painting the night with brush strokes of gray: (Closed thread)

Lillian curled up as if she were laying in someone's arms, on her side with legs slightly askew. What if I don't want to sleep? The sunrise is too beautiful...the orange is growing more intense now.. Her eyes closed. I will sleep. Just for a little while. I am laying on where you are so no one can touch you without waking me.

Sleep settled it but was not long lasting. The sun was up and she had no way of blocking it out. Lillian tried hiding under the blanket but it was hard to breathe. It didn't matter though as two hours after she had started to fall asleep the ground shook under her.

Scrambling up Lillian was confronted with the sight of motorcycles. A fair number of them. She stayed in place. She wouldn't leave the site where Nicholas was resting. She watched the bikes drive up the road and then veer towards her as if someone spotted the loan woman. At the barn, Melany stepped outside. She waved to Lillian.

I hope these are the friends...if they aren't..well I am fucked now aren't I? Why didn't anyone warning me they were coming on bikes? Gave me a fucking heart attack. She was grumpy and scared. Her face didn't show it but her thoughts were heavy with the feelings.
There was warmth as she told him of the sunrise, of her assurance that she was keeping him safe. He appreciated that, so much. He let his thoughts drift into meditation as she fell asleep.

Nicholas sent the thought that she amused him with her tirade as the bikes arrived. Forget to mention that, did I? His voice didn’t sound distressed at the slightest. That’ll be Jake.

The bikes split into two parties as they roared up, half clearly coming towards Lillian, and the other half towards Melany. As they came into view these weren’t your typical bikers, at least not all of them, some looked like your average businessmen. A few others looked like ex-military, spit and polish did not erase that quickly. The man that lead the group that pulled to a stop in front of Lillian had short dark hair, that looked professionally cut. Dark glasses covered his eyes as he got down, removing his riding gloves. Though he wore a t-shirt and jeans, something about him screamed that he would be more comfortable in a suit. “Mel knows how to send some confusing as hell texts,” was his first words to Lillian, no preamble, business first. As he tugged off the mirrored shades hazel eyes bore into her. “And who are you and why aren’t you with the others at the barn? I saw Mel at the barn, she waved me out here to you. Why’s that?” Jake paused as if listening silently to a voice in his mind. His eyes returned to Lillian, “Alright, who are you that Captain Bad Ass trusted you to guard his resting place?” There was another pause and then the next words were directed to the ground, “I am not having a conversation with the dirt, or a man in a hole in the ground, now, go back to being comatose or what ever it is you vamps do during the sunlight and let me talk to this woman, I’m not going to eat her, shiesh…Yes I know I ask a loot of questions, part of the job, remember?” His eyes returned to Lillian, “Sorry about that, so, where were we? Oh, right, who are you and why does Nicholas trust you?” His eyes were searching, investigating, seeking answers.
His amusement touched her mind and Lillian was once again reminded that Nicholas could hear her thoughts.

I am so glad you find my annoyance so enjoyable. She shot the thought back with a playful undertone to her annoyance.

She was standing, straight and alert as the bikes approached. She watched them divide. It was a strange eclectic group and somehow even after knowing Nicholas for such a short time this didn't really surprise Lillian.

She didn't move or react as one of the bikes pulled up in front of her. She was still standing over where Nicholas rested.

He started talking to her, to the ground. Again, Lillian didn't react. Talking to the ground was something a crazy person did if one didn't know there was a vampire buried there. Then again, to most the belief in vampires was also a sign of craziness.

Lillian gave him her full attention. "My name is Lillian Degarde. I secured the barn for them to rest. I talked to the farmers who own this place and they agreed to leave things be, let them rest until tonight. There are injured. I don't know the exact number. When we arrived, Darian had already buried them. Ehlana, Gabriel and Nicholas took care of him before burying him." She pointed to where he was buried. "Nicholas took care of the other two. Melany and Axle took the others to the barn. I remained here, with Nicholas while he rested. There was no one to put him to sleep."

