painting the night with brush strokes of gray: (Closed thread)

“I don’t work for him, but it’s not bad,” Jake replied, though he could tell she was drifting off so did not bother to elaborate long.

It took all of Nicholas’s control not to shape more of her dreams, not to take the place of himself in her dream, he wasn’t positive he could do such a thing, but suspected he’d enjoy the attempt. The day passed and soon he could sense that the time of his rising was clear.

Jake eyed the sunset, “Time for us to move, Nicholas will rise first as the oldest. Though a couple in the barn may already be awake.” Jake offered her a hand. “They’re all gonna wake hungry,” Jake muttered after a moment.

“Heads up boys, it’s almost dinnertime,” Jake called to his men who all began to gather, where they were scattered, working on their bikes, relaxing, eating, etc.

A few moments later the ground opened and Nicholas floated out. He cleaned the dirt from his clothing with a thought. He looked around hungrily. His eyes lit on Jake. “Panther,” he said, the word not quite a question, not quite a demand. However, the panther leader did not hesitate, stepping close and offering Nicholas a wrist.

Even as Nicholas were bowing his head, the others were Rising, Gabriel and Ehlana woke naturally. Nicholas was keeping Darian under until he could unearth him himself to check his health. The other two repeated Nicholas’s clean the clothing routine and both looked around for food. Nicholas urged them to act quickly with his eyes, he did not know what sort of time they had. Everything would happen quickly soon.
Lillian stood, gathering her blankets. She was shocked and a bit frightened as Nicholas rose and began to feed on Jake.

She backed away towards the trees. She was not willing to offer herself up to any of them but Nicholas.

Gabriel and Ehlana were awake and the others in Jake group were ready for them. Same thing was happening in the barn. Lillian held the blankets to her body as if it was a shield.

In the barn, Melany was being held by Byron while Axle and the others fed on Jake's men. It had been a long day but now all were awake, feeding and they would return to the club soon.
It was dark. She wanted out. She wanted out of the dark place. She tried to call out with her mind.

No, no little flower.... Morgan's voice purred in her head. She was forced back down. Imogen screamed but there was no one to hear her.
Morgan closed her eyes and forced Imogen's mind back down. "Now..." She smiled at Antonio. "Would you like a taste of me again?" She sat astride his lap.
The feeding continued until all were satisfied. Nicholas then turned to Ehlana, “We will check Darian and the others now.”

Just then there was a wave of psychic energy a plea for help. There weren’t words, just images, darkness, hunger, fear. Gabriel staggered. He felt it strongest as it could be no one other than Imogen. Nicholas clearly felt it too. He met Gabriel’s eyes, “We must find her,” Gabriel said.

“Did you feel the other shove her back down?” Ehlana asked softly.

“No, I missed that,” Nicholas said. Gabriel though nodded.

“I felt it, yes.”

“It felt distinctly feminine.” Ehlana said softly.

“Are you sure? It’s Dimitri who has her though,” Gabriel said, “that’s what m…” and it clicked, “Morgan,” he breathed.

“Don’t you go alone,” Nicholas shouted as Gabriel took off running.

“Esteban, Fernando to me.” Gabriel blasted out mentally. “Axle, Jared,” he called the other band members too.

“Why not Byron?” Ehlana asked Nicholas.

“If he’s calling in Fernando, he will want to have Byron and Mel look after the lady Selina.” Nicholas said quite logically.

As Gabriel streamed into the air 4 others fell in behind him, obeying his commands for once without hesitation. There was a certain tone in his command that brook no argument.

Nicholas turned back to the ground and Ehlana. “Our duty is here with our fallen companions,” he said softly to Ehlana who appeared torn.

“It should be us with Gabriel. I fear that it will not go well for him as the only sentinel in that group.”

“We will join him as soon as we can.” However, Nicholas was contemplating putting out a call, he had thought there had been more voices around than he thought there should be during the healing song. Maybe someone could help Gabriel.


Antonio grinned wickedly at Morgan. “Are you offering your blood, or your cunt?” he asked, using crude language just to see if he could get a rise out of her, see if it bothered her. He was testing his new partner. Soon he would know exactly how to manipulate her.
Lillian managed to avoid the vampires, staying in the tree line with her blankets. She eyed Jake and moved to his side. "Here." She handed him a piece of the jerky he had given her earlier that she hadn't eaten. She figured food was a good idea after being fed on.

Her eyes watched as Gabriel and some of the others were gone. She shook her head a little at the sight. It messed with ones mind to see that sort of thing. Nicholas seemed busy so she didn't want to bother him to ask what was going on or how she could help. At this point she didn't think there was much she could do at all.

"Are they going to dig up the others?"
Morgan smiled down at Antonio. She leaned down and took his lower lip in her teeth. She bit, just at the point of drawing blood before letting it go. "That depends on your mood in the moment. If you do it right, you can have both at once..."

Her voice was like velvet and her hips moved against him.
Jake nodded his thanks to Lillian. He pointed to where Nicholas and Ehlana, with Byron’s help were beginning to open the earth. “Not sure that dig is the right word, but yes it looks like they’re at least bringing up Darian.”

Nicholas watched the earth peel back and He floated Darian out of the earth. Ehlana cleaned him with a thought, dressing him for the humans’ benefit. Nicholas breathed out slowly as he worked to wake him. His hands were on the man’s shoulders channeling his mind into the other man’s. “He will want to feed.” He said absently. He was aware of Ehlana and Byron jockeying to make that happen.

Ehlana knelt at his head. “Wake my love,” she whispered in their native tongue.

Darian woke with a jerk, eyes blazing with fire. He was almost inhuman in his need to feed. Nicholas held him down, keeping him from lunging for Ehlana’s throat. “Feed him, but do it from your wrist, something you can pull away from him, should he get unruly.” He turned his attention to Darian, “Your ok buddy.” As blood rushed into Darian’s mouth life came back into his eyes, the beast subsiding. Nicholas was glad to see that.


Gabriel lead the group through the clouds back towards Morgan’s domain. He was angry. He reached out for allies, encouraged others to come to him. He tried not to send out too public of a warning though, he did not want Morgan alerted to their arrival.

The group landed on the roof of the building attached to blood moon. Gabriel made a direct line towards the door heading for Morgan. Where was she at this time. He also wondered when he would set off Morgan’s defenses, when would the woman be aware of his group’s arrival.


