War of the supernaturals (IC thread. Check the OOC to join)

Arabelle didn't even bother trying to answer him, she knew he would carry her no maters what she said. "What if we're too late? They're far away... How are we going to make it in time?" She asked holding tightly into him "I think Mark is more dangerous than the EMs. We don't have much time..."
"You don't have to be so worried, yes Mark is dangerous, but he can't take all of us at once. Infact, with how much you've improved, I believe he can't handle you like before." Lyden cuts her short. Speaking into the com in his ear, he asked Jeremy for a location. Turning back to Arabelle he said "It would seem the two love birds didn't fly far from their nest. Jeremy is picking lots of Mana energy from the mall just down the blocks."
They started a slow pace quickly breaking into long strides. From afar Lyden sighted Amir near a wall, picking himself from the ground. Taking a quick glance around and not finding nothing but abandoned and overturned cars, Lyden picked Arabelle and dashed towards him.
'Check his wounds." Lyden instructed his girlfriend already knowing from the beating of his heart that he wasn't Mark.
"Where's Melea?" Lyden asked scanning the premises and listening intently for her heart beat.
Arabelle began checking Amir over "looks like you might have some broken bones... But otherwise you should be alright. The cuts and bruises will heal." She said "How is your head?" She asked Adria's that he may have suffered a concussion or something even worse. "What happened?"
"Pretty sure nothing is broken." Amir said wincing as he spoke. He was probably underestimating his ribs after hitting that wall. "But Mark he did something and I can't focus at all." Not that it would make a difference here once it became obvious that mind controlling him was difficult even in his full rage he was officially out of things he could do to help.
As Mark left she felt the poison seeping through her body, why hadn't she run!! Did he have more powers than even he knew? Melea struggled to stay awake, she needed to let Lyden know what had happened. Concentrating all her energy on the link between them. 'Lyden, please help. Mark has poisoned me and I need to fill you in on everything that has happened. Please say you can hear me, that you are here. I'm not sure how much longer I can stay awake.'
"Yes I can hear you little wolf." Lyden responded telepathically, what she had said hit him hard and momentarily stunned him.
"Hang on for me," he found himself saying outloud.
"Melea has been poisoned," Lyden started facing his new you family... and I can hear their tires screeching to make a bend. The EMs will soon be here, the two of you are to return back to the mansion, I'll bring back Melea." He instructed before speeding into the mall.
Not up to a minute after Lyden left the duo, the first bullet came, whooshing inches from Amir's forehead and making contact with the wall behind. Subsequent shot came towards the two as they half jogged half ran through the empty street. The men followed on hot pursuit, even as they fired they were careful not to hit any vital organ. Their intention was to allow the duo escape back to their hideout, so as to finally pin point their location.
Melea sighed in relief, Lyden would find her and take her home, hopefully before she succumbed to the poison. She hoped that Arabelle had something in her grimoire that would slow the poison down. They needed Mark to reverse the effects and she needed to see how Amir was, she would hold on until then. She was going to make Mark pay if it was the last thing she did, no one hurt her or her family, that is how she had come to see them all.
"You heard him, and that didn't sound exactly like a request." Amir said heading back toward the portal. The truth was that he was essentially helpless with his powers on the fritz and at the best he'd be a liability for the others at this point.