We're off to find the trigger of the day...

What I love is a bunch of white people telling what my heritage is and that I'm the one triggered despite their daily rants about that which has triggered them today; especially Rory who is triggered by multiple events every day and the likes of Adrina, who used to be a board AOC, but is being shut out now for being white, so she has become merely OCD...

Candi? What is the "heritage" that I am so ignorant of, I mean us savages are so ignorant of so many things that white people have not properly explained to us, even when they talk slower and louder...

YOU Heap big ripped off by white man! White man speaks with forked tongue. You safer and protected on big reservation we set aside for you... You stay there.

Yeah, honey that shit don't work on me.

He's a situational white man, just like his bro BotanyBoy.

They proudly flaunt their Aryan backgrounds, until someone calls them out on it.

Then AJ morphs into a gen-you-whine Trail Of Tears Native American professional victim (BotanyBoy similarly morphs into an Aggrieved Asian Minority). Neither can be racist, y'know, since they aren't 100% white. Also, AJ had a Negro friend in the Marines.

Together, they make up Lit's RWCJ Half-wit Half-breed auxilliary.

I mean #same. That passing privilege is great when you can get it. I won't blame anyone for that but that doesn't answer the question. I'm also only half white but I know what kind of white I am.

Interestingly it's the other culture that is known for drunkenness. I didn't have a chance.

Yet I don't like beer. My ancestors would be ashamed. I'm sure every October they collectively roll in their graves while I drink corn whiskey at Oktoberfest.
Apple-white. Not a cracker like you...



What I love is a bunch of white people telling what my heritage is and that I'm the one triggered despite their daily rants about that which has triggered them today; especially Rory who is triggered by multiple events every day and the likes of Adrina, who used to be a board AOC, but is being shut out now for being white, so she has become merely OCD...

Candi? What is the "heritage" that I am so ignorant of, I mean us savages are so ignorant of so many things that white people have not properly explained to us, even when they talk slower and louder...

YOU Heap big ripped off by white man! White man speaks with forked tongue. You safer and protected on big reservation we set aside for you... You stay there.


Yanno, AJ...I kinda miss the days in your previous screenname life when you were super jiggaboo slap-happy with the cutting-edge socio-political snark and used to routinely mock Black Americans with shitty Ebonics and an elderly Black woman's photo over Obama...remember that?


seems like the accompanying photo got zapped when you did, but oh boy, you had mad fun over the years with that shit, tho:


Old times, eh, AJ?

He's a situational white man, just like his bro BotanyBoy.

They proudly flaunt their Aryan backgrounds, until someone calls them out on it.

Then AJ morphs into a gen-you-whine Trail Of Tears Native American professional victim (BotanyBoy similarly morphs into an Aggrieved Asian Minority). Neither can be racist, y'know, since they aren't 100% white. Also, AJ had a Negro friend in the Marines.

Together, they make up Lit's RWCJ Half-wit Half-breed auxilliary.

AJ had a black girlfriend, too, who pissed him off. Maybe that's why he's turned racist against black people.

They can dish shit out about other minority groups, but as soon as someone inserts a joke about the "darker" half of their heritage, the cretins start wigging out.
What I love is a bunch of white people telling what my heritage is and that I'm the one triggered despite their daily rants about that which has triggered them today; especially Rory who is triggered by multiple events every day and the likes of Adrina, who used to be a board AOC, but is being shut out now for being white, so she has become merely OCD...

LOL. I shut her out for being boringly long winded in her defense of the indefensible. It was too pitiful to endure.:D;)
AJ had a black girlfriend, too, who pissed him off. Maybe that's why he's turned racist against black people.

They can dish shit out about other minority groups, but as soon as someone inserts a joke about the "darker" half of their heritage, the cretins start wigging out.

Everything is race with you. No one here owns any slaves and you've never had to pick cotton. Give it a friggin' rest. :rolleyes:

I met that dude once. Came across as nice and smart. Just a vibe cuz it's not like we sat around and discussed anything in depth or that I would have anyway cuz pffft but he still seemed nice.
But then Ted Bundy seemed nice and smart to a lot of people. Funny how life is.
LOL. I shut her out for being boringly long winded in her defense of the indefensible. It was too pitiful to endure.:D;)

I haven't seen one of these idiots defending anything other than Obama for years now.

They think that AntiFa is the MENSA branch created just for them...
So, Candi can lecture me about not knowing my heritage, but he cannot, for the life of him, articulate my heritage...

Very interesting.

The white replies here are so freaking hilarious watching them support the intersectional, multicultural ethnicity politics that will consume them last. When they look around after throwing everyone else under the bus from working blue collar white men to Jews to Indians off the reservation and blacks off the plantation, there will be nobody there to stick up for them when they are told to shut the fuck up and get to the back of the bus.
So, Candi can lecture me about not knowing my heritage, but he cannot, for the life of him, articulate my heritage...

Very interesting.

The white replies here are so freaking hilarious watching them support the intersectional, multicultural ethnicity politics that will consume them last. When they look around after throwing everyone else under the bus from working blue collar white men to Jews to Indians off the reservation and blacks off the plantation, there will be nobody there to stick up for them when they are told to shut the fuck up and get to the back of the bus.

Honey, it ain't my fault you don't love yourself.
A little transference going on here?

You made the statement, now back it up.

Enlighten me, enlighten all of us as to my "heritage."

Or, like the rest of the Left-wing circle jerk, are you also a coward?
So, Candi can lecture me about not knowing my heritage, but he cannot, for the life of him, articulate my heritage...

Very interesting.

The white replies here are so freaking hilarious watching them support the intersectional, multicultural ethnicity politics that will consume them last. When they look around after throwing everyone else under the bus from working blue collar white men to Jews to Indians off the reservation and blacks off the plantation, there will be nobody there to stick up for them when they are told to shut the fuck up and get to the back of the bus.

One day some of them are going to come to the realization that it's all about the individual. Their groups are just mindless mobs.
One day some of them are going to come to the realization that it's all about the individual. Their groups are just mindless mobs.

It won't be any time soon, it will only be when it's too late to save any individual.

We're dealing with a mentality that will throw out the Bill of Rights to gut the Second Amendment and criminalize the First Amendment (ironically claiming that they have no choice but to put greater limits on it to prevent hate speech).

If they can shut up all opposition, then they can run unopposed, one party for all and all for the party...

Here's a nice trigger for today; another special group member flees over the cuckoo's nest...


There's a special hell in America reserved for people like this.
I guess Candi decided to pack it in until his bro troll patrol shows up to do his thinking for him...

Even Fonzie had his jump the snark moment.

Do you ever wonder when yours will come or if it has already and you just didn't notice it...