Wat's Guns-N-Stuff Thread

Einstein left out envy. Of course, stupidity, fear and greed are the three legs of that stool.
And three non-co-linear points determine a plane, so . . . .

I think that envy has elements of each of the three.

Were that this thread the Venus Flytrap of teh st000pids. It certainly has the drawing them in part down pat. It's the Lingering Death part what needs work.

Un/disarmed civilians being dealt with by "government" "officials".

But hey, couldn't happen here, right?

Or reread this thread and reconsider:

Gm fellow racists and misogynists and general nut draggers disguised as ammosexuals. I see you kinda congregated on one cause overnight. (Sniff. Deep inhale.) My family! I can smell the dingle from your berries. I love that mama got all her brood together on this festive day of her recognition. How sweet that you came together to show me that you cared for the one you all suckle from. I love yall babies back too. ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘
I see ignored people.

It seems that your thread has become a magnet for those here that I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.

This is what they consider impactful and efficacious.

That is how you win elections
and get evil guns banned.
Or not. Learning???
For dummies!

;) ;)

Einstein roars...

What is really humorous is, they toddle in here in their poopy diapers and their tiny yet very bitter hate, and scream and wail, setting themselves on fire and hoping the smoke annoys us.

And not able to see that we're too far above it to get uptight.

Maybe next time, they'll drink poison and hope that it kills us . . . .

What is really humorous is, they toddle in here in their poopy diapers and their tiny yet very bitter hate, and scream and wail, setting themselves on fire and hoping the smoke annoys us.

And not able to see that we're too far above it to get uptight.

Maybe next time, they'll drink poison and hope that it kills us . . . .

Silly shits don't realize that we're smart enough to stand upwind. :D
That along with the faster twists. One of the reasons I'm building the 25-06.

The problem with the 25-06 is that the 6.0 and 6.5 Creedmore are getting all the attention so no one is developing longer projectiles for the 25-06. The manufacturers and wildcatters could, they just aren't because the herd minded creatures are all loaded onto the Creedmore bandwagon looking for a parade to rain on.
Un/disarmed civilians being dealt with by "government" "officials".

But hey, couldn't happen here, right?
Oh, your grizzly snuff scenarios could DEFINITELY happen here.

Just look at the armed right-wing control freaks on your own thread, and look at who they support in upcoming elections.
The problem with the 25-06 is that the 6.0 and 6.5 Creedmore are getting all the attention so no one is developing longer projectiles for the 25-06. The manufacturers and wildcatters could, they just aren't because the herd minded creatures are all loaded onto the Creedmore bandwagon looking for a parade to rain on.
Not true anymore. Hornady, Berger, and a couple of others are making 130+ high BC class in 25. Finally bullets that match the case capacity. 1:7 twist required though so older 25's won't be able to take advantage.
Not true anymore. Hornady, Berger, and a couple of others are making 130+ high BC class in 25. Finally bullets that match the case capacity. 1:7 twist required though so older 25's won't be able to take advantage.

130gr is okay out to 1000 yds but, according to "experts," you really need 140+ to get beyond that point with consistent accuracy. I don't know how legit that claim is but AFAIK only 1 company makes 140gr projectiles in .25 cal. and they're somewhat hard to get.

New powders to take advantage of the huge case capacity compared to the Creedmore would be nice too. Of course you'd need a longer barrel to take advantage of all that push and that adds weight. A stronger receiver is next on the list because of all dat powa.

Eventually you'd end up with a .25 cal Howitzer but man o man would it reach out and touch someone.