Voluptuous woman + straight sex

Oct 18, 2002
Why is it every time I find a story on a voluptuous woman or a bbw that they tend to ruin it by using men who have small penises giving out pity sex. For once I would like a story of a nice thick girl and a well endowed gentleman having straight sex. All I want is an attractive full figured woman some nice lingerie a candle for some nice hot wax and a handsome well endowed man with a riding crop. Mix it up a little too I like all ethnic groups for women and men.

No urinating, incest, animals or the one that really pisses me off just because of our size does not mean we think about food all the time or feel the need to rub it into our bodies during sex (blech). I truly hate the adult industry for that misconception. Almost every dvd with a bbw that I have seen has to have at least three scenes with a woman rubbing food (cake, pizza, syrup, cheeze whiz, etc, etc, etc) into their breasts and snatch that is just so gross.

rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble!!!
where's tate?

being a rather full bodied individual I wholeheartedly agree with your opinions. I think that there are a number of these stories around, but you have to find them.

I'm with you. Hmm...maybe I'll make my main character in my current story a little more full bodied. She's practically me anyways, may as well give her my fuller proportions as well.

Thanks for bringing it up!
I can't help you much on this thread ...

but I am curious: how do you define voluptuous woman or a bbw (bbw stands for big beautiful woman, right ?) ?

I mean, I love women that are chubby like Chicklet, and even a little bit more is o.k.

But when a woman gets too big (aka. "fat") I am turned off. So do you also have a turning point ? Or do you like it "as big as possible"
NASCARaddicted said:
I can't help you much on this thread ...

but I am curious: how do you define voluptuous woman or a bbw (bbw stands for big beautiful woman, right ?) ?

I mean, I love women that are chubby like Chicklet, and even a little bit more is o.k.

But when a woman gets too big (aka. "fat") I am turned off. So do you also have a turning point ? Or do you like it "as big as possible"

voluptuous usually means large breasted and hipped. However, you can't naturally get those proportions without some tummy and ass. However, I personally feel that I'm too short to be voluptuous (I think of tall sexy volupty women), so I prefer bbw.

Everyone's sense of what "fat" constitutes is different. I classify fat as when you're like 250, 275 pounds on a frame like mine. Thin would be 160 or so. I'm something like 190...somewhere between thin and fat. Pretty similar to chick, but with a rounder face, so I don't photograph well (or I don't think so) like she does. But that's my def.

I've had guys think I was too skinny for their taste, others too heavy. I haven't found an easy answer to that question.
deliciously_naughty said:

I haven't found an easy answer to that question.

I don't think anyone has.

I am 5' 7", 190lbs. I can't use my pregnancy as an "excuse" anymore since my son will be four this upcoming Spring... :( I was about 155-160 before I got pregnant, and I think with my height I looked good then. Still working on losing weight, but that's another story.

As for:
Posted by NASCAR

So do you also have a turning point?

I tend to not like women my size or bigger, but the opposite is worse! I hate women where you can see their ribs!! (Men for that matter, too.) I'm not sexually attracted to the anorexic look and stay clear.
There are definitely limits. Bigger than me would definitely be a turn off. I like thick or a chubby but big huge gut definitely doesn't do anything for me. Height is a definite factor too it all fills out differently.
NASCARaddicted said:

I mean, I love women that are chubby like Chicklet, and even a little bit more is o.k.

...can anyone name nascar's first mistake, here? = ) wink wink
On the other hand, I think it really depends on the woman. I've met some women who I would have classified as "fat" but who exude such an aura of sexuality that I still wanted them It's really about confidence and self assurance. In other words, if you hate your body, or things about your body other people will not find them sexy.
I agree.

Sometimes i think it's mostly the attitude and charisma of the person.

How you hold yourself matters a lot = )

Just Found Out~!

I just found out how much confidence plays a factor. After a huge break up I gained alot of weight (ie 55lbs). I've been so unhappy and I was afraid to even go to the gym. I'm not sure what happened but I made the effort and lost 20lbs (still a ways to go thought) I suddenly snapped out of it and it seems like everyone has taken notice. Even some of the married men at my office have been hitting on me, before they wouldn't even talk to me. I'm not completely happy with myself but I have gotten my confidence back and wow what a difference!
Chicklet said:
I agree.

Sometimes i think it's mostly the attitude and charisma of the person.

How you hold yourself matters a lot = )


Personality and attitude is right.
Mid 20's Virgin said:
Bigger than me would definitely be a turn off.

Do any women feel this way, or is it mostly men?

Of course, I think women carry the weight a lot better than most men (cough cough beer bellies cough cough)
Chicklet said:
Do any women feel this way, or is it mostly men?

Of course, I think women carry the weight a lot better than most men (cough cough beer bellies cough cough)

The guy I've been seeing for the last half year is only slightly above my height (I'm 5'4"). I have no clue what I weigh in American measure, but I do need to lose some weight. I'm a bit overweight. Now, my partner is plain skinny! He's short and really really skinny. I know he prefers women his height and similar in built (i.e. slim). I don't exactly match that, and I do admit that I a few times have felt huge compared to him. Heck, I'm twice his size! On the other hand, I'm not used to dating that skinny men...lol

Beer gut is definitely a turn off on men and women. But I think men more so especially when they get overweight enough that it looks like they need a bra.
personally 2 out of 3 boyfriends have been rather overweight...i like heavier guys, myself.
Well, as my longest story to date can attest to, I think we *all* know where my thing for skinny geek boys comes from.


But I did date a big "scottish warrior man" type once...that had all sorts of delicious moments...especially when he was teaching me to fight (swords). It used to get us both horny, and then...

oh, did I say that out loud?
I will go on record

saying that I like chuby women much more than thin ones.