Wckd-n-Wild....More to cum!?!

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Wow looks like lots of planning going on in here, I think I am going to have to take on the night classes, so I will need to learn a little bit from everyone, so I can teach a more condenced class of each subject for our students with a time crunch or are a little bit more advanced :)
But for now I am back to the grind :) see you all later.
Well, first off I would definitely need an assistant, someone who wouldn't mind letting go.
I would structure the class as tutorial followed by demonstration. In particular, in the area of healing touch, we'd be starting out with the basics of massage, from deep tissue to sensual. We'd discuss simple use of the hands and then move on toward using other implements to add to the experience.
At some point we would begin to include oils, and how the different textures and scents can ellicit different level of response.
There would most likely be a discussion on the affect of pain and pleasure as revolving focuses, and how stimulating the mind through other techniques is often more important than the body in true healing...

Any questions? *wink*
More questions than answers I'm afraid. Perhaps I'm just slow from lack of sleep. Care to elaborate on any of the above? Give me a specific example of how you would teach a deep tissue massage. I'm sure our athletes will have a demand for some R&R. I have a feeling our athletics program is going to be VERY competitive, rigorous and demanding!

As for the assistant, I'm sure there'll be a long line of women willing to meet your demands. As for scents, I'll have to check our fire codes, as I don't know what it says about burning candles incense or the like.... but lemme look into that.

Gyps33boi - I think you're gonna fit in nicely!!! :devil:
What sort of classes do you teach here? Need someone to teach licentious lyrics?
*walks past room....peeks in*

Looks like an intense class......I dunno if I can keep up.....

*turns around and ponders.....walk out or stay*
*grinning* ooohhhh... That would fall under our Music Department, and since I have been nominated to teach dance... that means we'd have-ta work closely together... theoretically of course. <weg>
Slides back through the door,

Afternoon all, mm is there still coffee over there in the pot by any chance? I snuck out pretty early this morning I hope I didn't wake any of you, as he flops down on the couch with his messanger backpack, and pulls out some homework.
Hay Cash... yeah... but it's cold... there's Mt. Dew in the fridge... how's school? Did ya have lunch yet?
Jumps up and practically runs to the fridge for the Mt. Dew remembers his manners at the last moment, and walks the rest of the way.

"School was well, you know the usuall, talked about the Bhagvad Gita, and the history of Arjuna."

covers his stomach with an embarassed look as it gurgles loudly.

"And well I bet you can guess the answer to your other question ;)"
I think there's some leftover lasagna in there.... or ya can make a sandwich.

What ya doing this afternoon?
sets the mountain dew on the counter, and pulls out two slices of bread sets them on a paper plate, and goes looking for the peanut butter and jelly.

Well, I'm working on making some chineese flashcards for a test that I have tomorrow morning, and probably have to answer some silly questions about computers here and there.
Chinese? Mandarin or Cantonese? need a tutor? Okay what? Not a fan of lasagna? There's some really yummy roasted turkey... and some avacados somewhere... looks around.... How about grilled cheese and tomato soup??? I'll even make it for you!
Chinese? Mandarin or Cantonese? need a tutor? Okay what? Not a fan of lasagna? There's some really yummy roasted turkey... and some avacados somewhere... looks around.... How about grilled cheese and tomato soup??? I'll even make it for you!

Grilled Cheese and tomotao soup... Drools, but quickly catches himself and wipes his mouth.

Basic Chineese Bejing Dialect. Mandarin is next most likely ;) nah I don't think I need a tutor yet, eventually I might if I keep pushing down the language path that is.
Ah... i was gonna say.. i'm sure there's gotta be someone in this school that could help you navigate through the quagmire of deciphering foreign tongues. ;)
Ah... i was gonna say.. i'm sure there's gotta be someone in this school that could help you navigate through the quagmire of deciphering foreign tongues. ;)

Foreign nope, but navigating tongues well...
*runs in throwing her keys and coat on the front table* "good afternoon all, not here long, but thought I would come home quick to see who was around while the kids slept" I think I may try to catch a quick power nap myself. Anyone wanting to come cuddle with me? :)

I want to but I have this unfortunate homework problem sitting in front of me.

*glares his chineese into submission*
grins.. I would but I went for a ride and I desperately need a shower... I wouldn't subject anyone to this.. .it's deadly..... :eek:
grins.. I would but I went for a ride and I desperately need a shower... I wouldn't subject anyone to this.. .it's deadly..... :eek:
hmmm a nice relaxing shower, that might be good too, get rid of all the kid germs. hmmm I can help get your back all clean :devil:
ooohhh.... now you're talking! surries to the pool deck...how about I jump in the shower..and then we get in the hot tub ? I can go for a swim and try and work out this kink... hee hee
BIATCHHHHHHHH! What's up! thanks for the love!!! Did ya bring junior mints?
pulls swimtrunks out of his backpack, and proceeds to head back to the room he stayed in last night to change, emerging a few moments later.

Wow wish you had told me there was a hot tob, I can do my homework while in the hot tub ;) "homework" sure...
Looks at Corbal... c'mon sexy... let's go for a dip! now the threads gonna implode... grabs Lora by the hand... and Corbal and winks at Cash... you have no idea how lucky you are today ;):devil:
BIATCHHHHHHHH! What's up! thanks for the love!!! Did ya bring junior mints?

Looks at Corbal... c'mon sexy... let's go for a dip! now the threads gonna implode... grabs Lora by the hand... and Corbal and winks at Cash... you have no idea how lucky you are today ;):devil:

Junior mints are in the bag.....no room for them with just flesh and a smile......:kiss:
*clears his throat, studying the three for a moment*
Well, I certainly don't think there's need for instruction here, though this is turning out to be the perfect size for a group lab... ;)
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