Her tone was informative and confident. She had been told she could trust this group and she wasn't about to question it. Besides, he had a connection to Nicholas as well it seemed so she had no reason not to.

"Sorry and your name?" She held out a hand to him. "I know it was Jake and his group that were coming but I don't assume names and it is nice to have an introduction." Lillian was all business. This was her bread and butter, people and professionalism.
Her playfulness pleased Nicholas. He was of the not so humble opinion she was wound a few notches too tight. He was tempted to threaten if she didn’t lighten up more, he’d turn her over to Byron. However, her humor would have made him smile, if he had that ability at this time. He reached out to Jake, who was clearly having none of communicating with him. Jake only half listens to me when I’m awake, why I would think he would listen to me from under the ground is beyond me. His words to Lillian were filled with the impression of a smile.

“Seriously, just tell him to shut up,” Was Jake’s sage advice as he could feel the psychic energy of Nicholas though that time couldn’t hear him. Lillian began to report and Jake put his hands behind his back pacing back and forth as he listened. The more she said the darker the expression on Jake’s face grew. “That explains why he’s yammering in my head so much. I’d talk to any shmuck that showed up too, were I stuck under there.” He seemed to think, “You mentioned Axle and Mel, was Byron with that group too? If Mel’s here he can’t be far.” He seemed to be half asking her and half musing to himself. “You mentioned Darian, and Ehlana, so I’m guessing the rest of the travelers are under there somewhere. Though the exact number of the band varies, so that info isn’t particularly useful to us, but there you have it.”

He stuck out his hand and shook hers, his grip was firm his eyes meeting hers unflinchingly. “Former detective Jacob Louis at your service ma’am.” Niceties taken care of he moved on to other questions.

“Do you know why Ehlana and Darian were out here in the first place? I understand heading to Morgan’s Blood Moon, I did get that much from Mel’s texts. Couldn’t have hurt someone to call me, right?” He blew out a sigh, “I got a text 3 or 4 hours ago that said get here double time the shit hit the fan. A little more info would have been nice. Come to think of it, I’m going to guess that Byron sent that text from Mel’s phone, there’s no way She was that vague, that woman breathes order.

As he spoke jake’s group dismounted from their bikes. A pair of the military looking types falling in behind where Jake stood very body guard like. He appeared annoyed at this, “Can’t y’all go hold up a tree or something?” he muttered. The men shared a glance, and they took two steps back away from him but that was it, both with arms casually crossed over their chests, almost like they had their hands near shoulder holsters under their leather jackets. Jake didn’t seem thrilled with that but didn’t say anything else. “What’s your connection to all this Lillian? You a friend?”
You also could have told me he was a detective. Excuse me...former.

Lillian watched him, watched the men that joined him. She listened to his questions but didn't interject. She knew the type. She worked well with his sort because she retained so much information.

Lillian wasn't sure how to respond to the question of her connection. She wasn't sure if she could be called a friend. Oh I am just some woman he kissed, rescued and now, here I am... She swore in her mind, forgetting he had heard her. You just be quiet. Be a gentleman and pretend you aren't hearing me panic a little okay?

"I owed Nicholas. He helped me and I couldn't just leave him out here. I am good with people so I talked to the farmers. It was not a big deal. My understanding is they were escorting Selina to her partner, Fernando. They were attacked. I don't know by whom or why. I know from Nicholas that the Travellers were coming to the club. They were with Selina, Ehlana and Darian. I do not know how many there were. As I said, they were in the ground when we arrived. Darian took care of them all and buried them. He was very bad off but was taken care of."

Lillian eyed his guards. "For now, at least in terms of the farmers we are safe. Come sunset, well I guess we wait to see how bad the injuries are. I really don't know much about this. I worked for a vampire but I was...unaware of a lot of aspects of their lives. Like singing when they heal or being buried." Again her tone was informative and professional.
Nicholas’s laughter filled her mind at her panic. The former is very much against his will pequeñita. Don’t get me started on human racism. Jake was very white, so the comment would probably not make sense to someone who did not know what Jake was.