Antonio grinned wickedly at Morgan. He wanted her. However, before he could act on it, he sensed his brother’s return. “Fernando and Esteban return. They will have others with them. They are full of anger.” He pushed Morgan off his lap and stood. “What’s our next move.” The question was prompted because now that he knew of his brother’s return, he could sense Gabriel was with him and he likewise was angry. “I think the gig is up my Lady.”
Lillian kept herself away from the vampires. She had let Nicholas feed on her but that was different. She wasn't willing to become food for anyone.

"What about the others that Darian buried?" She frowned. "Maybe I should go. I am starting to just feel like a voyeur and that isn't really my thing. I don't think they really need me here now." She folded the blankets. She was a talker, an information gatherer. Those skills weren't needed now. "I am going to take these to the farmhouse and let them know the group will be out of their hair soon enough. I will call a cab or something. Can you let Nicholas know I said good bye and it was nice to meet him?"

" would seem so." Morgan's alarms had all started to go off. She was up and dressed. Her clothes practical and less showy or revealing than her normal attire.

"Stay here a moment. I am going to get the woman. You are going to bring her in ten minutes to the back door. We are going to sneak her out of here." Morgan kissed him, hard. "We are going to give her to Dimitri, take off and let them all fight it out. Between the two of us we have enough power and influence to comfortably wait them out and then swoop in to take control once more."

She was gone suddenly and when she returned she had Imogen in her arms. She was passed out, her mind forced into darkness by Morgan's. She placed her in Antonio's arms. Morgan's face looked strained. "She is incredibly strong. I had thought not feeding, being weakened would lessen her power but even now it is a fight that I fear I may be losing." Her normally confident tone was gone.

"Pity we have to hand her over. If would could control her all would kneel to us. If she survives all this we will take her once more but for now, we hand her off."

Morgan looked at Antonio. "Stay here, this room is protected but fifteen minutes, back door. Some of the pack will be waiting."

Morgan left and instead of going to her office she was gone completely. She fled the club and began leaving the city.

Dimitri, the woman and the sentinel are in my club. Antonio has her. He is one of Catarina's sons. He overpowered me while I was trying to sneak away with Imogen. My wards are down. Attack as you will.

And with that thought Morgan made her escape of the city. She hated leaving but it was not the first time in her life that she abandoned everything to start anew. She would come back and pick up the pieces as she had told Antonio, she just wasn't sure if he would be alive to be a part of it.
Imogen as screaming and battering against the block that was in her mind. The angrier she became the more it cracked. It would not hold, she was sure of that but she was tired.

Let me out! Release me!

She let out a scream and it filled her mind. The wall, the barrier Morgan had put up shattered.

Around them the club shook on its foundation.
Jake nodded to Lillian. “Find Kyle at the barn, tell him Louis told him to give you a ride out of here.” Jake’s expression brook no argument. “It’ll be faster and safer.” He shook her hand, “You can run, but Nicholas will find you again someday, I can promise you that. He does not forget people.” He watched her go with a slight frown. Nicholas would not be happy she had departed, but he had bigger issues.

Nicholas watched the life slowly come back to Darian. Byron pulled Ehlana back. “Let me feed him,” She snarled something but allowed it, seeking one of Jake’s men for more blood herself as Nicholas gave her the command mentally to do so. They needed to finish here so they could head back after Gabriel and the others.

Antonio waited in the room, Morgan’s room. He wasn’t even that irritated that she had given him two different times to meet her. He would figure it out. He didn’t like this it felt like a trap. The others were closer than 15 minutes away, there was no way that there wouldn’t be a fight. Esteban and Fernando didn’t know what he’d done, would they back his play?

He was asking himself these things when Imogen stirred, her eyes opened. Antonio swore. The building rocked. The wall of psychic energy knocked him back against the wall. He stumbled to his feet, realizing that people would find them there. Time was up.

Two long strides carried him to the bed where Imogen Lay. He threw her over his shoulder and snatching the door open began to jog towards the back entrance.

The building rocked on its foundations and Gabriel swore. He recognized the signature already; he had felt her power once before. “Imogen is still here, for now.” He called, and the others fell in behind him. Moments later they arrived at the saferoom, the epicenter of the blast, following the psychic echoes. The room was empty. Gabriel swore. “Split up, Esteban, Fernando go towards the back, I will take the others towards the club and Morgan’s office.

The others obeyed him without hesitation, fanning out to find Imogen and Morgan.
Lillian nodded. "Thank you for that. A ride is faster." She shook his hand. "I am not running and I don't hold my breath for things like that. If Nicholas needs my help or skills I am sure he will be able to track me down." She gave a slight shrug. The flirting, the conversation, the dancing had been nice and yes, there was a part of her that was swooning like a teenager who gets noticed by the hot guy but that would fade.

She walked off to the farmhouse to talk with the farmers first and return their blankets. When that was done she went to the barn. Lillian said a quick good bye to those who she knew and were not presently occupied and located Kyle.

A short time later she was pulling on a helmet and getting onto the back of Kyle's bike. Lillian cast one last look at the field, seeing Nicholas's form in the dim light of the evening.

It was really nice to meet you Nicholas..

She didn't think he would hear her but she felt better having at least tried. He was too busy to interrupt in person.
Her office was empty. A few of the wolf pack were standing around looking confused. "Okay. I don't know where she is but that felt like an earth quake with a shit load of power behind it." Marcus was frowning. He had seen this before, not long ago. As the leader of the pack the others were looking to him to direct them where to go next. He had no idea where Morgan was or what was happening. There were six with him and eight more who were wandering the club, watching for trouble.

Marcus didn't think he would ever be so happy to see Gabriel but as the vampire came into sight in the hall he felt utter relief. "What's going on? Do you know where Morgan is?"
She was clawing her way through the mental rubble. It tumbled beneath her feet, threatening to carry her down and bury her.

No! No! I want out!
Her body was starving but the fight instinct had kicked in.

Another scream and once more the building trembled. The energy rippled outward touching far out.
In the darkness Dimitri felt her power. "I am coming for you." First he needed to deal with this woman. Morgan's words had reached him. He knew where his love was. He knew the wards were down. He knew that sentinel, the other who had laid his claim would be there. Even sweeter was the fact that the other men would be there. A chance to wipe that bloodline away.

