Vintage 40 Prime TWO!

DUI is Driving Under the Influence of anything. It can be prescription pain killers or anything. It is true that the states that have legalized it are seeing an explosion of DUIs with pot. Most states do not have a valid test in place for this because, pot being illegal the person can be busted just for the procession of it and whether they have smoked any to be under the influence is moot. The states where it is legal can not fall back on this so they have had to create a testing program.

RJ is right (here we go agreeing with each other again. It must be that the world is about to end) addiction is addiction. But there are 2 different types. Physical and mental. Some drugs addict you both ways, some just one. Alcohol does both DTs are a terrible and possibly deadly result of the physical addiction. Pot is usually just a mental addiction but as we know the mind can be more powerful than the body. This is not to say that you can not become physically addicted to pot, or that you will become addicted at all. When it comes to the human body you never say never.
I finally got to sleep in my own bed last night. Nice to be home again after a week away. It was a lot like being on a working vacation. Today is a rebalance day. Got a massage this morning so my back & neck feel much better.

Tomorrow I want to try experimenting with making some pycrete for the red neck AC cooler.
I also want to move the trees and plants off the pavers next to my door, set up the shader tent with a painting tarp under the top to have real shade plus rain protection & see if I can make an outside paint area. It will be much cooler out there to paint then here in the house.

There's much more I'd like to get done but I need to see if I can still move tomorrow. :eek:
I finally got to sleep in my own bed last night. Nice to be home again after a week away. It was a lot like being on a working vacation. Today is a rebalance day. Got a massage this morning so my back & neck feel much better.

Tomorrow I want to try experimenting with making some pycrete for the red neck AC cooler.
I also want to move the trees and plants off the pavers next to my door, set up the shader tent with a painting tarp under the top to have real shade plus rain protection & see if I can make an outside paint area. It will be much cooler out there to paint then here in the house.

There's much more I'd like to get done but I need to see if I can still move tomorrow. :eek:

:eek: I'm just hoping for a lay in tomorrow.
I'm over 40. Can I come in? :D
:eek: I'm just hoping for a lay in tomorrow.
I'm over 40. Can I come in? :D

Welcome hun!

I slept late this morning, for me anyway.. Chores well under way and reconnecting with an old friend on yahoo :)
Welcome hun!

I slept late this morning, for me anyway.. Chores well under way and reconnecting with an old friend on yahoo :)

Thank you :kiss:
It's a Sunday. I say if the world isn't ending, then you'll be lucky if I put on pants. :D
And now fully comfy. Family gone, cool breeze through the slightly open window, hot cup of tea, silence... And reading in the nude. If I was younger this would be called being an exhibitionist but now I get call eccentric and they will put me on tv. I can live with that.
And now fully comfy. Family gone, cool breeze through the slightly open window, hot cup of tea, silence... And reading in the nude. If I was younger this would be called being an exhibitionist but now I get call eccentric and they will put me on tv. I can live with that.

There is something to be said for getting older.. the only reason I'm dressed, sort of, is it is cool and the windows are open with the blinds up.. going to enjoy this while it lasts before the heat pushes the windows down and the blinds closed tight.
There is something to be said for getting older.. the only reason I'm dressed, sort of, is it is cool and the windows are open with the blinds up.. going to enjoy this while it lasts before the heat pushes the windows down and the blinds closed tight.

Oh I find I'm loving it the older I get. I don't seem to worry so much about such silly things like other peoples thoughts about me. Stuff that, I don't have to justify myself to anyone :D .... And the breeze across me neithers is very relaxing.... Just hope I don't forget about the undress if someone comes to the door.... Then again :devil::D
Oh I find I'm loving it the older I get. I don't seem to worry so much about such silly things like other peoples thoughts about me. Stuff that, I don't have to justify myself to anyone :D .... And the breeze across me neithers is very relaxing.... Just hope I don't forget about the undress if someone comes to the door.... Then again :devil::D

Don't forget it's skinny dipping season.
There is something to be said for getting older.. the only reason I'm dressed, sort of, is it is cool and the windows are open with the blinds up.. going to enjoy this while it lasts before the heat pushes the windows down and the blinds closed tight.

In Texas during Summer who needs clothes? :D
Spent some time in the neighbor's pool, soaking the arthritis, pissing off the young men that aren't allowed in :D

Not too hot of a day.
Spent yesterday getting the new yard in order. Owners left me a riding lawn mower.

Lazy Sunday here. Every intention was to go Disk Golfing and hit some thrift stores. I did was both cars. Took them through the car wash!!
Spent yesterday getting the new yard in order. Owners left me a riding lawn mower.

Lazy Sunday here. Every intention was to go Disk Golfing and hit some thrift stores. I did was both cars. Took them through the car wash!!

Cool they left the mower.

I was stupid and moved the trees & plants by the door. Set up the shader tent
& got the first part of getting set up to paint outside done, Not sure if I just blew the rest of the week.
to hell and back. It was a lot harder then I expected. Not that I had help who could have come.