What are you thinking now -- re-continued

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If the Cowboys draft him, his family really is only going to be 99% happy for him. 1 % is going to be thinking......really now we have to root for the Cowboys. :cool:
I think I need to do something that makes me feel alive.

I haven't had a rush or genuine excitement for a good while 😶
Do it! Anything in mind?

I've found something as simple as a walk in the rain can definitely make me feel alive!

Nothing in mind, I just feel that life is stagnant at the moment.

I shouldn't complain because I have no reason to but something feels missing.. you know what I mean?

I wish it was raining (I LOVE the rain) or I definitely would take a walk in it 😍
I don't know what I want anymore these days 😑

Nothing can keep me satisfied for more than 10 minutes it seems.

I'm not upset about it or anything, I just wonder why that is.
I think Sam Darnold will be a bust.

He cracks under pressure..

Belichick is going to have some fun screwing with his head while he's on the Jets 😂
Nothing screams, "I'm a mature adult," like having an argument with your girlfriend of fourteen years about not wanting to go for a walk with her parents because you're ill. :rolleyes:
Dogs are so great that the idea that you are going to have to pick up shit with your hands 3 times a day for the next 8 - 18 years doesn’t even phase us.
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