Now that he knew that though he had no use for this one. Dimitri lifted Andrea by her hair. He had seen into her mind. He had seen the things she had done and how she did her work. She was cruel and twisted in a way he reviled. He would be doing everyone a favour by ending her life.
Nicholas was helping Darian to his feet when he got the sending from Lillian. Be Safe pequeñita. I will find you when this mess is over,” he sent to her. He wanted to keep her close but there was too much to do, too much that needed resolved. He had to bring up the rest of the band and transfer them to safer ground. Though for now this was safer ground than the city. He wanted to back Gabriel, but knew he was needed here.


Gabriel was surprised that Marcus seemed almost happy to see him. He slid to a stop before the alpha werewolf. “I was hoping you could tell me,” he offered.

“I felt the blast of power, but I have not seen her, though my people are looking around. Does this make you in charge if she is gone?”

“That depends, would you follow my orders?”

Marcus seemed to be considering his answer and then dropped into a fighting crouch. “Fight me, if you win I and my wolves are yours.”

Gabriel swore, he didn’t have time for this now. However, he knew that this wasn’t something that Marcus offered lightly. The pack liked being allied with a master vampire. With Morgan gone Marcus wanted to see if Gabriel was worthy. “I have beaten you before.”

“Again, or we attack, we outnumber you.” Axle and Jared stood behind him, but at a look from Gabriel gave them some room.

“If my beloved is harmed because you insisted on grandstanding,” Gabriel warned.

Marcus said nothing just swung at Gabriel and the fight was on.


Antonio stumbled to a halt as the building rocked again. He started to readjust her and continue on but a voice stopped him. “Put her down, brother.”

Antonio turned slowly Imogen still over his shoulder. Esteban and Fernando were there. Fernando looked horrified; Esteban grim. “My brothers,” Antonio said a slow smile spreading over his face, “I am glad to see you.”

“The girl,” Esteban repeated, “Put her down.” He held a gun on Antonio, and where he’d hidden a sawed-off shotgun was anyone’s guess, but his grip was steady. Antonio did as Esteban asked. “Now, tell me what the hell you’re doing with Gabriel’s bonded partner.”

“Morgan told me to deliver her to Gabriel,” Antonio said.

“Lies!” Esteban spat and the sound of Esteban jacking a shell was startlingly loud in the relative silence.

Antonio lifted his hands slowly. He wasn’t sure if silver buckshot at that range would kill him, but he did not want to find out. “I made an alliance. I am the leader of this family, it is my right,” he snarled.

“That could change.”

“Are you challenging me, welp?”

Esteban’s face hardened and he nodded once.

“You know you can’t blow me away with that shotgun. If you are challenging me, it had better be under the old law.”

“Don’t do it brother,” Fernando said softly. Honorable until the end Esteban handed Fernando the shotgun and stepped towards Antonio. Fernando made a step as if to follow him to stay by his side and froze as he felt a knifepoint prick him in the back. “We will finally see who is greater,” Juan-Pablo’s voice sounded eager. It was clear he wouldn’t let Fernando interfere.
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Lillian smiled to herself though it wasn’t a happy smile. She didn’t have the fairytale life where a knight in shining armour sought her out as his true love. It was a ridiculous notion. The problem was, hearing someone like Nicholas said he would find her made her want to believe it could be true.

She didn’t respond to his words. It was best to just leave it like that. It felt better this way. There was no more to say. He had helped her, she had helped him. The rest, the more personal dynamic...that wasn’t something Lillian would focus too hard on.
Marcus had no intentions of pulling punches or letting Gabriel have the advantage. It needed to be a fair fight, a true fight. He could have rounded up the pack and took off. With Morgan gone, seemingly abandoning them it would be simple to just leave but they liked it here. Marcus liked being tied to a vampire and one of power. They wouldn’t roll over for some baby vamp strutting their newfound power. No, there was strength and honour in working with a master. Morgan had been good to them, treated them fairly and Marcus wasn’t willing to turn his pack out into the streets.

That said he wasn’t willing to just let Gabriel win.

He swung again, Gabriel having ducked his first punch.

The others backed up to give them room.

Marcus was aware a great deal counted on this, the pack loyalty, the vampire’s girlfriend and whatever else was going on but honour had to be satisfied. He didn’t see it as grandstanding.
A low growl rose from his chest.
Fernando inhaled slowly. “We shouldn’t be doing this. Now is not the time for fighting amongst ourselves.” He shook his head but made no move. He didn’t trust Juan-Pablo not to be too jumpy given how keen he seemed to be with the impending fight.

Esteban nodded. “Then it is a challenge.”
Imogen could hear voices but they sounded muffled. The more she clawed her way out of the mental rubble the clearer they were growing. She wanted out. She was terrified and angry. The angrier she grew the harder she clawed at the barriers.

As she fled, already out of the city, the state Morgan could feel her numerous barriers in Imogen’s mind cracking and breaking. The girl was raw psychic energy, untapped potential. She vowed to come back for her when the pieces of this little mess finished falling. That power was too great to be left to someone like Gabriel to guide. The sentinel wouldn’t use it right. Of course, she didn’t feel that Dimitri would either. In her mind only she knew how best to guide the woman.

One day she would. One day she would return.
Dimitri inhaled. “I smell your fear. It is good. It is good that you are afraid of me.”

“I will take you to-” Andrea’s words were cut off by the hand on her throat. It began to slowly crush her windpipe.

“You see, I do not need you. Things have changed. Even you must be able to feel it, the shift, the change of balance and the power in the air. It isn’t an earthquake that causes those tremors though the humans will believe it so. No, that is my love. Her soul calls for me. The young one of her line, she holds her in her. Her memories are there. I will bring them out and I will claim her descendant as my own. I can almost taste her power.”

He snarled softly, lips parted and fangs slowly growing. “As for you, you are no longer of use to me. Morgan’s wards are down and I will go to that club and reclaim what is rightfully mine. I will wipe out all who stand in my way. You will not see it though.”

Fear filled Andrea’s eyes as Dimitri slowly crushed her neck. It was just to be the beginning. After seeing her memories and all the things she had done he had decided she needed a taste of what she had caused in others. He would give justice it's due and then he would go to the club and take care of the others.
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Gabriel ducked the second blow and struck out at Marcus; his speed possibly even greater than the alpha werewolf’s.

