Virtual Erotic Book Club--Any Interest?


Literotica Guru
Aug 26, 2002
This is a cross-post to reference a thread I started in The Playground, but which so far has not generated overwhelming interest (although we have a few regulars posting...). The basic idea is that we replicate a typical book club, but with the twist that all selections will have to be some form of erotica, and discussions of the work will take place on-line. Unlike some of the story review/editing forums, this club will look at a range of on-line (and possibly off-line) works as suggested by members.

For the full background, and to participate, please see

We're very much open to new participants, and especially anyone with a candidate for the first work to read!

I virtually joinded the club, clicked on the link and read the thread.

pretty_lil_stranger said:
You're going to read books, or stories at lit?

My idea at least is to read stories primarily NOT on literotica (since many of those are covered in the story discussion groups), but more other on-line sources by more 'professional' authors (sorry, that's a loaded term) and also books, short stories, magazine contributions, etc.

My main interest is in tapping the collective expertise of Lit to expose myself and others to a variety of examples of erotic literature, both for personal edification and possibly to help us all in developing our own writings (of which I have none to date).
