We're off to find the trigger of the day...

It won't be any time soon, it will only be when it's too late to save any individual.

We're dealing with a mentality that will throw out the Bill of Rights to gut the Second Amendment and criminalize the First Amendment (ironically claiming that they have no choice but to put greater limits on it to prevent hate speech).

If they can shut up all opposition, then they can run unopposed, one party for all and all for the party...

Here's a nice trigger for today; another special group member flees over the cuckoo's nest...


There's a special hell in America reserved for people like this.

Wouldn't "Undecided" be a better category?
PS - It has come and gone.

Guatemalan is the new black. Oh your team still counts on your vote in their Political Calculus, but they work cheaper, keep their mouths shut and keep their heads low.

No ranting and raving about discrimination or reparations [or even worse, no team Trump bashing], just grateful people taking the jobs that blacks won't do...

;) ;)

Now wave those pom-poms and maybe try a clip from this decade, even this century.

Wouldn't "Undecided" be a better category?

He seems to have some force of decision now that he figured out the moral crimes perpetrated against him to keep the myth alive. The Left has so many damned myths, one almost needs a play program to keep up with all the players, even if it does come out as a bad translation to English when seeing the Opera in Beijing.
PS - It has come and gone.

Guatemalan is the new black. Oh your team still counts on your vote in their Political Calculus, but they work cheaper, keep their mouths shut and keep their heads low.

No ranting and raving about discrimination or reparations [or even worse, no team Trump bashing], just grateful people taking the jobs that blacks won't do...

;) ;)

Now wave those pom-poms and maybe try a clip from this decade, even this century.


Remember "Queen for a Day?" That's what all these groups represent and just about for how long the are the darlings of the media and pop culture. They refuse to accept that there really is a few puppet masters out there yanking them around like abused Chihuahua's. They've never read Alinsky or Cloward Piven or tried to track down the groups trying to implement those authors policies and procedures. They've had their heads filled with shit since grade school and they merely regurgitate what's in their heads.

This country needs a good civil war.
I guess Candi decided to pack it in until his bro troll patrol shows up to do his thinking for him...


Ok so, let me make sure I have this right so I can follow your train of thought.

I asked what your ethnic heritage was.

You refused to tell me, then tried to make fun of me for not knowing the answer to my own question. A question that I would not have asked, had I known the answer.

To you, me not jumping to conclusions based on literally nothing somehow means that I am incapable of thought.

That's... the exact opposite of interesting.

Especially given that it was a throw-away moment of curiosity. I don't actually care. Which is why I didn't ask you about your tribal affiliation. Because like... that would require it to have been more than a momentary curiosity.

I still think you would like Trigger Warning.
Brown skin automatically triggers racists like Spearechucker (AJ) and the like.

Why hasn't Lady L banhammered his behind? He is overdue for one due to returning after banning. She bans all of Lace's renditions with a quickness.
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Brown skin automatically triggers racists like Spearechucker (AJ) and the like.

Why hasn't Lady L banhammered his behind? He is overdue for one due to returning after banning. She bans all of Lace's renditions with a quickness.

He's definitely #triggered. He seems to think I was attacking him when the reason I asked that question was that I was going to look up what month WAS his national heritage month so he could go to the festivals and whatnot and celebrate it.

My white half is mostly German, and German-American history is celebrated in October, for example. And German heritage isn't all Nazis, which is the first thing people think of. It's the land of Poets and Thinkers, carnival culture is huge, Ramstein rocks, the fucking Grim Brothers probably shaped American folklore more than any other children author's, Kantism is more or less the foundation of western philosophy- y'all ever here a little-known scientist by the name of Albert fucking Einstein? You ever eat a black forest cake?

I'm proud of my heritage, and I get to celebrate it. Excuse the fuck out of me for wanting someone else to experience that.

November, btw, it the month to celebrate Native heritage, and it's another fun time, but I tend to live that more in the day-to-day because I'm much closer to my mom's family, so it's not as fun. I'm proud of that heritage too, but I already know almost all of my family, and they're all right here and whatnot. But now that I've got Bitesize I have taken her to the Boundary and shit because I do want her to know that like... with multiracial people, like me and her, society tries to kind of put you in the box that you most pass as, and it's important to me that she knows that she's multiracial, knows what clan she's in and what it means, knows what symbols mean what, knows traditional stories and folklore and all that shit, so that's honestly more for her than for me.

My point is, he had talked about a 'white heritage month' but white folks aren't a monolyth. There are heritage months for almost every kind of white person. The reason that black folks and native folks are meshed together like that is because those groups in particular share a pan-African and pan-Native historical experience that came from colonization and having a lot of the records of what your specific heritage was swept away.

