself of all of her clothing as soon as she had gotten the affirmative from Tracy and Kayne, but then Kayne continued - clearly having a few other thoughts to express. Curious, Rebecca removed her fingers out from where they had hooked under her waistband. Rebecca took less than a minute to decide that Kayne had a pretty good idea about angle and lighting before immediately sitting on the bed in the spot he had pointed out.

She was more than happy at the idea of the light illuminating everything as she was warmed up in preparation for the painting. There was something about showing off a great view that turned her on, even (or maybe especially) if it was to one of her art students.

"Do you doubt me, Kayne? I assure you I'll have absolutely no trouble spreading my legs wide for you," Rebecca said, her voice lowering and becoming huskier due to her arousal at the situation.

She knew she probably shouldn't be saying such things to a man (no matter how attractive and kind and sweet and-) that wasn't her husband. But then again, maybe her husband should have offered to eat her out more.

She inhaled deeply when Kayne's thumbs slid under the waistband of her pants. She pressed her hands back behind her against the bed and lifted up her hips towards him - to make it easier for him to slide her pants off.

"You've got the mind of an artist. Something I can truly appreciate - I think your position will give Tracy an optimal view."

Tracy had taken a step out from behind her easel - just a step - for a little bit of a closer look at what was happening. She was biting at her lower lip and pressing her thighs together again at seeing how intimately close the two were again once more.

"You don't have to stop at my pants and panties," Rebecca told him, hoping to ease any questions he might have had about undressing her. "I'll need my shirt off, too, for the painting later."

It occurred to her, of course, that the moment Kayne took one look at her panties, he'd see how wet she had gotten, to say nothing of when he unveiled her pussy itself. She certainly hoped he'd enjoy tasting a particularly juicy pussy.
Rebecca's words about spreading her legs only further pushed the pair closer to the line between art and adultery, especially in the lower and huskier tone. Still, he couldn't help but smile as he looked up into her eyes.

"Films are just another form of art after all." Kayne said with his trademark half smile. He'd been about to slide her pants down, especially when she lifted her hips and braced her hands behind her, the position pushing her lovely big breasts up and out. "Speaking of art..." He let his words trail off as he rose slowly to his feet once more, moving his hands up as he rose, letting his fingertips glide gently along the flesh of her sides as he pulled her shirt up with him. He couldn't resist the temptation to let them also glide along the outer curves of those luscious globes before pulling the shirt over them, over her head, and eventually over her arms which she had to lift before bracing them back on the bed behind her once more. "Beautiful..." he whispered softly, standing so close between her spread legs that a deep breath from both of them at the same time might just let him feel the press of those soft curves against the hard plane of his chest.

Kayne's hands returned to Rebecca's flesh, gently gliding down her sides once more, even starting at the same curves of her breasts that he'd ended at before. He also lowered himself to his knees once more, having wanting to save the grand reveal for last while also knowing that everything he'd done before would likely help him with this oh-so-delightful task. When his hands reached the waistband of her pants this time though, he quickly and easily pulled them, as well as her panties, down with barely more than a slow down.

The scent of Rebecca's arousal hit Kayne full in the face the moment he pulled her pants down, and no sooner did he cast them aside and ease her leg over his shoulder as she spread the other one than he saw the beautifully bare and glistening pussy before him. He let his hands glide over her thighs once more as he leaned close and inhaled the intoxicating scent. He also let his eyes flick upwards, finding her light brown eyes as he brought a hand forward to slide up her pussy with one finger on either side of her weeping slit. He brought his fingers all the way up to press along either side of her clit before sliding back down. He then slid them up one more time and down one more time before turning his gaze back to Tracy and beckoning her to come closer.

