What are you thinking now -- re-continued

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Are nice car ports or canopies allowable in your neighborhood or whatever HOA rules or guidelines it might have? ;)

Wouldn't look good in our driveway
At least my snow tires were taken off this morning

Soon, our phones will be able to set our reminders without our inputs, based on monitoring our routines and activities. Eventually, we'll get so used to our phones telling us what to do, we'll stop thinking independently and just do what we're told. And that's how robots will take over the world.
Should I do it? Hmm, I'm just not sure. Yeah, I should. But what if...dammit!
Oh just do it, man. One life, and all that. What's the worst that could happen, huh? He might like it... ;)

Pfft, you're not the only delicate fucking flower ya know.

And..."he"? What's on your mind?!?! :D
how come when you want to show your husband something that acts up, it never does it when he is looking?
It makes me so sad when I read that. Because of what it meant ...before. I know it shouldn't. Everyone moves on. But it kills me every time. :(
The worst part of these online relationships is when your heart breaks you don't have anyone to talk to about it. Blah... Not what I was expecting today...
Things, circumstances and relationships continuously redefine themselves. They will be whatever they turn out to be.
No, sir, I wasn't giving you the finger. I was giving you half of the peace sign. If you want the whole peace sign, I'll be happy to use my other hand also.
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