We need Death Panels - Another chance to hate on Sarah Palin!


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
We need Death Panels.

Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.

But in the pantheon of toxic issues — the famous “third rails” of American politics — none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceutical.

Most notably, President Obama’s estimable Affordable Care Act regrettably includes severe restrictions on any reduction in Medicare services or increase in fees to beneficiaries. In 2009, Sarah Palin’s rant about death panels even forced elimination from the bill of a provision to offer end-of-life consultations.


To be sure, health care cost increases have moderated, in part because of the recession and in part because Medicare has been tightening its reimbursements. But those thumbscrews can’t be tightened forever; Medicare reimbursement rates are already well below those of private providers.

Let’s not forget that with the elderly population growing rapidly, even if cost increases for each beneficiary can be contained, Medicare would still claim a rising share of the American economy.

Medicare needs to take a cue from Willie Sutton, who reportedly said he robbed banks because that’s where the money was. The big money in Medicare is not to be found in Mr. Ryan’s competition or Mr. Obama’s innovation, but in reducing the cost of treating people in the last year of life, which consumes more than a quarter of the program’s budget.

No one wants to lose an aging parent. And with price out of the equation, it’s natural for patients and their families to try every treatment, regardless of expense or efficacy. But that imposes an enormous societal cost that few other nations have been willing to bear. Many countries whose health care systems are regularly extolled — including Canada, Australia and New Zealand — have systems for rationing care.

Take Britain, which provides universal coverage with spending at proportionately almost half of American levels. Its National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence uses a complex quality-adjusted life year system to put an explicit value (up to about $48,000 per year) on a treatment’s ability to extend life.

At the least, the Independent Payment Advisory Board should be allowed to offer changes in services and costs. We may shrink from such stomach-wrenching choices, but they are inescapable.
Steven Rattner, former Obama Czar

“Some years down the pike, we’re going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.”
Paul Krugman

;) ;) iPab! Pushing Grandma off the cliff!
I invented i, the square root of neutral 1.
Criticism of imaginary "death panels" allow AJ to get all victimy.

He's a victim...a VICTIM, DAMMIT!

plus criticism of Sarah Palin is so mean!
But you never learned what the IPAB is. Even when I linked you to the law itself you chose to not learn what it is.

Learning is for liberals!

He's got opinions! Good, Shiny American Opinions, formed in the deepest bowels of the bestest and brightest American think tanks, served up piping hot and fresh each day! MMM MMM GOOD!
ObamaCare: The Kiss of Death
J.T. Hatter
October 1, 2012

Obama Lied: Health Care Died

In 2009, Obama addressed a joint session of Congress to lay out his program for health care. He unflinchingly told the assembled elected officials one whopper after another, amid a rising chorus of boos and loud grumbling. It got to be too much for Congressman Joe Wilson, of South Carolina, who shouted, "You lie!" to the president as the latter was speaking. Both political parties roundly condemned Wilson for his outburst. He was called a racist, of course, among other things, and he later apologized for his indiscretion. But Joe Wilson was right on the money.

Obama lied to the American people when he said that under ObamaCare, the cost for health care would not go up. He said that the middle class would not spend "a single dime" in increased taxes to pay for it, that ObamaCare would actually reduce the federal deficit by the cost savings it would create, that you could keep your current doctor, and that 30 million more people would have health care coverage. None of this was true. And Obama knew that when he made all these claims.

The facts are that Obama and his Democratic Party comrades fudged the numbers, engaged in enormously fraudulent accounting tricks, double-counted Medicare funds, dissembled about what ObamaCare would really entail ("We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."), and completely misinformed Congress and the public about the scope and impact of these new laws and entitlement programs.

But now the facts are beginning to roll in, and the Democrats' health care chickens are coming home to roost. When Obama campaigned in 2008, he said he would reduce health care premiums for families by $2,500 in his first term. The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that annual average family insurance premiums have gone up by $2,730 in Obama's first term -- not down. Kaiser currently reports that health premium costs increased 4% this year alone.

Obama told the American people that his health care program would cost "only" 940 billion dollars over ten years. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now has rescored ObamaCare and says that the program's gross cost is $1.762 trillion from now to FY 2022. This estimate does not include administrative and other costs, which will add hundreds of billions of dollars more.

The CBO estimate suggests that an offsetting cost reduction of about 0.51 trillion dollars would be realized from receipts from "penalty payments," fees, and increased taxes. According to Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, these "penalty payments" are actually taxes. There are twenty new taxes in ObamaCare. Yes, Obama lied about our taxes going up. ObamaCare may be the biggest and most expensive lie told in American history.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/10/obamacare_the_kiss_of_death.html#ixzz2831Auj7Y
Learning is for liberals!

He's got opinions! Good, Shiny American Opinions, formed in the deepest bowels of the bestest and brightest American think tanks, served up piping hot and fresh each day! MMM MMM GOOD!

He claimed that Obamacare put undue burdens on small businesses by mandating that they provide their employees health insurance. I linked Healthcare.gov and the source law which say no such thing - not even a little bit. Not even a mandate for big businesses to provide their employees with health care.

But he still persisted in his "belief" because the law is biased and can't be trusted. :rolleyes:
He claimed that Obamacare put undue burdens on small businesses by mandating that they provide their employees health insurance. I linked Healthcare.gov and the source law which say no such thing - not even a little bit. Not even a mandate for big businesses to provide their employees with health care.

