We are at war with Iraq


Good to the last drop
Jun 25, 2000
All the UN stuff is just smoke and mirrors. Within the past week, the US and Brits sent a hundred warplanes in a single raid. The CIA is in country. Within 30 days the war will start. If you are on vacation for 2 days you might miss the whole thing. North Korea is next.
Even though you do not know me

Do me a favor WriterDom? Please do not post that we are at war until it happens. My heart just dropped like a 1,000 times over. What you are saying is true. Too many signs of preparations on the news and what not getting organized. Too many service people called back and such.

As far as North Korea I am clueless. I just hope and pray that things will work out swiftly to get resolved with little death.

Re: Even though you do not know me

tulip2lipservice said:
Do me a favor WriterDom? Please do not post that we are at war until it happens. My heart just dropped like a 1,000 times over. B]

War, like politics, is a necessary evil. I don't know that it's unavoidable. But I don't see a scenario where it isn't.
Post date this to Jan 27th......

THE United Nations is making secret contingency plans for a war that would halt all Iraqi oil production, “seriously degrade” the country’s electricity system, provoke civil unrest and create 900,000 refugees, The Times has learnt.

Internal UN documents predict that the worst fighting will be in the three central governorates around Baghdad, with the Kurdish-controlled north remaining largely free of conflict. But it will take a month after war breaks out before the predominantly Shia south is calm enough for UN humanitarian workers to work there.

Although formally expressing the hope that war can be averted, UN relief agencies are already positioning emergency supplies and updating evacuation procedures for the hundreds of international staff now inside Iraq.

“The UN expects that there will be full compliance by Iraq . . . and that, consequently, there will be no new humanitarian crisis,” one document says. “Nevertheless, UN agencies must ensure that they are adequately prepared for the full range of possible scenarios.”

Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, is trying to keep the preparations secret for fear of signalling to Iraq that weapons inspections are futile and a US-led attack is inevitable.

But he ordered staff to begin contingency planning last month after the Security Council set tough terms for resumed inspections in Iraq. His Canadian deputy, Louise Fréchette, is chairing regular meetings of officials to prepare for a possible humanitarian crisis.

Confidential UN planning papers paint a grim picture of the effects of an attack against Iraq: they predict that production of oil will cease, the port of Umm Qasr on the Gulf would be shut down, and the bombing of bridges would cripple the railway network and make road travel difficult between the east and west of the country.

The electricity grid would be seriously disrupted, with collateral damage to water and sewage systems. Government stocks of commodities such as grain would also be hit.

Of the 900,000 predicted refugees, the UN estimates that about 100,000 would need immediate help.

“It all seems perfectly reasonable, but when it actually happens, it will be different,” one person who reviewed the papers said. “It always is.”

At an unpublicised meeting in Geneva on December 13, the UN appealed to more than ten donor nations, including Britain, to provide $37 million (£23 million) to fund preparations for a crisis.

The Rome-based World Food Programme said that it had started to put in place sufficient food for 900,000 people for a month. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has a stockpile of supplies for 250,000 people ready to move at 72 hours’ notice, but has only enough tents and blankets for 100,000 people. It could take 12 weeks and $60 million to deliver enough supplies.

The UN Children’s Fund, which has a warehouse in Denmark, has started moving supplies to Iraq and four neighbouring countries for 550,000 people inside Iraq and another 160,000 expected to spill into neighbouring states.

A major source of tension in the planning is the relationship between the emergency operation and the large UN “oil-for-food” programme that has been overseeing relief supplies inside Iraq for the past seven years. (and allowing UN violations--L.C.)

The UN estimates that 16 million Iraqis, or 60 per cent of the population, are highly dependent on the monthly food basket provided under the programme.

Not to mention the aid the US will give to those caught in the middle too. :D
Lost Cause,

Are you totally unable to ever give credit for your copy and paste?
Re: Post date this to Jan 27th......

Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, is trying to keep the preparations secret for fear of signalling to Iraq that weapons inspections are futile and a US-led attack is inevitable.

. :D [/B]

Nice try, Kofi.
Saddam will end up kissing Bush's ass, but in the process Bush will lose his pants.
Blind fools

Those who sow dragon's teeth shall reap the whirlwind.
Re: Even though you do not know me

tulip2lipservice said:
Do me a favor WriterDom? Please do not post that we are at war until it happens. My heart just dropped like a 1,000 times over. What you are saying is true. Too many signs of preparations on the news and what not getting organized. Too many service people called back and such.

