Wat's Guns-N-Stuff Thread

Internal and external forces are driving a wedge between the citizenry. We are most certainly on the path to a bloody civil war. We are already at war with each other, just no bloodshed..................yet. I hope that we, collectively, come to our senses and I'm seeing some evidence that we are. At the same time I see evidence that there is a lunatic fringe that are not going to accept that reality without resorting to violence.

The bolded bit is really the sad part. It's even a bit distressing. Yet so many people seem to have a need to gaslight up their narrative, to create the ad hominem tale of events or assumptions of what someone else thinks, things made up from whole cloth when simple evidence is there that says simply . . . that they have another way of seeing what you're looking at. It's annoying when it happens, but it's also sad and indicative of the wedge, the need to demonize the opposition, or just the person or group who(m) we intend to blame.

My favorite part of the narrative is, whatever a person is accused of is likely very present in and motivating to the accuser. "You spot it, you got it." That kind of thing points out the lack of knowledge of self in the accuser. It seems to be based in fear of the unknown or of change. Whatever the cause, there needs to be a villain, and they need to be absolved of all responsibility. It's their fault!!!

So, yeah, it's lunacy. It's also like this guy:

A Deplorable "strong" man seeks power, like the one in the picture.

Armed Deplorables are not seeking self-defense. That's just a ruse. Their exhibitionism shelters another agenda.

Armed citizens seeking self-defense do not obsess over their guns all the time, any more than they would openly obsess about their other tools.
What, and not be glued to the crawling scrawl on CNN or the like? Perish the thought!!!

History teachers suck, and that's why the Dim and the gang find history to be boring. "Do I have to learn dates?" Well, yeah, Shitbird, it's how you know what came as a result of what or as a cause of whatever.

Then again, I'm sure how well people learned from history last century, either.
The people here now crying about history stand in the way and blissfully have no solutions to fixing this current timeline.


A duly elected government, "majority" rules, decides that portions of its population take up too much room, have too much stuff, and produce too much carbon dioxide, so they take action against those they have first disarmed:

Ours was Mexican and it was $15 for some seriously overstuffed baggies. And then it went to $35 after a dry summer for 4-finger Columbian bags. I haven't even been to a store to price the legal shit.
All ours have are fucking "gummies" and vape pens. They still cannot legally sell the illegal shit.
All ours have are fucking "gummies" and vape pens. They still cannot legally sell the illegal shit.
Welcome back dipshit. Got sumfin for ya I’d love to hear your opinion on…

Ahaahahaahahah I hunt and fish your land because my ancestors were better at conquest than yours were.

Sucks to be a cuck indian

Get your wife to dance for us
How embarrassing for you. At least wizzard and TrailerHitch, despite their very, very repressed sexuality, still have their balls intact.
took a day off yesterday and did some shooting. Shot my “new” 1953 Tula made SKS. By todays standards, I got a decent deal on it. $750. (I know I know… even the good Russian ones were $99 back in the day…)

Far better trigger pull than my 1966 Chinese and better than my Yugo. And accurate too. I zeroed it in at 20 yds and when I got the feel for it, was getting good groupings at 50 yds, then moved to 100 yds.

(My Chinese I bubbarized and out a peep sight on it and that really helped at longer ranges. I won’t touch a thing on my Russian or Yugo one)

Seemed to like cheap steel Russian ammo better than brass (opposite of my Mini-30).

Decent groupings at 100 yds.
took a day off yesterday and did some shooting. Shot my “new” 1953 Tula made SKS. By todays standards, I got a decent deal on it. $750. (I know I know… even the good Russian ones were $99 back in the day…)

Far better trigger pull than my 1966 Chinese and better than my Yugo. And accurate too. I zeroed it in at 20 yds and when I got the feel for it, was getting good groupings at 50 yds, then moved to 100 yds.

(My Chinese I bubbarized and out a peep sight on it and that really helped at longer ranges. I won’t touch a thing on my Russian or Yugo one)

Seemed to like cheap steel Russian ammo better than brass (opposite of my Mini-30).

Decent groupings at 100 yds.

That is a good 100 yard grouping. I find that the combloc guns seem to like the cheesy steel stuff. My wallet likes it, too. I don't own any brass 7.62x39. It's all steel. And it all goes "bang."

And my Allah-given right to call you gelded twits cunts until the end of your miserable existences.
How do Litlib posters, with straight faces, offer "thoughts-n-prayers" when they're (just about) all flaming athiests?? Have they ever considered that???

Oh, the Hypocrisy.

Truth is, If Allah were a more cruel god, he'd smite them in place for saying "god damn it," and not for blasphemy. How you damn with something you say don't exist???

Now, Allah knows about putting some flames to flaming anythings . . . . :rolleyes:

Long weekend coming up so I had to have a heart to heart with my security staff. Explained to them that the criminals are going to be out canvassing the hood looking for opportunities. I also wanted to incentivize them so I've offered an entire T-bone steak, cooked to order or raw if preferred, for the first staff member that rips the throat out of anyone that jumps the fence. They seemed quite excited after the meeting.