They swung at one another almost too fast to follow. However, the battle did not last long. Gabriel was a sentinel and had fought others of his kind for hundreds of years. Powerful as he was, Marcus just could not equal that experience. Gabriel struck with his hand like the side of a blade across Marcus’s throat. The werewolf fell, clutching his throat, coughing, unable to get air. It took roughly 10 pounds of pressure to crush a windpipe. Gabriel had made the blow look casual, easy.

Gabriel rode his body to the ground kneeling beside him. He had owed this one for shooting him, but had paid him back somewhat before. Despite their differences Marcus at his core believed he was in the right. He was honorable. “Yield,” Gabriel snarled. Marcus could only nod weakly, tapping out on the ground. Gabriel snarled at the waste of it all.

He shoved out with his power, gathering it like a ball before him and laying a hand on the man’s chest, he let his power slam into Marcus. Fur flowed and a wolfman was born from Marcus’s crumpled form. The wolfman gasped in a large breath, the damage healing with the shift. “Don’t you ever defy me again,” Gabriel said firmly.

The rest of the pack were dropping to their knees. They all recognized they had a new leader to follow, that he had to have earned Marcus’s respect, and probably loyalty.


“Time or not, this is what is happening,” Juan-Pablo breathed in his brother’s ear. “Put the shot gun on the ground,” he said in his hissing voice. “I do not trust you to not shoot Antonio. Clearly you’re Esteban’s Lacky.”

Fernando did as he was told. He probably not dies from the knife strike, but having his heart pierced with a silver blade from behind did not sound like something he wanted to try to heal. He set the shot gun on the ground. Once it was on the ground, Juan-Pablo kicked it and sent it spinning off to land near the fallen form of Imogen. “Now we watch,” He said, and Fernando could only nod his head tiredly. He reached out to touch the mind of Selina his bonded partner.

His mind reached out to her. “I share this with you so there be a witness for what happens here.” His mind touched only hers, using the private pathway so Juan-Pablo would not hear. “Go to Nicholas, exchange blood with him, share what I show you,” and he let his mate see through his eyes.

It started with nothing to see. Both men started with palms out. The air between them rippled though. It was like they were fighting with invisible forces. Antonio was grinning wickedly. Esteban’s face had thinned down with his anger, his rage, his justified hatred of what his brother had become.
Marcus struggled to breathe and get himself up from the ground. When he finally did he looked at Gabriel. “What do you want us to do? With her gone there are no defenses left. She took them all down. This place is wide open.”

It was clear he was physically hurt but honour and respect dictated that the pack was now at Gabriel’s disposal.
Selina ran over to Nicholas. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. “Come. You must drink. Now.” Her tone said she would broker no refusal or argument. She shifted her shirt, moved her hair and tilted her head. As if to add to her statement a long nail ran along her skin. A line of red, drips slowly surfaced. “There is trouble but you will never get there in time.” She pulled on his arm, urging him down to her.

“Drink. You must witness what is happening.” Her voice went hushed. She could see it from Fernando’s point of view. She waited for the feel of Nicholas’ teeth.

Imogen lay in a heap on the ground. A gun lay beside her.

Antonio and Esteban were facing each other. The air between them rippled with their power. Antonio’s expression showed his delight in finally getting to put his brother down in his place.

The air was thick with power and energy. The hair on Fernando and Juan-Pablo’s neck were standing up.
Dimitri held Andrea by her neck. His hand was closing slowly. “You know as well as I that this will not kill you but I like the visual of it. Your eyes bulging, lips changing colour. The smell of your fear…”

He was walking now, carrying her up some stairs. He held her out over the railing as he ascended. At any point he could let her go and she would drop. The fall wouldn’t kill her either. He had something else in mind.

“I have seen all the things you have done. The things for Morgan, for yourself. You know they called me mad and a monster. I was condemned for taking the woman I loved and I will condemned for claiming her in this life. I am no monster when compared to the likes of you. I do not hurt for the sake of the pain. No, I am not the monster that you are…”

The door was opened and the night air hit them. They stood on the roof of a building. Dimitri held her up a little. “Worse, you do not feel any regret for the things you have done or those you have hurt. I at least felt the loss of my Catarina and long for her return. You cannot love. You are incapable. I know as I have seen you hurt and kill those you should have cared even somewhat for. So-”

Dimitri pulled back his other hand. The one on her neck tightened fully, strangling her. Andrea couldn’t even gurgle as there was no air movement in or out of her body.

“I pass judgement on you.”

His hand plunged into her chest and when it pulled back her heart sat in his hand. He held it up for her to see. “Your pound of flesh in payment for your injustices to your own kind.” He snarled and released her. Andrea dropped to the ground and the blood poured out of the wound. Dimitri leaned down and watched the life drain away from her.

He would leave her there so the sun could finish off the husk of her body. He held her heart still. It would come with him. His next task was to see to those at the club and to find his love.
Gabriel seemed to consider Marcus’s question. The wolfman was taller than the pack leader typically was, with dark fur and amber wolf eyes. “Spread out. Dimitri is coming here, Morgan has to have alerted him, even if she did not, he has to have felt all her wards come down and the calls Imogen is sending out. With no wards we are the defense for Blood moon,” he said. He wanted to go after his beloved, but he had to trust the brothers to save her. It was not easy putting his trust in anyone, but he knew they would not let him down.

He could sense something was happening but he did not know what it was. He reached out to Imogen. He could sense she was closer to the surface but there was still a barrier keeping them apart.


Nicholas was working on Darian some more checking his wounds when Selina came up to him. There was absolutely no hesitation in her actions. Very few would share blood or take blood from a current or former sentinel, she did not hesitate. Nicholas was smart enough to understand what she meant. It was clear that the beautiful woman was seeing through someone’s eyes. He was certain it had to be Fernando, perhaps Esteban.

He saw the blood well and took from her neck with a quick strike, offering her his own wrist in the same heartbeat. To complete the exchange. He felt her teeth sink deep. The two together caused a feedback loop of pleasure that they both felt but could not acknowledge.

Healing her wound, he gathered her close into his arms, the touch heightening the new connection and he could tell she was scared, his touch providing comfort as well. “Show me, pequeña.”

