What Book Are You Currently Reading?

It gets old fast. This is surgery #5 and tendon #5 in 10 years.
At least I am walking and driving again.
But this getting tired so easy and bad pain levels bites!

Yep, me too. BTDT. Do you see a pain management dr? There are some great patches out on the market now.
Finally finishing up JR Ward's The Shadows so I can read Blood Kiss before Hollywood's book comes out this month.
David ("Cloud Atlas") Mitchell's latest, "Slade House". Liking it, but I do wonder if he will ever write anything in a style other than 'series of tangentially linked short stories' form.
I finished A Serpent's Tooth need to start Any Other Name both by Craig Johnson
My First Potty Book.

It's a real page turner for sure. Page 1 grabbed me tight and it never let go till the end!