We're off to find the trigger of the day...


Literotica Guru
Oct 27, 2017
The window burns to light the way back home
A light that warms, no matter where they've gone
They're off to find the hero [trigger] of the day
But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way
Still the window burns
Time so slowly turns
And someone there is sighing
Keepers of the flame
Do you feel your name?
Can't you hear your babies crying?

Mama they try and break me...

From The Ox-Bow Incident to To Kill a Mockingbird, novelists warned of the American propensity to become mob-like and often lethally so. Our Puritan roots, when coupled to elements of Athenian-style democracy, can on occasion vary wildly between dangerous bias and equally mindless self-righteousness.

Update those traditions within the modern bane of electronically charged instantaneous social media, identity politics, the decline of journalism, and vicarious virtue-signaling, and we increasingly suffer psychodramas like the Virginia fraternity mess, the Duke Lacrosse fiasco, the Kavanaugh hearings, and the Covington nightmare.

In such cases, predictable constructs often set afire the new mob. “Vulnerable” women or minorities or both are juxtaposed against young white males who have the scent of traditionalism, conservatism, or “privilege.” I say “psychodramas,” because the point is never to assess guilt or innocence or to establish some set of objective standards by which to condemn or exempt the accused. No, the aim is to vent outrage — the quicker, the more venomous, and the more public, the more advantageous either in a careerist or psychological sense.

The result is that there are now no rules in the Roman arena of feeding the accused to the carnivores — except two. If the progressive cause can be advanced, then necessary, one-time adjustments can call off the mob. And, two, given the complex hierarchy of victimhood and the relative degrees of perceived progressive correctness, it is sometimes difficult to sort out who should be rescued from, and who served up to, the famished lions.

Victor Davis Hanson, NRO


Q: Where is this last paragraph most in evidence today?
A: Virginia (where there is a Progressive Santa Clause)
White privilege was the strength and substance of his career...


Even the damned horse was white! :mad:
I think the black guy here has a thread about the black cowboy, the black pilot, etc.

Why do they have black history month at the coldest snowiest part of the year?

Shouldnt it be during the dog days of summer?
July should be White History month.

;) ;)

That should put the punk to some fireworks...

Like those early rifle "triggers."
Once you get people standing up and saying “My ticket into the room is that I am Muslim,” or “that I am Native American,” or “that I am this” or “that,” you do not end division but simply encourage a new social divide, a new “Us” versus “Them,” where each Identity Player feels empowered to exile others from outside the Intersectional Divide. Suddenly, Whites have to defend themselves. Men have to justify their existence, as Crazy Mazie Hirono tells “men to shut up.” Catholics have to defend their right to believe and practice their faith, and to join the Knights of Columbus. And, as all too often happens, the “canary in the coal mine” is the Jew. Just as coal miners would bring a canary inside so that, if the canary suddenly were to die, they could see that oxygen is running perilously low because deadly gas is leaking and imperiling them all, so a society’s first certain sign of impending danger is when “They” (whoever “They” may be) start coming after “the Jews” with impunity.

There are all kinds of Nazis. The worst ones are the Hitlers, the Eichmanns, the Goerings, the Streichers, the ones who went on trial at Nuremberg. And then there are the lower-level Jew-haters who never rise to that level but comparably harbor hate deep within their souls. Thus, Jew-haters take different forms, but they all share that same deep-rooted visceral hate that somehow ultimately targets “the Jews.” Some hate “the Jews” because of a landlord, and others hate “the Jews” because of a tenant. Some hate “the Jews” because of the same kinds of liberals that so many Jews ourselves cannot abide, and others hate “the Jews” because of conservatives like Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Sheldon Adelson, and the political conservatism of Israel and the intense conservatism of the Jews of England and France and Ukraine and Russia. Some blame “the Jews” for Communism (Karl Marx, Trotsky) and others blame “the Jews” for capitalism (the Rothschilds, Milton Friedman).

It would have been impossible for America completely to have avoided the scourge. With more than two centuries of our own national history in these United States and so many millions of people having participated in our American history, there were bound to be haters. Many haters have targeted Catholics or Blacks or immigrants from Europe. (The KKK of Robert Byrd and of the Democrats targeted all.) So of course there always were going to be those who also pointed at “the Jews.” They blamed Karl Marx, himself a pathological Jew-hater who was reared in a German home where his father had converted to Christianity before Karl even was born. They blamed Ayn Rand (Alice Rosenbaum) for libertarianism. Milton Friedman for capitalism. They attack Israel for having become a predominantly center-right polity and the Jews of England for having aligned solidly behind the British Conservative Party, even as Britain’s Labour Party now is led by an outright anti-Semite in Jeremy Corbyn. Here in America, Jew-haters on one side can point to the despicable George Soros and his ilk on the Left, while the Jew-haters of the Left point to Sheldon Adelson and Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin on the right. It is what it is.

But what now is unfolding in the Democrat party — the party that always speaks of “racism” and “sexism” and “dog whistles,” and that finds racism and this-ism and that-ism in every word that deviates from left-liberal dogma — is that real Jew-haters are starting to come out of the cracks. It is ironic that, even as Louis Farrakhan has termed Jews to be “termites,” his Democrat acolytes of hate are the ones emerging from the woodwork. We have beheld the emergence of Jew-haters (and White-haters and man-haters) Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory as the new leaders of the rapidly decomposing “The Women’s March.” And now two new Democrat Congressional representatives have emerged as outright Jew-haters: Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, the once-“Nice” state where Keith Ellison, anti-Semite, likewise holds court.

Dov "All You Need is Dov" Fischer, American Spectator

Aldermanic candidate apologizes after controversial photo surfaces

CHICAGO — An aldermanic candidate has apologized after a controversial photo of him from 2013 surfaced.

Daniel La Spata, who's running to unseat Ald. Proco “Joe” Moreno in the 1st Ward, can be seen in a photo wearing a banana costume surrounded by friends in monkey masks and a group of African American boys. The photo was taken near Millennium Park in September 2013.
We could talk about how Ilhan Omar is getting a lot of heat for pointing out that AIPAC is Jewish and lobbies for Israel.
What kind of white are you?

He's a situational white man, just like his bro BotanyBoy.

They proudly flaunt their Aryan backgrounds, until someone calls them out on it.

Then AJ morphs into a gen-you-whine Trail Of Tears Native American professional victim (BotanyBoy similarly morphs into an Aggrieved Asian Minority). Neither can be racist, y'know, since they aren't 100% white. Also, AJ had a Negro friend in the Marines.

Together, they make up Lit's RWCJ Half-wit Half-breed auxilliary.
Reebok Russia stirs controversy with 'face-sitting' slogan in feminist ad campaign

"Sit not on the needle of men’s approval – sit on men’s face.”

The provocative slogan could have come straight from a Femen protest but it was actually featured in an advert by sportswear company Reebok in Russia.

It was posted on the company's Instagram account on Thursday and deleted a few hours later in the wake of the controversy.

Social media users expressed outrage at the slogan's alleged bad taste, with some even deeming it “threatening".
What I love is a bunch of white people telling what my heritage is and that I'm the one triggered despite their daily rants about that which has triggered them today; especially Rory who is triggered by multiple events every day and the likes of Adrina, who used to be a board AOC, but is being shut out now for being white, so she has become merely OCD...

Candi? What is the "heritage" that I am so ignorant of, I mean us savages are so ignorant of so many things that white people have not properly explained to us, even when they talk slower and louder...

YOU Heap big ripped off by white man! White man speaks with forked tongue. You safer and protected on big reservation we set aside for you... You stay there.