What did you accomplish today?

I didn’t die when an asshole cut me off on the way to work today...so that’s something.
3 mile run, swept garage and put away coolers from the weekend, and then headed in to work.
Finished up my 2nd quarter books for the stores
Online banking
2 fitness classes
Early morning run with the dog

I've travelled half way across the UK by train today and have settled into my little hotel. Sleep and a plain ride home tomorrow...but first wine.
Dishes done, laundry almost done, dog out to play 3 times and sorted thru my latest hot wheels purchases.
Fucking up a meetings no because of time zones...and I thought I was doing good when I set it all up!
Made a potato salad, washed all the dishes. Yes, I wash them by hand. Now I must pay bills with what money I have....
Ran some errands - went to the bank and the grocery store, picked up my glasses.
I kept my child and two dogs alive
I made a pb&j
I did laundry
I watched a lot of Dr. Phil
3 mile run, swept garage, work, and shortly will be heading home to mow the lawn, trim the shrubs, sweep the deck and balance the spa chemicals.
Went to work
Came home
Made Jewellery
Designed a really nice piece for a special lady.
Washed, dried, folded, put away 2 loads of laundry, went to the grocery, put groceries away, vacuumed rugs. Had an orgasm, went to stable to check on horse..now I'm boiling potatoes and eggs to make potato salad
House cleaning
A Sams Club run
A lot of reading and studying
Watched a wonderful Bollywood movie
A nice relaxing rainy day...:heart:
Yard Sales with my kiddos
Took swingset down
Chiseled concrete off the swingset
Cleaned the house
Grocery store
Cooked breakfast
logging in some books and ordered some more
picked out the clothes for my trip later today
After last night, not a hell of a lot.
I got out of bed & did 2 loads of laundry so far today