Only when Tracy had as clear and perfect a view as possible did he add a third finger to what he'd done before, with it pressing between her lips and gliding directly over her clit before sliding back down. He repeated the motion once more, savoring the sights and sounds coming from Rebecca before he hooked his left arm under her right leg and pressed his right hand against her left thigh, spreading her even more for Tracy's viewing pleasure. With his arm hooked over her thigh, Kayne brought his fingers down to pull back the hood trying to protect her clit, leaned in, lifted his gaze back up her body once more before letting his tongue slide the full length of her pussy from bottom to top, savoring the taste of her before ending with a quick flick of her clit. Only then did he take that sensitive and distended nub between his lips. He sucked hard at it while rapidly flicking and circling the trapped nub, all while keeping her fully spread so that Tracy could see just about everything he was doing, save for what his tongue was doing to her clit.
Rebecca smiled back at him when he told her that films are just another form of art. She nodded her head approvingly at that.

"Yes, of course, they are."

She let out a soft sigh when she felt his fingertips glide across the silky smooth surface of her skin, up past her hips and her narrow waist and over the outer curves of her breasts. The gentle, dancing touch of his fingertips only further impressed on her the intimate nature of what they were doing, but it felt like it had been so long since she had last been touched as if she were someone worth treasuring. She stretched her smooth, long arms to the ceiling to assist him in removing her shirt. Her breasts gave a light bounce when they sprung free from the shirt that had confined them.

She felt a shiver of desire course through her body when Kayne looked upon her topless form and declared her beautiful. It had been adorable and sweet when he had told her that when he was eighteen. But now that he had grown into such a gorgeous man who had certainly seen his fair share of women and yet spoke with no less honesty in his voice, his words touched her down to her core.

She gave another soft sigh, longer than the first, as his fingertips traveled down her body starting with the outer curves of her breasts and ending by hooking into the waistband of her pants. Each touch felt like it was lighting a fire within her - her skin starting to grow warm and flush with arousal.

The scent of her arousal might have held a slight tangy scent to it, and she might have seemed especially intoxicating to Kayne due to the fact that she was ovulating - though, she wasn't aware of this, believing herself only to be dangerously close to her fertile time.

She met Kayne's gaze easily when his deep, brown eyes flicked up to her light brown ones. She spread her legs wider for him, and her thighs trembled with some anticipation as his hand moved closer to her pussy. She felt his fingers on the outside of her swollen, wet pussy lips, and she let out another sigh, then a bit of a purring moan when she felt his fingers press on either side of her sensitive clit. The motion made her clit throb, eager for more direct attention.

"Mmmmm." It was nice watching what he was doing to her eager cunt, but it was also tempting to just close her eyes and enjoy the sensations washing over her as he repeated his motions.

Tracy had already taken another couple of steps closer, especially on hearing the content sounds coming from her art professor. It felt as if she was being guided by her aching, sopping wet pussy towards the sounds of pleasure in hopes that she might receive what she greatly desired, too. At Kayne beckoning her over for a closer look, Tracy's eyes went wide. Just the idea that Kayne wanted her closer to him was enough to make her clit throb insistently in want.

She was close enough now that she was practically peering over his shoulder straight down at her art professor's pussy - the swollen lips of which were parted as if in invitation of more touching. She swallowed hard and looked up from the area between her professor's legs to her professor's face.

Rebecca looked completely at ease, save for the quick, shallow breathing that indicated her arousal. It seemed as if she hadn't noticed at all how close Tracy had gotten - too wrapped up in what Kayne was doing to her.

And then, Kayne added a third finger - sliding it across her warm, wet slit before gliding it across her clit.

"O-oh!" Rebecca wriggled, trying to press herself closer to him, eager for more of that. As he repeated what he had done, her sighing was getting a touch louder, and soft moans were escaping her ruby red lips. She watched when he pulled back the hood of her clit, then once again lifted his gaze to meet her eyes. Her body had started to tremble - it was so eager for what was about to come.

When she saw his tongue lash out and felt the broad part of it trail over her weeping slit, she let out a yearning, deep moan. The quick ending flick to her sensitive clit made her gasp.

"Oh, yes! Please!" She tilted her head back a moment and gripped at the comforter underneath her.

