Valentine's Day Contest Story Ideas


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
although the 2021 contest list, including dates, is not posted yet, oggbashan has started an official support thread at the Author's Forum.

His explanation for the contest:

Valentine's Day
themes: romantic love, Valentine's Day, Cupid, sensuality, etc.
starts: About third week in Jan
closes: About end of first week in Feb
winners announced: About two days before Valentine's Day

[The real dates will be edited in when Laurel posts the 2021 Contest dates.]

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Valentine's Day
themes: romantic love, Valentine's Day, Cupid, sensuality, etc.
starts: January 14
closes: February 5
winners announced: February 12

Check out ogg's thread, or read the official announcement here:

This thread is here to exchange ideas to encourage more submissions.

I have already started my story, which may feature Cupid (though 1400 words in, he remains a bit like M.Godot).

These themes can be adapted to fit almost any interest or category. A few examples to get things started

Incest: family members snowed in together get wet, get naked, get busy...

Mature: An older man or woman accidentally finds romance (or just hot sex), maybe on Feb 14 to be true to the theme. With a neighbour? A co-worker? A student? A stranger on a train? a helpful sales clerk or friendly waitress?

Anal: they don't call it the rosebud just for fun...but it could be fun

Group Sex: neighbours get busy together after accidentally consuming the aphrodisiac chocolates

Transgender and crossdressers : nothing like a little reversed tarts and vicars party...
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Valentine's day 2014 a man is on his way home from work and he is going to surprise his wife with very romantic Valentine's day date.

Fast forward 7 years and the adult son who moved back home after his father's death so that he could take care of the families small farm ranch estate or small business.

The adult says "mom I know Valentine's day is a difficult day for you but it's been 7 years since dad died this Valentine's day we are going out for a Romantic dinner dancing and a romantic movie. I am also going to rent a tuxedo and a stretch limousine for the evening.

" So go into your closet find the nicest dress shoes and underwear you own and set them aside. Because I am taking you out for a night out on the town."

The mom reluctantly agrees to this the son proceeds to put this plan together then on the Valentine's day evening. She walks down the stairs and she looks gorgeous. And they go out on the town and have a wonderful evening and the mom really enjoys herself.

When they get home they are both are exhausted but happy because the evening was so wonderful and mom says " thank you for a wonderful evening. I enjoyed it very much."

Now I think this idea would go into the non erotic category because there is no sex in it

except for the alternate version that ends in incest...
Young love makes one do foolish things. A kid, 18 of course, wants to do it right for his first girlfriend who he is madly in love with. She on the other hand enjoys his company and puppy love, but she has roving eyes. The boy wants to rent a limo, 5 star restaurant, flowers galore, the whole shebang. Only, his weekend job doesn't allow him to be able to afford these things. He thus approaches his brother (his father?) to lend the money. He does, but with the stipulation that he pay back with interest. The boy agrees, not realizing how impossible it is to pay back until the brother suggests he share his gf with him...
Has anyone ever written a story starring the actual Saint Valentine? And how he became associated with romantic love? That might be interesting.
X complains to Y she never gets any letters etc.
Y writes letters to X in secret.
X finds out.
Has anyone ever written a story starring the actual Saint Valentine? And how he became associated with romantic love? That might be interesting.

I think I recall seeing one before, but that does not mean it can't be done again. After all, Shakespeare's plays were mostly oft told tales. The secret is in the telling. But you know that.
Young love makes one do foolish things. A kid, 18 of course, wants to do it right for his first girlfriend who he is madly in love with. She on the other hand enjoys his company and puppy love, but she has roving eyes. The boy wants to rent a limo, 5 star restaurant, flowers galore, the whole shebang. Only, his weekend job doesn't allow him to be able to afford these things. He thus approaches his brother (his father?) to lend the money. He does, but with the stipulation that he pay back with interest. The boy agrees, not realizing how impossible it is to pay back until the brother suggests he share his gf with him...

or the gf suggests it as a way to repay the debt...
The engagement dress

The red dress has been passed down through generations. Each woman g
has worn it on valentine's Day and been proposed to. each woman tells her story to the newest recipient, the narrator then tells of her date...
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Once a Year, a COVID story

MMuriel is that plain jane "good girl" who still lives wit and care for her elderly mother.

Muriel teaches grade two.

Each Valentine's Day for the past five years she has gotten drunk and seduced a different one of her co-workers at the staff V Day party(she was a virgin the first time).

This year, a memo comes around "due to COVIS, no party".