Jake listened to her responses, nodding in the right places. It was surprising that he didn’t pull out a notebook and write it all down, the way his hands twitched, he probably wanted to. This went on until he clasped them behind his back again. Jake frowned at the name Selina. “Don’t know her,” he commented and then the phone came out, not the notebook as expected. He scrolled through his phone. “Fernando, why does that ring a bell.” Hazel eyes flicked up to her, “As in Angeles?”

Then he seemed to hear the rest of her words, “Singing? I thought they were under ground because there wasn’t a place safe from the sun. If they were singing shit really did hit the fan.” His phone buzzed and he looked down at it and swore. “All the brothers are in the area? Sure, hope they’re not running amuck, Ain’t nobody got time for their shit.” This was clearly more to himself again. It was like Jake was playing the role of his own partner since he clearly didn’t have one. Finally, he looked at her again.

“How bad was Darian hurt, did they heal him? Why was he hurt in the first place, who attacked them?”
Lillian frowned a little. "As I said, Darian was very badly hurt, they did heal him as much as they could before they put him in the ground. I do not know who attacked them. I was not present for the attack and I did not overhear what or who attacked them." She was beginning to think he perhaps should be writing things down.

"I don't know who the Angeles are. I am sorry. Again, the Travellers except for Darian were underground and they were singing for him as we came here and when we arrived."

What he is? He did promise not to eat me. Not sure how I was supposed to take that...
He is a panther. Nicholas offered in response to her question.

Jake blew out a sigh, “Of course you don’t know.” He sighed, “Angeles is a family, and for the most part they’re annoying, or so the rumors say. Thank you for your help, your information has been helpful.” He smiled a little, “Before you ask, yes I can talk to Nicholas directly, but I don’t like him in my head. I’m always worried he’s gonna learn what porn I watch or something.” He faked a shudder.

His porn habits do not interest me pequeñita, though I’m somewhat curious what turns you on, though. Nicholas’s words drifted into Lillian’s mind.

“I’m not formally his anything, and it makes it more difficult for us, but being bound to him isn’t something I really want. “Are you hungry Lillian? I’m sure someone brought some food.”
Panther. Lillian eyed Jake for a moment. "I figured you could talk to him. You were talking to the ground as if right to him." Her face turned red as she tried not to focus on Nicholas' words in her mind.

"I am not formally us either..." The blush deepened. "I am both hungry and tired. I am just going to sit here for a bit." Lillian sat on the ground in the pile of blankets. "Nicholas is just here and I promised I would stay close. To make sure he protected."

You should not tease someone like that. I blushed as red as a tomato. Lillian crossed her legs. I don't tell anyone my likes, dislikes and kinks until he buys me dinner first... Her mind immediately went to images of her on her back, Nicholas above her. Image of her kneeling, a hand rubbing slowly along her ass.


She pressed her hands to her eyes and tried not to think about it. A last image, her on the ground kneeling. That's enough of that... She was too tired, too unfocused to realize he had seen it all.
“You are welcome to sit there, though I might get out of the sun were I you, there’s enough of us to give you a break.” Jake offered her a smile. “I’ll bring some food over.”

I am sorry I forget human customs. I don’t typically buy my dinner, I seduce it, so…. He sounded amused. Nicholas felt like a voyeur in her mind. Though he had to admit all the images were pleasing. He retreated a bit before he spoke. You have quite the imagination pequeñita. His mental touch brushed her mind sensually like he was stroking her hair. We shall have to explore these images further.

It was only a few minutes later when Jake returned with some travel food, jerky, nuts, and the like. “Can I join you?” he asked squatting down beside her.
"Why would I need to get out of the sun." Lillian wrapped a blanket around her shoulders.