But he still persisted in his "belief" because the law is biased and can't be trusted. :rolleyes:

AJ has serious trust issues with polls, laws and Negro presidents.

A link to a government sales pitch. Countered with points made by the people paying for it, but that was summarily dismissed. What do they know? They are biased! They vote Republican! They lie. Government NEVER lies...
Obama lied about taxes going up? Obama's payroll tax cuts > tax hikes for a net tax decrease during his term. Are we supposed to just disregard the net total so we can focus on a small portion of the equation that doesn't matter in the end? :confused:

Funny. From the specific, to a general, to a new specific...

Even the Obama phones represent a rising tax on the Middle Class.

You cannot give to your voters that which you have not taken from someone else first.
Funny. From the specific, to a general, to a new specific...

Even the Obama phones represent a rising tax on the Middle Class.

You cannot give to your voters that which you have not taken from someone else first.

Yes AJ, we can fight you on the "big picture", and we can fight you on the "details".

It's not that we always come out of on top because we're better than you, we come out on top because your arguments are much, much, worse than ours.

There's a reason why you were judged unfit to adopt American children, my friend.....

A link to a government sales pitch. Countered with points made by the people paying for it, but that was summarily dismissed. What do they know? They are biased! They vote Republican! They lie. Government NEVER lies...

I also linked you to the law itself. Not even basic, undeniable, uninterpretable text changed your completely unsubstantiated "belief" that you utterly failed to back up even a little bit. At this point you're just lying.
You failed to link me to the regulations which I did for you, but you didn't like the source, so you just didn't bother to follow up on them.

Anyone who is not paying for this wonderful program is a great source, while those paying for it are ingrates, liars and Republicans.

We get that merc. You are a pure partisan. You just refuse to admit it.

You either lie to us, or to yourself.

The latter, the worse...
The real death panels are the affected MDs and hospitals. Obama recently changed the rules to deny payment for recidivism. That is, if they dont fix granny the first time Obama aint paying to fix her more times. So the wise course is to kill her the first time.
You failed to link me to the regulations which I did for you, but you didn't like the source, so you just didn't bother to follow up on them.

How the fuck am I supposed to link the regulations when I'm telling you they don't exist?

You can't possibly be this stupid in real life.
The real death panels are the affected MDs and hospitals. Obama recently changed the rules to deny payment for recidivism. That is, if they dont fix granny the first time Obama aint paying to fix her more times. So the wise course is to kill her the first time.

Care to give the factual description of what you're talking about or just the angry conservative version? And what happened to the conservative idea that the medical system should reward doctors for performance? It looks like Obama implemented the idea first so now it's changed into a bad idea. :rolleyes:
Anyone who has a terminally ill loved one KNOWS that Obama's directives have already been put into place in the system.

Suddenly you find that drugs/treatment that were readily available prior to Obama's expressed beliefs, that some people are too old and sick to try to keep alive are, are no longer viable ... chemo drug shortages (only for some) - the doctors say that since the supplies are limited we have to make choices as to those who would benefit most by them ... second rate doctors attend to the hopeless, as the proficient ones walk right on by.

Not long ago, there was hope for those that wanted to fight. Now they've been written off.
Anyone who has a terminally ill loved one KNOWS that Obama's directives have already been put into place in the system.

Suddenly you find that drugs/treatment that were readily available prior to Obama's expressed beliefs, that some people are too old and sick to try to keep alive are, are no longer viable ... chemo drug shortages (only for some) - the doctors say that since the supplies are limited we have to make choices as to those who would benefit most by them ... second rate doctors attend to the hopeless, as the proficient ones walk right on by.

Not long ago, there was hope for those that wanted to fight. Now they've been written off.

Obama ordered a shortage of chemo drugs?
Shortages in chemotherapy drugs began to escalate within a year of ObamaCare, and have increased dramatically since.

The shortages of doctors available to Medicare patients also suffered perilously.
Shortages in chemotherapy drugs began to escalate within a year of ObamaCare, and have increased dramatically since.

The shortages of doctors available to Medicare patients also suffered perilously.

Where in Obamacare gives a "directive" for there to be a shortage of chemo drugs? And in your response remember that not much of Obamacare was implemented in the first months of its signing.
Care to give the factual description of what you're talking about or just the angry conservative version? And what happened to the conservative idea that the medical system should reward doctors for performance? It looks like Obama implemented the idea first so now it's changed into a bad idea. :rolleyes:

No. I dont care to. The info is online and in the news. Use your Google.

Prolly is a good idea. Most MDs and hospitals bleed Medicare dry, plus the geezers are a black hole for expensive care. The issue, if you recall, is death panels. Obama found a way!
No. I dont care to. The info is online and in the news. Use your Google.

I'm already aware of the changes and have been for a couple years now. I'm wondering why you didn't use Google to get some more factual information than what was in your post though.
I just got my 2013 medicare and insurance information, and every copay is going up most of them 33%.

For diabetics, they only want to give 75% of the insulin I require, and only 50% of the test strips I need to maintain good control.

I have fought this battle for 2 years.
I just got my 2013 medicare and insurance information, and every copay is going up most of them 33%.

For diabetics, they only want to give 75% of the insulin I require, and only 50% of the test strips I need to maintain good control.

I have fought this battle for 2 years.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education
and welfare functions.
