

Literotica Guru
Jun 17, 2002
i've seen a lot of other things talked about here, but what role does urolania play in a D/s relationship?
alright, i'll admit it. i get in curious moods. while i've never actually engaged in ws, or even talked about it with anybody (not even Him) i do sometimes wonder what it would be like. and i know that He has a little past experience with it....bah, maybe sometime down the road! i'll let you know if i ever get any experience in this area!
Golden showers can be kink - thrill of the forbidden.

Or it can be degrading - symbolic of the contempt one has for another.

Both of those circumstances work both in and outside BDSM relationships.

However, inside a D/s relationship, there is a third meaning that exists:

The sub/slave receiving his/her Dom/me's piss (either on their body or actually receiving it IN their body - i'll leave that to your imaginations ;) ) represents their total willingness to accept ALL of their Dom/me.
Maybe this goes with the "thrill of the forbidden" that meria mentioned, but one thing about watersports that can factor into even the most non-kinky sorts of relationships is the curiosity that people have about the differences between them and other people.

You know, an I'll-show-you-mine-if-you-show-me-yours, spying-on-someone-else's-locker-room sort of mentality.

Still, I prefer a little D/s with my golden showers. There's something about seeing him looming tall above me: both of us know it's going to happen, we're both a little disgusted with the fact, but neither one of us would exchange it for anything.
meria_serves said:
Golden showers can be kink - thrill of the forbidden.

Or it can be degrading - symbolic of the contempt one has for another.

Both of those circumstances work both in and outside BDSM relationships.

However, inside a D/s relationship, there is a third meaning that exists:

The sub/slave receiving his/her Dom/me's piss (either on their body or actually receiving it IN their body - i'll leave that to your imaginations ;) ) represents their total willingness to accept ALL of their Dom/me.

and a 4th
the Dom is marking his submissive
Ack Richard. i sat there last night thinking, "i know there's another" on the (pardon the pun :D ) tip of my tongue

I can understand the pyscholgical desire to pee on/ be peed on, although *I* never personally have had the desire. I can indeed understand how it would show complete acceptance of your partner to allow them to do that to you. As far as just getting off on covering someone in urine, well that doesn't click for me, but to each their own. My partner has zero interest in the subject and so do I, but if he decided he was interested I would humour him.
Thanks to all for your comments and to you Lark Sparrow for adding the link to the other thread.
A submissive once told he she loved having her Dom urinate on her & in to her mouth, becuase it was a part of him and all of him was sacred to her, so it was like a communion

Somehow this attitude didn't extend to his scat, tho :rolleyes:
James G 5 said:
A submissive once told he she loved having her Dom urinate on her & in to her mouth, becuase it was a part of him and all of him was sacred to her, so it was like a communion

an interesting comparsion
watersports in D/s

my Master and i incorporate watersports into our lifestyle....my taking HIS piss only of course...He pisses on me to mark me as his property, his territory...and pisses in my mouth as a form of degradation and also for mere convenience...no need to pull over to a gas station to use the restroom while on a long road trip if you have a toilet slave with ready mouth right there. ;) He also pisses in me other holes...again, for degradation purposes...and i'm always honored to take his piss. i've even made margueritas with it. :)
Re: watersports in D/s

ownedsubgal said:
...and i'm always honored to take his piss. i've even made margueritas with it. :)

LOL what a special mix - and a darn good way to keep the whole batch to yourself. ;)

We have discussed many things involving pee. Erotic service in cleaning Her is on the to do list next visit. She came up with a whole host of humiliation ideas apart from the standard in the bath golden showers... punishments of being made to go out into the backyard clothed, wet myself, and uhm stew in it for a bit while I contemplate my behavior - just one of the many twists that flooded Her brain when thinking about the possibilities of playing with pee.

It's just alittle frightening and alot exciting how She can take an idea and run with it places I hadn't considered. The combined thoughts are :eek:
Johnny Mayberry said:
Drink lots of water first...clear piss is less degrading than reeking, dark yellow urine.

why would anyone wanna make it LESS degrading? ;)
ownedsubgal said:
why would anyone wanna make it LESS degrading? ;)

Because, for maximum long-term effect, you should start smaller, and build up. If you go 100% on the first go, where can you go from there?
there are always new doors to open, always new and different places to go. also, for many watersports isn't simply about erotica. the purpose isn't always to titillate or add spice to the sexual activities. sometimes it's purely service, purely homage to one's Master/Mistress. and in that case, a bit of a routine can be quite a beautiful thing. personally, i would be a bit put off if my Master were to purposely drink tons of water and avoid certain food and drink so that when he gave me his piss it would be clear, odorless and mostly tasteless. i mean, what would be the point in that?? how real is that? jmho only of course. whatever floats one's boat.
I understand your points...my point is that for teh first time, the act itself should be enough. Later, you can be more specific by being dehydrated.

Anyhoo, for me, it would be much more fun to be hydrated. My bladder holds well over a quart of urine...imagine how much fun it would be for me to be able to piss several gallons on someone over an evening.;)
Johnny Mayberry said:
I understand your points...my point is that for teh first time, the act itself should be enough. Later, you can be more specific by being dehydrated.

Anyhoo, for me, it would be much more fun to be hydrated. My bladder holds well over a quart of urine...imagine how much fun it would be for me to be able to piss several gallons on someone over an evening.;)

i can see the advantages of that if the play is going to be about erotic thrill only....that would definitely feel very yummy, although i'd worry about my Master being uncomfortable from having such a full bladder. also of course it couldn't be a humiliating or degrading experience in any way....but pure sexual fun? yeah i can see that.
Ooh! A thread on watersports and face slapping too... I should hang out on this board. *grin*
Hi, asenath. I like you already. :D

This is all about the humiliation for me. I don't take it as a privilege, because that's not the kind of relationship we have. I take it as a brand of shame, smeared all over my body and sealed with his contempt at what a dirty whore I am for letting him do that to me, and for LIKING it. *sighs quite contentedly*

We haven't moved up to him pissing in my mouth...don't know if we ever will. The thought and the uncertainty of it is an invitation to a wild mindfuck, though. Plus it does still allow room to grow, as Johnny Mayberry said. This isn't something I want to ever lose its edge.

lark sparrow, I like the way your Mistress thinks. T loves having me pee for him, either in the toilet or squatting in the tub; either are amazingly difficult for me to do, the psychological difficulty rendering the physical act impossible on numerous occasions. But he also likes rubbing my g-spot when he knows I have to pee and plea for him to stop. Haven't lost control yet, but that's a big "yet." And there is a huge mental thrill at the thought of not being allowed to use the bathroom until I have no choice but to wet myself. That would be possibly a new high in humiliation for me. Shall have to wait and see how that turns out!
I'm not sure why it interests me. I don't think it's the humiliation... it just seems naughty, really.