Salina did not hesitate. Nicholas was disoriented for a moment until he got used to the perspective. Fernando, who the link now told him who he was seeing from, watched as power flowed from his brothers.

“The old law,” Fernando relayed to Nicholas through his mate. Nicholas could only watch. He understood that he was witness he would bare witness to the sentinels who would come for the winner for this was murder, or it would be thought it without the knowledge they were fighting under a very old law. The type of old law that Vladimir and Anastasia had invoked all those years ago to kill Alexander. It pained Nicholas to see yet another family be torn apart by betrayal.

Fernando did not move even as his eyes watched the power between the two. Finally, something happened. Blood blossomed across the left side of Esteban’s heel. His brother had cut him from a distance, slashed his face open. However, it was not long before Antonio pressed a hand to a neat slash in the right side of his chest. The hand came away coated in blood.

It happened quickly after that, blood would blossom on one of the two, or fountain. Then it escalated further and the two waded in fighting hand to hand. Esteban was outweighed by Antonio, but seemed to be quicker as the two struck.

Exactly when both of the brothers produced the silver knives that matched the one Juan-Pablo was prodding into Fernando’s back, was unclear. The weapons were allowed under the old law. No modern firearms would be allowed, but the same type of knives a sentinel would use to execute criminals was allowed. Their dance was eerily beautiful, and it became clear that both of them had sparred with one another for centuries they knew each and every one of each other’s moves.
Marcus let out a short, sharp noise of understanding. He lifted his head and howled. The others in the pack answered and were gone. They spread out, all on alert as they took up positions around the club and attached apartments. They knew the access points and the best defensive positions.

The club itself was just opening for the night. Staff were washing tables and wiping down areas they felt needed a bit of extra cleaning. Some were chatting in the break room about the tremors they had been feeling. There were theories on the cause from illegal drilling to a soon to occur massive earthquake. Meanwhile the bar staff readied lemons and limes for drinks.

None knew the potential danger to come or the fight that was waging below.
Dimitri carried the heart as he moved back inside. He descended the stairs like a man on a stroll, not one that had just ripped the heart out of another vampire or was about to lash out in vengeance at the ones he felt had wronged him.

He opened the door with his clean hand and entered the hallway. The man who spotted him froze at the sight. His nostrils flared at the smell of the blood, sharp in the air. A low predatory growl rumbled in his chest.

“Get the others. I want the whole pride and any others you can round up. Let them know the vampire bitch has fled and her territory is mine for the taking. And taking is what I will do. I have hidden away too long and now what I desire is so close I can taste her.”

He waved his hand and the man took off. It would take time to get everyone ready to attack.

In the meantime, Dimitri took the heart into a small, dark room. There were things to be done. This heart would open her mind, bring out Catarina’s memories and then she would submit to him, love him again. She would know the truth, that his starlight belonged to him alone and that the others needed to pay for keeping her away.

He lit the candles and set the heart down on the table. Blood began to pool around it. With a deep inhale Dimitri began the ritual.

Selina remained very still as the images moved from her to Nicholas. They could see the brothers see the battle, the red of their blood and the way they moved together. She was holding her breath as they watched. She feared for her partner. She longed to be there and to ensure he did not get involved but they were too far away to get there. Selina’s fear was palpable as she stood with Nicholas.
The smell of blood made Imogen’s pulse race. She did not know how long it had been since she had fed but the energy she had been expending to claw from this prison in her mind had used up what little reserves she had.

She turned her head as if she could see through the grey crumbling block wall in her mind. His voice. Her memory was still hazy. She couldn’t picture him, the owner of the voice but she knew with all of her being that she wanted to be with him.

With a last push the wall fell. She cried out in her mind, a noise of pain and fear but backed by a will to be free.

The building shook.

The brothers, all four of them, had trouble remaining on their feet as the epicentre originated from the very room they were standing in.

The staff in the club grabbed bottles and glasses as they began to fall from the shelves.

Imogen’s eyes opened. Her power, raw and at the surface stretched out. Without realizing she searched for the voice.

The images of the brothers squared off but trying to regain their footing filled Gabriel’s mind. Her nose was filled with the scent of blood. The connection to Gabriel was so intense that in that moment the smell filled his senses too. So did her hunger, her fear and her confusion.
Nicholas cradled Selina in his arms. Not like a lover but like a friend or brother. As Ehlana finally slid to a stop beside Nicholas, Nicholas expanded the projections to Ehlana. He had shared a bond with her for centuries. It was good that a current sentinel would now see this.

The knife fight was beautiful, eerie in its macabre beauty. Antonio taunted his brother, Esteban fought like a machine with a single-minded determination. Ehlana swore under her breath as she too came in to hug Selina from the other side. They all recognized what was happening. Either way Fernando would lose a brother, Selina would lose what amounted to a brother, possibly more than one if things went wrong. Then everything changed.

Gabriel felt his connection to Imogen reestablish and when it did a flood of data swept into his mind. He watched the brothers stagger, lose their balance as Antonio and Esteban slid closer towards one another.

Antonio lifted his knife in a smooth arc, a downward arc that could only culminate in a heart blow to his brother. However, the blow was theatrical, full of Antonio’s grandstanding and arrogance.

Esteban on the other hand had never been that way. He was silent. He had followed his brother for so many years, but no one could say they were much alike. He did not care about fanfare, about the glory of the kill. What he did was for honor, nothing more. His brother had dishonored the family and he would not stand to have that blite on their family, the stain remain for all to see.

As Antonio Lifted his knife high for the coup de grace, using the momentum of the ground quake to aid his stroke, his body jerked and stiffened. Esteban had been fighting to keep his feet when Imogen woke and released so much power. However, he did not fight it. He went down to one knee as he used his own imbalance to lunge forward. His right knee hitting the ground as his right hand struck out and up.

Esteban pushed back to his feet as he followed through, the strike lifting Antonio up on tiptoes, his mouth open as his howl of rage was cut off. Esteban had struck below the ribs. These particular knives were designed that with a vampire’s strength to go through rib bones straight into the heart to kill an opponent. However, you could always reach the heart from below, it was actually even easier as you did not have the resistance of the ribs.

Blood ran over Esteban’s hand in a red wave as he drove the knife up into his brother’s heart. Flexing his wrist to slice and twist the knife utterly destroying the organ, assuring his brother could not come back. “Under the old law, justice is served. For crimes against my sister’s descendent your life is forfeit. My word is law.” Esteban spoke the words through gritted teeth for it pleased him not to have to speak such words about his brother.