Oh saw that? I-I am so embarrassed. Her whole body warmed as the blush spread. She shivered as his voice touched her mind. You shouldn't tease a woman like that if you don't intend to follow through.

She looked up as Jake came back. Lillian took the food. "Thanks. By all means have a seat." She opened the nuts and munched on a few. "How long have you worked with Nicholas?"
Of course, I saw. I am in your mind, remember? Nicholas’s voice was full of warmth. Trust me, I do not make promises I do not intend on keeping. There was a moment of silence and then he spoke again, I will do better at not invading your privacy, if you work on not projecting such delicious thoughts so loudly.

Jake took a seat as she granted permission. “Too long,” he muttered. He seemed to be considering, “Several years I guess it’s been. I’m sort of a silent partner in Live After Death, Nicholas’s club. Nicholas took over the area where I’m from some years ago, and that moved my lair into a place of prominence in the city’s power structure as he has an affinity for Panthers, just as Morgan’s gift is with wolves. I’m a private investigator these days because—humans. No offense to you. We work together for everyone’s benefit. It doesn’t hurt that my lair enjoys Death and it’s music.”
I did not think you could see the images. I did not realize there were no barriers. Lillian's embarrassment was clear in her thoughts. Wait, do you really mean it?

She looked at Jake as she ate the nuts. "Nicholas owns a club? Took over the area?" Lillian frowned. "I didn't know anything about him. I met him last night for the first time. He swept in like a knight and helped me." You own a club?

"Thanks for the nuts. I worked for one of Morgan's staff. A sub contractor of sorts. Though now I am unemployed. It is for the best."
Nicholas would again have smiled. Yes, I can see the images too. Would I have said it if I didn’t mean it? Ask Jake if I mean what I say, if you are uncertain.

Jake chuckled, “That sounds like Nicholas for sure. He is not keen on anyone fucking with others, especially those he feels attached to or responsible for.”

Of course, I own a club. You should come visit sometime. Nicholas’s voice caressed back into her mind.

“Is the boss looking to make you his human servant? If so, you’ll have way more work than you bargained for. Not that he’d be anywhere as difficult to manage as Byron is, of course.”

What is he going on about pequeñita, what is it he told you to tell me, you can tell him to shut up? Though he has interesting suggestions too. That last part was almost a purr.
"Oh he isn't attached to me in any way. He was just there when I got roughed up by my former employer. I saw him perform..." She blushed. She felt like a teenager trying too hard to convince her friends she didn't have a crush on a boy.

"I don't understand. What do yo mean human servant?" Lillian looked extremely confused. "I am just here to help with this. When I get back, well honestly once it is night and Nicholas can take me back I doubt I will see him again." Once more a blush stained her cheeks.

I thought it was a tease. And of course you own a club...I would know that by looking at you. And if you must know he is asking if you are looking to make me your servant. I don't know how to take that. What do you mean he has interesting suggestions?

Lillian removed the blanket from her shoulders, suddenly very warm. She smiled shyly at Jake. "Getting warmer now that the sun is up.."
“No, he wouldn’t have stood for that. Is your former employer dead, by chance?” Jake asked it as if it were a perfectly normal thing to ask. When talking about Nicholas it at least wasn’t abnormal to ask it.

Jake’s smile widened at her blush, “Saw him perform did you.” Here he leaned forwards toward her, “He performed closer than skin to you, didn’t he?”

“I doubt Nicholas will let you out of his life that easily. That man collects friends like a beach collects seashell.” At her questions about a human servant he seemed to squirm just a bit as if he had said too much. “Well, now, maybe that’s something he can explain better than I can. However, you’ve met Mel, haven’t you? She’s Byron’s human servant. She watches over him in the daytime, technically runs his chaotic life though the human servant bond is different for each vamp human servant pair.” He shrugged. “It’s not quite liked a bonded partner, because Mel is still human, but drinking from the vampire allows her to preserve her youth and have some increased psychic abilities. No true psychic can become a human servant, rather, they go through living conversion and actually join the vampire race. Are you psychic?”