Being white means that you don't really have to deal with that, so you can just be what you are. My man is 100% white as the freshly fallen snow- he's Irish American, and that's celebrated in March- and honestly I've learned so much about the Celts from going with him to celebrate his heritage. He claims to be kin to Will Arnett, who you may remember from Braveheart- but I'm gonna be real with y'all, I don't think he is. Maybe he is but it just... idk I feel like he should get some money or something from that if he is.

But Irish history is fun as hell. Those fuckers know how to fiddle and dance and wear a bitch out. And their food is shockingly good to look like it does. Like shepard's pie looks like someone threw up. But it's fucking delicious.

My point is, SC is a defensive asshole and I was trying to help him out. I don't know how he's spun that into me being stupid or mean or whatever.
Brown skin automatically triggers racists like Spearechucker (AJ) and the like.

I doubt it, since he isn't white himself. As an aside, there isn't an Apache Indian in AZ who isn't triggered by the memories of brown people from Mexico. When it comes to race however, there are none here more triggered than you by skin colors other than your own.
I doubt it, since he isn't white himself. As an aside, there isn't an Apache Indian in AZ who isn't triggered by the memories of brown people from Mexico. When it comes to race however, there are none here more triggered than you by skin colors other than your own.

Hey, look, we got a tribal affiliation by proxy. I bet if we keep playing somebody will slip up and tell me what kind of white he is.

Hey, look, we got a tribal affiliation by proxy. I bet if we keep playing somebody will slip up and tell me what kind of white he is.

You'll probably slept through the whole thing.
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Remember "Queen for a Day?" That's what all these groups represent and just about for how long the are the darlings of the media and pop culture. They refuse to accept that there really is a few puppet masters out there yanking them around like abused Chihuahua's. They've never read Alinsky or Cloward Piven or tried to track down the groups trying to implement those authors policies and procedures. They've had their heads filled with shit since grade school and they merely regurgitate what's in their heads.

This country needs a good civil war.

Yes, I remember that, vaguely.
Today, we have a new trigger.
It's fun to watch them chasing the laser dot.

Ok so, let me make sure I have this right so I can follow your train of thought.

I asked what your ethnic heritage was.

You refused to tell me, then tried to make fun of me for not knowing the answer to my own question. A question that I would not have asked, had I known the answer.

To you, me not jumping to conclusions based on literally nothing somehow means that I am incapable of thought.

That's... the exact opposite of interesting.

Especially given that it was a throw-away moment of curiosity. I don't actually care. Which is why I didn't ask you about your tribal affiliation. Because like... that would require it to have been more than a momentary curiosity.

I still think you would like Trigger Warning.

So, this is your way out.
I didn't consider it important, I don't take what I said seriously, this means nothing to me, yet for whatever reason, I felt compelled to spout off, defend myself, and in general act like this is something that really matters...

Did you know that I am one of those people who don't think that the results of new-age DNA testing define who I am?
And Candi follows it up with something that I pegged him with, once the left-wing hate started to flow, he took his mask off and basked in the glory of getting the magic h8 ball rolling...

Of course, none of this means anything to him, until his team rallies to have his back.

AJ is a Wichita kinda white. But it doesn't count, he's off the reservation.

It's a shocker all right.

Look at Candi lash out; he never got this vocal about Lizzy...

But none of this really matters to him, he's not paying any real attention, he's not here to make an issue out of it; that's the job of his fellow travelers. If he were an Indian, he would be proud of his heritage as a scout for the white man as they make war on those unwashed heathen natives of the land.
You mean, like copping a h8 ball???

Because somebody has been smoking the shit . . . .

It's a shocker all right.

Look at Candi lash out; he never got this vocal about Lizzy...

But none of this really matters to him, he's not paying any real attention, he's not here to make an issue out of it; that's the job of his fellow travelers. If he were an Indian, he would be proud of his heritage as a scout for the white man as they make war on those unwashed heathen natives of the land.

You know, I honestly commend him for remembering that EBCN assimilation thing enough to hit me with it. He's digging up insults from the 1800s. We were loosing and white chicks are hot. I get that we're all responsible for the sins of our parents, and I can't justify the split, but I was busy not being born for another 3 generations after the tail-ass-end of it. I can't tell you whether or not that was a good decision, because avoiding the trail didn't actually avoid the atrocities and it turns out you can't trust whitey no matter what you do. So as someone who is secure in his ethnic identity, that shit slides right off my back because it's not like this is a new insult. Pick something from this century to hit me with.

I am, though, curious about who Lizzy is. And about how you ever got it so jumbled up in your brain that you could possibly think I was attacking you when all I ever asked was what kind of white you were so I could find the holiday you, yourself, wanted to celebrate, and then suggested a book I genuinely thought you would like. Y'all shoot me if I ever get that desperate for hate.
And yet, none of this is of any importance to you...

Methinks the drama queen doth lie.

Maybe you'll get more left-wing support today if you keep trolling for their hate.