Vampire creed: Chapter 5, verse 13, part of the sentinel’s code. Because Gabriel knew this, because he thought this as Esteban spoke the words, so to did Imogen know it. Gabriel hated to see it evoked. That was one reason there were sentinels so brother would not be forced to kill brother, however Imogen could tell in that moment that Gabriel respected Esteban more for having done what he had to.

Seeing through Imogen’s eyes Gabriel saw many details. Pick up the shotgun little one. Point it at Juan-Pablo. I do not wish to see him kill Fernando if he stays loyal to Antonio.
Imogen felt him. Her memory was slowly opening and allowing her to remember who she was, where she was and who Gabriel was. It was as if the fog was cleared from her mind. Her eyes followed the brothers.

The smell of blood filled the air. Imogen’s body reacted. She was starving. The feeling, the drive to feed rushed through her and for a moment it clouded what Gabriel was seeing through their connection.

She could hear the pounding of her heart in her ears and more importantly she could hear Antonio’s. She didn’t hear the words Esteban said.

The other’s did though...those watching through the connections as well as the two brothers who stood by, watching.

Fernando’s whole body was tense. Juan-Pablo seemed confused by the turn of events. This was not what he expected, not what he had been certain would happen.

Imogen fought the almost feral reactions of her body. She focused on what Gabriel was telling her. It took her a moment to find the gun on the floor. She crouched and picked it up.

She had never fired a gun before and yet, she held it as if she had. Her mind was linked with Gabriel’s and it was then that she realized he knew how to fire the weapon, he had used one before.

Her lips were parted, fangs long as she tried to keep her mind sharp. She needed to stave off the hunger a little longer. She was weak, having fought the mind block and having not fed in over a day.

Imogen aimed the gun at Juan-Pablo. The vampire regarded the petite woman and a wicked grin grew. “Oh the raton thinks she can threaten me?” His head cocked a little and he stepped away, just a little from Fernando. His brother was still within striking distance should he choose to do something stupid. “Come on now...give me the gun.”

Despite the weapon Juan-Pablo was sure the woman was not a threat.

“Step away from Fernando.” Her voice was shaky, raspy from her screams while in the crypt.

“I do not think you know how to use that raton…” Juan-Pablo licked his lips. “Do not make me hurt you. You are threatening me and I would have cause to hurt you. I have done nothing wrong but you are about to make a very grave mistake.”

He took another step towards her.

Imogen swallowed. Her fangs retreated. Her heart was beating incredibly fast.

What do I do?

Behind them Esteban was lowering his brother to the ground. He was silent, his face grim. It was not the outcome any wanted but it felt inevitable.

Fernando kept his eyes on Esteban though he was acutely aware of Juan-Pablo and now, Imogen with the gun raised at his brother. He needed Selina to see everything, needed Nicholas to see everything. He prayed Gabriel was seeing things too but from Imogen's perspective. There could be no argument that the laws were not followed.
Gabriel was aware of everything Imogen was. Just as Nicholas observed through Selina’s connection to Fernando. A wider circle witnessed the ritual execution of Antonio than probably should have. However, all involved knew why.

Helpless tears fell down Selina’s face and she buried her face in Nicholas’s chest, Ehlana a strong presence at her back, hands stroking her shoulders as she pressed her face into Selina’s thick dark hair. “Fernando is still not safe,” she cried.

“I know pequeña,” Nicholas soothed softly.

Gabriel was flooding strength and warmth into Imogen. Her hunger beat at him like a battering ram. He tried to absorb most of it. He was far more used to fighting off the hunger, nay, starvation, than she was. His voice floated through her mind You are no Raton; you are not a mouse. You are much stronger than he realizes, especially with me.

She asked him what to do, and he showed her, and the gun cracked kicking against her as the wall behind Juan Pablo exploded. The shot had done what Gabriel had wanted, though. All was Chaos even as he walked Imogen through how to jack another shell into the chamber of the weapon just encase, though from the looks of it it might not be needed.

Juan-Pablo had flinched at the sound of the shot, Diving to the side hitting the ground. And Fernando fell onto his brother, just like that he had gone from observer to to aggressor.

As soon as the action started again the connection to Fernando broke as he lost focus. Nicholas swore and Selina cried out with fear. “Esteban, connect to Esteban, Nicholas ordered probably more harshly than he should have, but he needed to see.

Finished Laying his brother down, Esteban watched Fernando fall onto Juan-Pablo. That was when he felt the brush of his sister’s touch. He opened instantly to Selina, realizing with that touch what Fernando had been doing, why he had taken everything in, why he hadn’t moved sooner had not taken risks. He opened to Selina and through her Nicholas and Ehlana. He was out of this portion of the fight; it was his turn to play observer as he walked towards Imogen. Gently taking his gun from her. “Thank you for not losing this for me little sister,” he told her softly, but I am guessing I am a better shot than you.”

He took it from her but he could not yet point it, Fernando and Juan-Pablo were too close together. Finally, the short brawl was over with Fernando pinning Juan-Pablo to the ground, his arm twisted up behind him. As he wrestled the knife from his grip.

Esteban stepped forward and just as Fernando won the knife from Juan-Pablo, Esteban tapped the gun barrel to the back of his head, a silent threat. “You have a choice brother. Will you follow me? Or, does your loyalty belong to Antonio who betrayed the family?”

Juan-Pablo snarled spitting curses in rapid Spanish. Imogen was probably the only one listening who did not understand him though. Finally, he went limp, “I will follow you,” he said, though he didn’t sound enthusiastic about it.

“Get off him Fernando, but keep his Knife, for now.”

“I have done nothing to threaten anyone here, I was merely trying to defend myself,” Juan-Pablo said.

“There are at least three sentinels watching this entire situation, I’d be careful what you lie about.”

“Then you know you cannot kill me, I have done nothing worth my death,” Juan-Pablo said.

He is right Gabriel told Imogen hoping she would vocalize that for him. Gabriel hoped the stalemate would be over soon, Imogen needed to feed soon.
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Imogen felt cold and as she held the gun she felt like she was seeing everything through a mist. She knew these people but it was like she couldn't find the words. In her mind there was this point of calm. Gabriel was holding her hungry at bay as best he could but she could feel it growing like an angry animal deep within her.