See, I thought it was obvious. What clued you in, the guitar, or the black clothing? Nicholas was laughing again in her mind. It wasn’t mocking just amused. Why the idea of you being my human servant of course? If you wrote up the credentials for one, you’d actually be a pretty good fit. So interesting ideas, indeed.

“I feel like a voyeur,” Jake commented with a laugh, “Do I even want to know what he just said to make you blush like that?”
"I don't know what you mean." Lillian looked away. "Just warm is all. He isn't saying much that is interesting." She was a terrible liar. Always had been. It was part of why she was good at her job. People knew she was not one for lies and schemes.

"No, I am not psychic. I didn't think such abilities existed but hey, I am sitting on a vampire talking to a panther so, what do I know of the world right?" She laughed. "I did see him perform. I don't think, well I don't know what happens after this."

Actually it was the cocky attitude and commanding stare. Her thoughts dripped with amusement and sarcasm. I think I might prefer that date instead of working for you. I try not to mix business and pleasure remember? I have rules.

Her eyes moved to look at the barn. "I don't know that the other people in Nicholas' life will appreciate me hanging around." Lillian was trying to get feelers on Ehlana or other women he might already have as servants or lovers. His mention of bonded partner brought a fresh blush.
Nicholas actually did laugh in her Mind. Rules were meant to be broken pequeñita, at least rules as silly as that. I will be sure to make your pleasure my business. This last was very suggestive.

“Remind me to play cards with you sometime,” Jake teased, “Your poker face is epically terrible, you know that?” He didn’t seem keen on pressing her further though, taring into the jerky for himself.

“It is a weird world isn’t it?” Jake commented offhandedly. “Thought it was all a bunch of hogwash myself until I got into the preternatural branch of the force. I definitely learned it was real when I got attacked. A month later I turned furry, so then I really couldn’t bury my head in the sand anymore.”

Sitting on me, there’s a thought. Nicholas sent into her mind.

Jake gave her a quizzical look, “What do you mean by that? Why would any of us have a problem with you in his life?”

As the sun rose higher jake waved at his guards, “Step that way a little, at least let me sit in your shadow, if you’re gonna stand there anyway.” He then turned his attention back to Lillian, curious what she meant about that.
Those rules have served me very well, I will have you know. Again, his words made her blush. You are quite focused on my pleasure. Enough to make a girl think you like her. Her thoughts had a tone of teasing.

"Lying is not my strong suit." Lillian shrugged. "Stop that." She looked at the ground, her tone chiding and then sighed, rubbed her face. "Sorry. He is quite charming in his way."

She shrugged. "Given how charming he is, I saw the women fawning over him. I don't want to give the impression that I am trying to insert myself in his life. Is there a Melany in his life already? A wife or someone else I might somehow insult?" She figured it was better to lay her cards on the table. He already knew she didn't lie well so there was no reason to beat around the bush.
Nicholas snorted in her mind. You are just now realizing that I like you? He asked.

Jake laughed as Lillian gave in and told Nicholas to stop just as he had. It was a rich sound. “Charming he is. I mean I don’t find him so, but the ladies do. He’s good at making some feel special. I’ve seen him get close to very few though. There’s only one Melany.” He laughed, “Though I think I get what you’re asking. Nicholas doesn’t need his life managed like Byron does, but no Nicholas doesn’t have anyone like that. He’s got Ehlana, but she’s like a sister to him.” He paused, “Speaking of which, how did that one take Darian being hurt. My guess is not well. I’ve seen very few bonded partners care for their other half more than she cares for that man.”

As he spoke Jake continued to eat, basking in the shade that his body guards were providing with their bodies.
You are the sort who flirts and smooth talks lots of women. I don't assume you actually like me more than wanting to maybe get in my pants.

Lillian nodded at Jakes' comments.

Even Jake says you are good at making women feel special. I didn't think you were serious, just flirty and charming.

