Use the word 'prowess' to describe the Lit member above you

That's not prowess in his pocket.... he's just happy to see you.
My prowess

is better then your prowess.

And bigger then your prowess as well.
Daffy nition

Main Entry: prow·ess
Pronunciation: 'prau-&s also 'prO-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English prouesse, from Old French proesse, from prou
Date: 13th century
1 : distinguished bravery; especially : military valor and skill
2 : extraordinary ability <his prowess on the football field>

Thats me......extraordinary PUSSY eater
That oxen's prowess is only contained in it's flower toting.

(nothing personal flirty)
Busybody is pro-wesson and that fits in nicely with my love of Florence Henderson.