She had given the gun to Esteban freely but now without it she had nothing to focus on. Imogen moved slowly and leaned against the nearest wall. "He says he is right. Nothing to deserve death." Her voice was hoarse, rough and it was a struggle to talk. Her breathing was ragged and she could feel how weak her body was.

Juan-Pablo gestured to her. "You heard her. The sentinels say I am not to die. Will you condemn yourself?" The hint of a sneer. "I will follow, what more would you have me say, brother." He practically spat the word out.

Fernando looked at Esteban. "What do you want to do? We have others that will be coming back. The wards are down and little sister needs help." He pointed towards Imogen who seemed barely able to remain on her feet.
Gabriel’s will was like iron as he held her hunger at bay, helping her hold her control. However, without the gun it became much harder. They needed resolution to this situation.

Esteban Glared at Juan-Pablo, but he had clearly heard Imogen. He could hear Selina in his mind, relaying word from Ehlana. He finally nodded to Fernando. “Let him up as I said.” He turned his eyes to Juan-Pablo as Fernando stood, the other’s knife in his hand. “Dimitri comes will you stand with us.”

Juan-Pablo nodded slowly, “I do not like what has happened here, but love that bastard I do not. Isabela was my sister too brother.” He spat the word Brother again. However, it was clear that at least for now he would follow. Esteban was a bit worried what could happen when Diego was again united with Juan-Pablo, it could be trouble.

Trusting Esteban to take care of Juan-Pablo, Fernando moved to Imogen. “He pulled her in close baring his neck for her.

Your control is not that good little one, I worry you could accidentally rip his throat out, make him give you his wrist. He is showing you respect and trust but I do not trust your hunger or my control of it. Gabriel’s voice was steady in Imogen’s mind. Fernando was showing a lot of trust with that action but his mental plea to her was very true.

Nicholas watched the end of the fight and long after it was done, he continued to hold Selina. Ehlana pressed close as well. “We will make preparations to return to the city,” he said aloud to them both, both agreeing verbally or with nods.
Imogen could barely focus as Fernando bared his neck and pulled her in. She wanted to reach for him, to grab him and sink her elongated teeth into his flesh. If it had not been for Gabriel she would have.

"Wrist." Her eyes flashed as she looked at Fernando. He looked surprised. "I am too out of control to have your neck. Wrist or nothing." Her voice was rough and low. He nodded and held his wrist out to her.

She was trembling as she took it and lowered her lips to the skin. She bit and began to drink. Fast, hard and she didn't think she could stop. It ran down her throat, hit her stomach and the hunger flared. She need this. Imogen didn't even really taste it she just swallowed as much as she could, as fast as she could.

"Little sister, enough." Fernando could feel her drinking too fast. He worried she might purge it all if she did not slow down or that she might drink too much from him.

"Enough." He was breathing heavily. "Let go." He didn't want to hit her but he would if necessary.

Hunger was all she knew.

Esteban went to Juan-Pablo. "This is done. There are bigger issues at hand."

His brother looked at him, nodding curtly. "There will be time for talk later."

A peace, even just temporary was necessary. Esteban sighed and looked at Antonio's body. "We will need to deal with that and the others will return soon."
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You need to let him go little one. Gabriel’s words were firm in Imogen’s mind. He was surprised how close to panic Fernando was but she was now a predator, he could not come across as a victim to the hungry Imogen. He was going to her even as he called to her to release Fernando.

He spilled into the room, a symphony of graceful movement. He slid his arms around Imogen pulling her back and away from Fernando. When she did not let him go, he took two fingers and struck the nerve in her elbow to get her attention and cause her to open her hand reflexively. “Let me offer you some blood, Fernando has given you all he can spare,” he said aloud.

Esteban looked down for a long moment at his brother’s fallen body. “You owe him at least a funeral pier,” Juan-Pablo snapped.

“There is no time.”

“I demand it,” was the reply. Esteban finally nodded. “As you say. When the others return, we will take care of it.”

Nicholas directed the others in the process of gathering up the band members in the ground, preparing to transport them. He was a calm port in the storm of emotions filling the air. Selina was moved by the loss of Antonio. Ehlana stayed close to her. The Angeles family had been through a lot lately. All of them had. They need a rest prior to Dimitri’s attack, but none of them knew if they would have the time, they all wanted.
They all gathered and as one took off for the club. The humans rode out, bikes roaring down the roads. Some carried those still too weak to fly themselves. The rest were gone, shadows in the night sky.

When they landed Nicholas directed them all inside quickly. The club itself was set to open soon but the pack were already taking steps to close it for the night. They didn’t want any human casualties. Signs were posted, media postings issued to say they were closed due to plumbing issues. Of course rumours spread that it was because after the secret Traveller’s concert there would be a come back of sorts. The closure just hyped up the band more.

The wolves were seeing to securing all entrances and exits. Nicholas got Ehlana and Darian to a dark room to be alone. “Stay here until he is more stable, then come and find us.”

He then took Byron, Seline, Axle and some others to find Gabriel and the Angeles brothers.
Imogen’s hunger demanded more but her mind was filled with Gabriel’s voice. Fernando’s firm tone caused her to frown and she tried to let go but the animal was winning. It had been too long and she had used too much energy.

Arms, strong and familiar wrapped about her. An energy surrounded her, fingers pressed to her arm and Imogen released Fernando with a whimper.

Fernando stumbled back, he was more overcome by her action than the blood he lost by feeding her. He moved to stand with his brothers who all glanced at him. He shook his head indicating he was fine and they turned their attention to Antonio’s body.

“We are all in agreement then. When the others return. It will be done quickly, there is much to prepare for and we don’t know what is coming.” Esteban’s jaw muscles flexed. “For now, we wait for Gabriel to tell us what he needs.”

All looked over to where the sentinel was holding the woman he was bonded to.

Her hair was a mess, her clothes dishevelled and she looked like she had been in a fight. Imogen was small against the dark figure of Gabriel. She clung to him unable to even shed tears she was so emotionally exhausted by what had happened. Her lips moved on his neck as she could smell his blood but his presence helped her press it down for a time. “

Dimitri waited though he was losing patience. He wanted to go to her. He could feel her fear, her hunger. He wanted to save her. To bring her to his current sanctuary and feed her. He would break the bond she had with the sentinel. He was bonded to the human, the new incarnation of his love but his bond was connected to her soul, her past life. He had more of a claim than this whelp who seemed to think himself powerful.