She had been slightly confused by Jake's statement about Melany but the more he talked the more she thought she got it. Lillian was glad that the conversation shifted from Nicholas and her to something else.

"She was pretty distraught. She gave him too much and Gabriel and Nicholas weren't too happy with her but it was okay in the end, I think. I thought well...given the way she was with him I thought they were a pair. Married or as you say, bonded partners. They aren't?" The fact that Ehlana and Nicholas were like siblings wasn't shocking. They seemed to greatly respect each other in a way that spoke of closeness but not sexual closeness.
Nicholas’s tone was thoughtful. I suspect I have far fewer lovers than you suspect me to have my lady. I will give you that I have been known to sweet talk though. Man’s got to eat. This last part was more teasing again. I will be sure to show you just how serious I am when next we meet pequeñita.

Jake shook his head, “Did I word things wrong again?” he asked, “You’d think I’d get better at that. Darian and Ehlana are most certainly bonded. I meant more that their bonded is stronger than most I’ve ever seen. They were raised as close as siblings, their families often together, and as I have heard the story told once, one day their relationship just changed. It was like something clicked for them and instead of sibling closeness they had the closeness of lovers and best friends.” He shrugged, “It’s one thing to be friends as children and know that one day you will fall in love with someone, but very few actually grow up to do it. Kind of beautiful if you ask me.”

If you find blunt talk such as When are you going to man up and actually claim me” to be beautiful. Nicholas’s voice held amusement for his friends. I am glad that Darian woke up and realized Ehlana wasn’t a girl anymore before someone else tried to claim her.

Jake cocked his head and looked at Lillian expectantly. “He weighed in, didn’t he?” he smiled a little, “What does he have to say about it?” he asked curiously.
“Apparently, Ehlana was quite blunt with her feelings and that amuses him. He is happy that they are together. I imagine it is hard to turn that switch when you are raised so closely together. But now they have each other. I hope to meet them in a more relaxed setting. I met Ehlana but it was...there was a lot going on and then we came here.” Lillian smiled at Jake. “Such is life though right?”

She looked off towards the farmhouse for a moment. “You are right it is beautiful though. Not used to such romantic stories being true or real. Not really my experience with dating.” She laughed before rolling her neck a little. She was tired and sore but there was no way she was going to be able to rest now.

I think it is sweet and beautiful. Love like that doesn’t happen often. I have never seen it. Maybe there is something to be said for living forever and romance going hand in hand. Maybe the goths have it right. She smiled a little sadly, her thoughts reflecting that.
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Nicholas sounded thoughtful in her mind Perhaps we are both correct. I find it funny that it took him so long to realize how much he loved her. To an outsider it was obvious.

Jake laughed, “I hadn’t heard that story, but that sounds like Ehlana. I’ve only met her a few times myself, but there’s a reason she is the only female sentinel, she’s got fire for sure.”

Jake shrugged, “I’ve seen it, but you tend to if you spend enough time with vampires. Most of their bonded partnerships are like that. A few of them are different, a few of them are more like business partnerships, though that type of interaction is more common between vampire and human servant.” Jake eyed her, “You should get some rest.,” he urged even as he leaned back on his elbows.
Different perspectives. Lillian wondered just how he viewed relationships in general. Then she wondered why she was really thinking about it. He wanted to show her he liked her but in the end, it wouldn't be a relationship. It would be a servant and that wasn't what she wanted. She would work for him, if he was interested but to be there simply for him to what...feed on?

She sighed softly. "Rest, a good idea..." She laid down on the blankets. Lillian laid on her side. "Do you like working for Nicholas?" She yawned, only half listening as she started to drift off.

She dreamt of him, on stage and singing to her in the crowd. Then the crowd was gone and it was just her.

The sun began to set.

In the club, in her sanctum, Morgan woke before Antonio. She smiled as she looked at his naked body beside her. It was going to be a pity if she ended up having to have to kill him.