What Democrats Have Wrought In NYC


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

New York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street business as firms flee the city: report​

Shannon Thaler
August 21, 2023 4:45pm

A giant, sucking sound is coming out of Wall Street — and it’s siphoning staggering sums of money out of the Big Apple while handing business to Florida and other states farther south.

Nearly 160 Wall Street firms have moved their headquarters out of New York since the end of 2019, taking nearly $1 trillion — yes, that’s trillion with a “T” — in assets under management with them, according to data from 17,000 companies compiled by Bloomberg.

Looking to dodge rampant crime, stiff taxes and an increasingly exorbitant cost of living, 158 fed-up financial firms representing a whopping $993 billion in assets have packed up and left the Big Apple, taking thousands of high-paid employees with them, the data shows.

Icahn Capital Management — headed by billionaire corporate raider Carl Icahn — is among the most prominent firms to decamp to the Sunshine State. In August 2020, the firm ditched its posh Manhattan digs atop Fifth Avenue’s General Motors Building in favor of a 14-story office complex in a Miami suburb.

More here: https://nypost.com/2023/08/21/new-y...in-wall-street-business-as-firms-flee-report/

They established NYC as a sanctuary city and a haven for crime and the rewards just keep on coming.
I'm sure you have quotes from the CEOs on why they moved locations.

Also, I noticed that the number of firms staying and money of those firms isn't listed.....wonder why ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

Oh right....narrative doesn't fit
an increasingly exorbitant cost of living
Who do you think made it that way? The poor and middle class in NYC — the people who actually do the real work in this city — are not the ones who made things exorbitant for entirely arbitrary reasons.
There's no happy end for the caves of steel. NYC is far past sustainable size. But the location at an intersection of river and ocean could keep a vastly reduced population for a while, until rising sea level and climate volatility smash it to bits.
There's certainly a problem with overtaxation, high crime, lax law enforcement, corruption, and more in most Blue Cities. But, that's not the biggest issue.

The biggest issue is the question of; what is the rest of the country going to do when those cities finally collapse fully? The wealthier citizens of those dens of inequity are already migrating to other places bring their failed ideas and crime/rot/corruption with them. Eventually the poorer residents will follow because the lure of what they perceive as easy money and endless victims will draw them.

Those places which are experiencing high influx of new residents need to be looking to the future and placing barricades against becoming another NYC.
There's certainly a problem with overtaxation, high crime, lax law enforcement, corruption, and more in most Blue Cities. But, that's not the biggest issue.

The biggest issue is the question of; what is the rest of the country going to do when those cities finally collapse fully? The wealthier citizens of those dens of inequity are already migrating to other places bring their failed ideas and crime/rot/corruption with them. Eventually the poorer residents will follow because the lure of what they perceive as easy money and endless victims will draw them.

Those places which are experiencing high influx of new residents need to be looking to the future and placing barricades against becoming another NYC.
Marxism is a pervasive cancer permeating throughout our republic.
Marxism is a pervasive cancer permeating throughout our republic.

It's not just marxism, it's mefirstism. A condition whereby one insists that they get their pick of the goodies before you do. And then they refuse permission for anyone to dig through their castoffs out of fear that they might have missed something valuable the first, second, third, fifteenth, five hundred and twenty fourth time they dug through their own garbage.
It's not just marxism, it's mefirstism. A condition whereby one insists that they get their pick of the goodies before you do. And then they refuse permission for anyone to dig through their castoffs out of fear that they might have missed something valuable the first, second, third, fifteenth, five hundred and twenty fourth time they dug through their own garbage.
Do as I say not as I do.

Howie Carr on progressive rot; Probably going to be banhammed for length;

I hope it’s just a trial balloon, but it appears that the usual Deep State suspects are trying to gin up another Pan(dem)ic, just in time for the 2024 elections.

Here we go again!

As bad as Joe Biden’s public polls are, the Democrats’ internal numbers must be even worse, if they’re playing the COVID card this far out from the election.

You may have thought Dr. Anthony Fauci retired, but apparently not. He’s still out there claiming the sky is falling.

“We are not done with COVID,” he said this week. “We know that.”

“We” being the Democrat party and the Red Chinese who concocted the virus in the first place.

The comrades employ the virus as if it was that old box with the fire extinguisher on the wall of a public building – “In case of emergency, break glass.”

This is an emergency, dammit.

Do you realize that millions of deadbeat losers are supposed to resume making payments on their student loans next month? Bummer, man, totally.

Between hits on their bongs full of designer weed, this is what Democrats are thinking:

Like, if we could just go back to pretending COVID is real, then we could go back on welfare and just get stoned and lay around, and not have to pay rent, or pay back our student loans.

Dude, we could get the free Medicaid back, and more food stamps for the munchies. Plus, bro, back then you could just make up a business and say you were shut down and them fools would just give you cash, hundreds of thousands of dollars, no questions asked.

Like, man, COVID was just a beautiful time. You could sleep all day and still have more money than ever for new sleeve tattoos and tramp stamps and braids and man-buns. You could even drive to the bar and get a double Mai Tai to go at the takeout window and the cops couldn’t bust you for an open container, man….

Dude, those were the good old days! Can we get them back?

This is the situation the hippies living in their moms’ basements find themselves in. Faced with the grim prospect of having to get a job and pay bills – it’s an “inflection point,” as one of CNN’s “experts” put it this week.

Most normal people realize what a catastrophe the lockdowns were, but the non-working classes want the good old days back ASAP.

Consider the teachers’ unions. Not all teachers agree, but if their unions had their way, the schools would still be locked down. I’m sure Randi Weingarten is already drafting a new COVID emergency declaration for the White House to use in shutting down everything.