No, power was what she held, his starlight. He could sense it, even stronger than his Catarina but he would help her reach her potential not hide it away. And to learn that Catarina’s son had been the one to take his love angered him even more. Dimitri vowed to end them all.

He was strong but he was not stupid. He could not do it alone. He had called the lion pride together and told them to gather up others. Morgan was gone, he knew that but her wolves were there and the sentinels were there too. He needed to ensure there was enough chaos that he could get in, kill those who got in his way and take her away.

Tonight was not the night, it was going to take time to gather them and form a plan. He would wait. I am coming mi amore. I will take you away from those who seek to hurt you and we will be free of them all.

Imogen heard him and she scrambled to get closer to Gabriel. She was too weak still to keep Dimitri out. No. Please. Leave me alone.

No, my starlight. You belong in my arms, not his. You were mine long before he came to you. I will have you again. They will fall before me.

“No more...please…” Her mind felt as if it might fracture, like a mirror breaking apart. She needed something to focus on and even now, as her body pressed to his it felt as if Gabriel was still far away.

Nicholas entered, the others in tow. He looked around, taking in the scene. His eyes fell on the Angeles brothers and the body on the floor. He nodded and Celine ran to Fernando.

He crossed to Gabriel and put a hand on his shoulder. “Take her someplace private. Her mind cannot handle us all together right now. Take her, feed her, soothe her find herself again and then we will all come together. The place is being secured as we speak. Dimitri will not have an easy time attacking.”

He didn’t bring up how tired and worn out everyone was. He knew that should the fight come all would pour their last blood and energy into it. He just hoped they would have some time.
Gabriel knew the brothers were looking to him to support him for what ever he needed. However, his attention was on Imogen. He cradled her to him. He could still sense her pain, her hunger and then the voice of the other. He gritted his teeth.

The presence of Nicholas caused him to visibly relax. He had taken orders from Nicholas for many years, and it was a role that he was more than willing to take for now. “Thank you I will.” His eyes flicked over to Esteban, “We will stand as part of the circle for Antonio. We will help you celebrate the man he was not how his life ended.”

Esteban nodded firmly a slight smile showing his approval of his words.

Gabriel scooped Imogen into his arms. “Come with me little one,” he whispered against her hair. He lay her softly on the bed in his room where it all had begun, seemingly so long ago. Laying beside her, he stroked hair back from her face. You need, I offer freely His words were a gentle brush against her mind. He tilted his neck offering it to her.

The others dispersed as well, save for Esteban and Juan-Pablo who stood tensely over Antonio’s body. Fernando was led by Selena towards a vacant room hunger in her eyes. Nicholas nodded to the brothers and headed to see to the defense of the bar, the rest of the band already taking leadership positions in Morgan’s club.
The pack was working hard, securing all possible entry points. They didn’t cover the windows of the apartments because they knew it would be too obvious. Instead they barricaded the interior access points. It meant no one was going to their own beds until this was over but it had become clear to the werewolves that this was a battle.

Marcus was directing them when he spotted Nicholas and the other vampires.

“Where is Gabriel?”

“He is taking care of his mate. He will come when she is settled. For the moment I will help you oversee everything. Morgan’s wards are all gone.”

Marcus nodded. “She is too.”

“Of course she is. Morgan is ancient. She has been playing these games longer than some of us have been alive. I expected nothing less of her.” Nicholas shook his head. “Her original plan went off the rails and I think she has been struggling to catch up ever since. There were a lot of factors she did not account for.”

Marcus grunted. “You think this happens tonight?”

Nicholas shook his head again. “No, Dimitri is going to rally those around him that he can, assess us before he barges in. He is powerful but if he is impatient his prize could end up hurt. He will be more calculated because she is what he wants. He won’t risk her and he will want to manipulate it so he can kill Gabriel.”

Marcus growled now. “Well we won’t let that happen.”

Nicholas nodded. “The others here will help too. We will have to stand vigil for a fallen one but in the meantime we will help you secure this place.” With a gesture of his hand the others joined the pack in making the bar, apartments and all the other areas secured.

For his part, Nicholas was busy with his thoughts. There were things that needed to be discussed before Dimitri attacked. He only hoped there would be time.


Imogen didn’t care where he was taking her. All she knew for certain was that he was there and she was in his arms again. She curled against him as he carried her to the bed and even when he laid her down, Imogen remained close. Her hands held his shirt as if fearing he might leave the bed. Her eyes opened to look at him as his hand gently moved her hair away.

I need you. It was strong, the call of her mind to his. Her need was great but it wasn’t just blood she needed. Morgan had caused such fear, such emotional distress that she needed his presence. She needed him. He had not been there when she was taken. At first she had feared she would never see him again and then she was so overwhelmed that she didn’t even know who he was only that she needed him above anyone else and would do anything to get to him.

Imogen wrapped herself around him. Pushing him back on the bed she slid on top of him. Her body laid against his and one hand cradled his face. You give freely and I take gratefully.

Her fangs sunk into his neck but it was not the ferocity of her feeding on Fernando. No, this was slow drinks as his blood replenished her body but his presence healed her soul. Gabriel, my love… Her mind was calming, her senses returning from their heightened state of panic.

Her tongue brushed the pinpricks of her teeth and Imogen lifted her head to kiss him.
Gabriel knew of her hungers, not just for his blood, but for security. There was so much fear inside her, yet there was so much strength in her.

He willingly went to his back, feeling her slide atop him, straddling him. He felt her hand tilt his head to the side and made a soft noise of pleasure as she sank her fangs into his neck. Mine He whispered in her mind.

His fingers stroked her hair holding her to him as he could feel her mind still, feel her calm down. And his body was on fire with the feel of her feeding on him. He was growing firm under her, pressing against her core, their clothing separating them.

When she sealed the bite and lifted her head, He dissolved their clothing with a thought and now his hardness pressed against her bare core. Underside pressing to her body. He groaned low, his hands sliding down to lift her hips making it very clear what he wanted.

“Line me up,” he growled low as he held her weight, trusting her to do as he asked before he lowered her again, feeling his body slide up into her, inch by inch.