She felt his lips wrap around her throbbing clit, and her arms seemed to buckle a little. In no time at all, as he sucked hard on her clit and rapidly flicked and circled the sensitive nub with his talented tongue, she had become a gasping, moaning mess. She tried to pull herself up without separating herself from him, so she could lean forward, practically hunched over him.

Her hands went into his hair, gently grasping, resisting the urge to pull him closer so as to avoid smothering him in her pussy.

"Ho- ly - fuuuuck-" If she'd had enough presence of mind, she would've been amazed at his skill. But as it was, she could only cling to him as her defenseless clit weathered the onslaught of his tongue. She could feel an intense warmth building in the core of her as waves of pleasure washed over her with each flick of his tongue.

"Oh, GOD-" She was getting so close already!

Meanwhile, Tracy's gaze was flicking from Kayne between her art professor's legs, and her art professor's face - who had gone from content and relaxed to full of raw need and desire - a woman unleashing primal noise and sounds with wild abandon and without a care for who heard them. One of Tracy's hands slid over her skirt-covered hip as she bit her lower lip and watched this wholly sexual and lewd display. She wanted to touch herself so badly, but she didn't want to seem rude for doing so or risk being removed from what was happening before her or from the entire opportunity itself.

She clenched her fists at her sides and pressed her thighs together. She let out a whimper which was easily drowned out by the sounds her art professor was making.
Kayne smiled inwardly as he pulled more and more sounds from Rebecca, especially doing it in a way that he hadn't done the last and only time they'd been together. He couldn't help but enjoy the struggle that he saw and felt coming from the beautiful woman before him. Yet he didn't let up at all when her arms collapsed or as she worked herself back up to basically be leaning over him as her hands found his hair.

Feeling Rebecca's tight grip was all Kayne needed to know what she wanted, even if she resisted the urge. His right hand pushed her thigh backwards, spreading her even more so he could bury his face even more between her lewdly spread thighs, uncaring about how his face got soaked in the juices from her weeping pussy.

It was in these moments that Kayne found himself wishing he had a third hand, or at least a second tongue. He could tend to her clit with his tongue, but he couldn't also finger her pussy with his other hand holding Rebecca's thigh backwards so that Tracy could...

The thought of Tracy in that moment, even with Rebecca's clit between his lips sparked an idea. He knew that he should stop and ask, but was unable to resist the urge to keep suckling on that distended and sensitive nub. So, knowing how close she'd stepped, Kayne took the chance and removed his hand from Rebecca's thigh just long enough to reach behind him.

Despite his intentions and confidence, Kayne misjudged Tracy's positioning. So when he was reaching to try and grab her hand, he instead found the back of his hand brushing against her inner thigh instead. His attention on Rebecca's clit faltered for but a moment, which he tried to cover up by just taking a big breath and circling her clit a couple of times with the fingers that had previously been holding back it's hood. He also flicked his eyes to the side just long enough to see Tracy's right hand, reach out, and take it in his own.

Kayne redoubled his efforts on Rebecca's clit, his fingers pressing even more into her flesh, exposing as much of that sensitive little nub as he could so that he could drag his tongue around it in rapid and deliberate circles. At the same time, he guided Tracy's right hand to Rebecca's left thigh, and put his hand on top of hers, pushing against it to indicate what he wanted from her. The girl thankfully didn't resist, and even put her left hand on his right shoulder to steady herself as she helped spread Rebecca's legs. Only then did Kayne finally do what he'd been planning, bringing his now-free right hand to press his fingers against her neglected slit and sliding them up until he made contact with his chin. He did it again with three fingers, just like before, coating his middle finger in the freely flowing juices before repeating the motion once more, this time letting his finger slide effortlessly inside. He eased it in and out several times, alternating the thrusts with hard sucks of his lips on his clit.

Only when all the pieces were in place did Kayne finally turn his hand around, putting his palm up so that when he pressed it into Rebecca, he could bend his finger and rub against her g-spot. He pressed and massaged it as he sucked, flicked, and circled her clit with even more vigor, wanting to bring the beautiful woman off with a g-spot orgasm.