The sooner we get that school-closing declaration out there, the quicker the “educators” can start booking their winter vacations in the Caribbean.

How about Peloton? Fitness bikes were so cool back during the golden age of COVID, but now they’re just a place to drape your clothes after a hard day of shoplifting, smoking crack and pretending to look for a job.

Headline in the Wall Street Journal yesterday: “Peloton Plunges 23% Amid Loss Warning.”

You think Peloton wants the lockdowns back?

The problem is, what the government subsidizes, it gets more of. What the government taxes, it gets less of.

Since 2020, the government has been subsidizing sloth, and fraud, and we’ve been getting more of it.

If they can get the lockdowns going again, Biden can flee back into the basement. Maybe they won’t have to get rid of Brandon after all. Sure, he said the Panic was over, but state-run media will disappear that video from See-BS News, just like they vanished the Hunter Biden laptop scandal until after the last election.

The Democrats’ commitment to authoritarian control is so complete now that it’s beyond ideological, it’s almost theological. They get off on lecturing us. Remember Charlie Baker’s daily noon press conferences?

The more shutdowns he could announce in that whiny beta-male whimper of his, the more euphoric he sounded. Same with all the prophets of Panic Porn.

C.S. Lewis described the twisted phenomenon perfectly.

“A tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive…. Those who torment us for their own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

And that’s the charitable explanation for their lust to oppress all of us… heretics or infidels, and by the way, that is the way they regard us non-believers.

Here’s another quote about what the Faucists are dreaming of at the CDC, the DNC and MSNBC.

“The leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal.”

In 2020, the goal was to get rid of Donald J. Trump. Mission accomplished, temporarily at least. But for these lunatics, it’s never enough. The quote continues:

“Consequently the leftist is never satisfied with the goals he has already attained; his need for the power process leads him always to pursue some new goal.”

You know who said that? The Unabomber, believe it or not. Say what you will about Ted Kaczinski, but he did learn something at Harvard. There’s a lot of what he was writing about on display in the 02138 zip code.

Power is an addiction, the ultimate aphrodisiac, as Henry Kissinger said. The Panic Porn Posse are addicts, and what they’re addicted to is oppressing us.

All I can say is, include me out. I’ve taken my last Panic vaccine, and I’m not going to put a mask back on, not even my personal favorite, the one that says, “This mask is as useless as Joe Biden!”

On Instagram, someone who goes by the handle of Queen Petty Lexx summed up this new fake hysteria for all of us:

“We don’t give a (bleep) about no new COVID strain, United States government!”

They’re going to have to start the next lockdown without me or Queen Petty Lexx.


Howie Carr | Columnist​

I disagree with Carr. The subsidizing of slothfulness began in the 1970's with child support, WIC, and public subsidized housing. It created a segment of society which realized that they didn't need to work for anything and ever since then those people have been voting themselves an ever larger slice of the public pie. Just as was forewarned about long ago.
Well a second wave should always have been expected. There is no plandemic though.
Well a second wave should always have been expected. There is no plandemic though.

dudly, we're on the fourth or fifth "wave" already. Or don't you know about those "variants" which each required a different booster? Shots and boosters which never stopped anyone from catching the virus as advertised.
There's no happy end for the caves of steel. NYC is far past sustainable size. But the location at an intersection of river and ocean could keep a vastly reduced population for a while, until rising sea level and climate volatility smash it to bits.
dudly, we're on the fourth or fifth "wave" already. Or don't you know about those "variants" which each required a different booster? Shots and boosters which never stopped anyone from catching the virus as advertised.
They were never advertised as stopping, only to limit the symptoms, kinda like a flu shot. Also for the record, I have had all the shots, wore the mask and did the (and still do) the hand washing. Since January of 2020 I have not had COVID, nor even the Flu or a common cold.

Something must be working....
Marxism is a pervasive cancer permeating throughout our republic.
Democrat communists in the big cities will be left with the Third World populations they've allowed to invade the country. When the money runs out they'll get tired and start tearing the places apart for their scrap value.
Democrat communists in the big cities will be left with the Third World populations they've allowed to invade the country. When the money runs out they'll get tired and start tearing the places apart for their scrap value.
lol another prediction by wrongway, the guy who yet to be right!!
dudly, we're on the fourth or fifth "wave" already. Or don't you know about those "variants" which each required a different booster? Shots and boosters which never stopped anyone from catching the virus as advertised.

We're in a lul right now but all those variants showed up quick enough to be counted as part of the first wave. Traditionally these kinds of things basically take a few years off and then slam you one more time. The shots and boosters probably have stopped people from getting the virus but regardless we know it saved lives.
We're in a lul right now but all those variants showed up quick enough to be counted as part of the first wave. Traditionally these kinds of things basically take a few years off and then slam you one more time. The shots and boosters probably have stopped people from getting the virus but regardless we know it saved lives.

Data shows that the jab did NOTHING to prevent the spread of Covid. Not one single thing to slow or prevent the spread. Neither did masks mandates, school closures or any of the totalitarian abuses of power you supported at the time and now want to repeat onto a clued up public who isn't going to have ANY of it.

On top of that, the courts ruled that the mandates were illegal. The courts have ruled in favor of plaintiff's who sued because of the mandates and imposed damages. The courts have given decisions that the mandates were unconstitutional.

And here you are trying to beat that drum once more because you just can't stop being a petty tyrant trying to conceal the fact that you're really nothing more than a little chicken shit whose afraid of the China bioweapon that fizzled.
Data shows that the jab did NOTHING to prevent the spread of Covid. Not one single thing to slow or prevent the spread. Neither did masks mandates, school closures or any of the totalitarian abuses of power you supported at the time and now want to repeat onto a clued up public who isn't going to have ANY of it.
And I'm sure you have links to the data sets proving this, right