Vintage 40 Prime TWO!

We had a doozie here yesterday. Lightning and Thunder, rain blowing so hard you couldn't see and sheeting sideways. Not some quick summer rain either, lasted about six hours. And don't be fooled Beleaf, the next day it's even more humid as the water starts to evaporate.

Have fun in the mountains Shag. Nipp I do miss naked Vacuuming Tuesdays. and Blu too.

What comes around goes around, as the great Budda used to say Starry.
Just noticed there are almost 5000 posts. :eek: Does that mean a new thread?

Not quite 2 years. ;)
Still going.


and on,

and on,

and on... :D

Yes it is. But you never know when or if the powers that be will close it, so we are being proactive and moving to the following link. You moved the link to a new page. And copying it doesn't bring all of the fancy stuff and that is a pain to add. Sighs...
Oh well, I did it.
So for all of the visitors, here is the link to the new thread. :D Hope to see you there.

Vintage 40 Prime THREE