As far as North Korea I am clueless. I just hope and pray that things will work out swiftly to get resolved with little death.


Nice boots Tulip.

You've been at war for years with Iraq, Bootsie.

You've already killed 500,000 children there.

Go to Unesco's website. Read it.

And weep.

Hey...nice boots!

Re: Re: Even though you do not know me

Lancecastor said:
Nice boots Tulip.

You've been at war for years with Iraq, Bootsie.

You've already killed 500,000 children there.

Go to Unesco's website. Read it.


Well, if you discount all the hundreds of Shrines built in his honor and "Billion dollar bowling at Saddams temples" we might have killed a few. Not that he gives a shit. It's like his Buddy Castro. If he had invested his Russian money better, he'd own Florida.
Re: Re: Even though you do not know me

Lancecastor said:
Nice boots Tulip.




Somebody nudge Lance and tell him that Canada is still part of the U.N.

The Berlin Wall came down, and then the Tijuana Wall was built. The blood of Mexicans seeking a better life, Iraqi children murdered by policies of deliberate starvation, and the innumerable black men lynched at the hands of white Southern bigots, racists with smug, sneering faces, all stain your hands.

Have you smashed all the mirrors in your house?
Re: Re: Re: Even though you do not know me

Problem Child said:
Somebody nudge Lance and tell him that Canada is still part of the U.N.

Canada's UN dues are current and up to date, so we are members in good standing.

And the USA.....?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Even though you do not know me

Lancecastor said:
Canada's UN dues are current and up to date, so we are members in good standing.

And the USA.....?

...is making a point about having to pay the lion's share of the peacekeeping costs of the last decade.

Keep your pants on Lance, we'll pay up sooner or later. We always do.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Even though you do not know me

Problem Child said:

Keep your pants on Lance, we'll pay up sooner or later. We always do.

No problem friend!

Just check your knives at the door in the meantime.

No ticky, no washy.


Abomination of abominations

By transforming what was supposed to be an instrument of world peace into a cover for imperialist war, Babylon the Great Whore and Beast has truly revealed itself to be the abomination of all abominations . . .
Re: Abomination of abominations

By transforming what was supposed to be an instrument of world peace into a cover for imperialist war, Babylon the Great Whore and Beast has truly revealed itself to be the abomination of all abominations . . .

The Commie Cocksucker is going Biblical on us.

Buy a case or two of ammo and restock the fallout shelter, something is a-comin'.
Re: Re: Even though you do not know me

Lancecastor said:
Nice boots Tulip.

You've been at war for years with Iraq, Bootsie.

You've already killed 500,000 children there.

Go to Unesco's website. Read it.

And weep.

Hey...nice boots!


I kind of expect Don K Dyck post this kind of nonsense, but I am surprised to see it coming from you Lance. I thought you were more intelligent than that.

The responsibility for the children who have died in Iraq rests solely with Saddam Hussein. If that is not obvious enough, and you want to blame someone else, then blame the entire U.N.

And the UN amount in arrears is probably equal to the amount that all of the diplomats in NYC owe the city in unpaid parking tickets.
Re: Re: Re: Even though you do not know me

zipman7 said:
And the UN amount in arrears is probably equal to the amount that all of the diplomats in NYC owe the city in unpaid parking tickets.

As usual America plays by its own rules and fuck the rest of us. The only reason the UN is an impotent force in the world is that America uses it as if it's just another State, and it just can't be trusted to follow the Charter by which it was first set up.

America bullys member countries into following her own policy with a combination of threats, bribes and coercion. She only uses the organisation to support her own very suspect policies when it becomes obvious that world opinion wouldn't have it any other way and she doesn't pay her dues because she can get away with it. Although she was kicked off one minor committee last year for delinquent payment.

As for non-payment of parking fines in NYC by foreign diplomats, I should check out the non-payment of parking fines American diplomats accumulate on a world wide basis before you start shouting the odds if I were you.

America does what she wants, because she can...

But the times they are a-changing...

Thank Christ...

The US outa get outa the UN

and the UN should get outa the US

A worthless racist orginization that is populated by third world shiity useless countries

Do i want CamaFUCKaroon and Syria telling the US what to do???????

Gee, fucking whiz
Reference MM....

thetimesonline UK. Tsk,tsk, very few here with the holiday goodwill. :D
Re: The US outa get outa the UN

busybody said:
Do i want CamaFUCKaroon and Syria telling the US what to do???????

Gee, fucking whiz

Why not?

Israel does...