What will Muriel do? The itch is building. She can't possibly wait another year...
I'm currently writing a mature romance that likely suits for V-Day but with no flashy or ribald gimmicks. A gym-fit middle aged downtown legal secretary lusts after the athletic bicycle courier making drop-offs and pick-ups at her office a few times a day, a polite, well-spoken athletic lad with swimmer's shoulders and runner's legs well displayed in his cycle shorts and company tee. Her cat loves him but they go through various gyrations and she must exceed other girls he's with to win him. Then he joins the Army for GI Bill to pay for further education, and is luckily posted at a nearby base so they can cohabit. HEA of course.

A spin-off prequel for the National Nude Day contest follows the urban bike couriers, ending in a mass bike streak through the Financial District on National Nude Day. See, nothing too weird or contrived. Many of the story setups suggested here on SI throw out a big kink that's hard to build a story around. Visualize the ending and write a story to fit.
MMuriel is that plain jane "good girl" who still lives wit and care for her elderly mother.

Muriel teaches grade two.

Each Valentine's Day for the past five years she has gotten drunk and seduced a different one of her co-workers at the staff V Day party(she was a virgin the first time).

This year, a memo comes around "due to COVIS, no party".

What will Muriel do? The itch is building. She can't possibly wait another year...

You can't call the poor girl Muriel with out giving her a wedding, so hows about ...

Office parties are cancelled due to the 'rona but weddings, being religious services, are exempt from this rule. Muriel decides to have one of those instead and invite everyone from work along. Groom(s) to be determined by the end of the night.
A Tentacle Monster Needs Love Too

This TM lives in the drains under the candy shop. All the sweet runoff has affected its emotions... it emerges , tries to be scary, but finds love... not quite sure of some of the mechanics though.
This TM lives in the drains under the candy shop. All the sweet runoff has affected its emotions... it emerges , tries to be scary, but finds love... not quite sure of some of the mechanics though.
The TM inhabits the town drainage system and thus can access every drain in a home, office, or factory. For easy love, it extends tentacles up into toilets to massage human genitalia. What's the saying? It's a shitty job but someone or something has to do it. Or maybe tentacles extrude up sink drains to caress scrubbers' upper bodies. That could be embarrassing at the missile plant.
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The TM inhabits the town drainage system and thus can access every drain. For easy love, it extends tentacles up into toilets to massage human genitalia. What's the saying? It's a shitty job but someone or something has to do it. Or maybe tentacles extrude up sink drains to caress scrubbers' upper bodies.

just as long as it finds love...

A spin-off prequel for the National Nude Day contest follows the urban bike couriers, ending in a mass bike streak through the Financial District on National Nude Day. See, nothing too weird or contrived. Many of the story setups suggested here on SI throw out a big kink that's hard to build a story around. Visualize the ending and write a story to fit.

I always think that a flower delivery person finding love would make a good V Day story.
First Time

The MC plans the perfect date to seduce the other, since the MC just turn18 on V Day....but all the music, wine, roses, chocolates and music are ignored as they rip off their clothes the moment they make eye contact.
The MC plans the perfect date to seduce the other, since the MC just turn18 on V Day....but all the music, wine, roses, chocolates and music are ignored as they rip off their clothes the moment they make eye contact.

He forgets the chocolates so rushes out to get them. She arrives early and his dad is there and willing to rip off said clothes. He gets home to find it all over.
He forgets the chocolates so rushes out to get them. She arrives early and his dad is there and willing to rip off said clothes. He gets home to find it all over.

Ouch. I though only I was that cynical.
He forgets the chocolates so rushes out to get them. She arrives early and his dad is there and willing to rip off said clothes. He gets home to find it all over.

Hmm... why over? Perhaps it's just the at the right time to join in.
I’d like to see the theme of the contest be their best GeorgeAnderson story.

For those who don’t know, GeorgeAnderson wrote a fantastic (and highly controversial) story called “February Sucks”. It takes place on or in lieu of Valentines Day and it involves one of the most cruel betrayals by a wife conceivable on here. The ending of the story spawned a TON of people writing their own version or continuation of the story in varying degrees of quality.

My idea is this: the contest could be centered around the worst kind of wifely betrayal the writer can think of, the challenge being that it has to end in the same manner GeorgeAnderson’s original did.
I always think that a flower delivery person finding love would make a good V Day story.
For fun, the orders he delivers that day are Datura trumpets, sweet Morning Glories, Hawai'ian Woodroses, flowering Cannabis Indica, some opioid Papavers, all decorated with pretty Amanita and Psilocybe mushrooms. For a day of fucks, get fucked up. All the recipients are *so* grateful.