Urinal test

30 out of 60
Well, you barely passed. Odds are in favour that you are actually a female and have never experienced a male rest facility in all it's glory. That, or you're a guy who doesn't get out much. If we were you, we wouldn't be showin' your score off to any of our friends, since they can probably pee way better than you can.
I guess I'm gonna have to get more urinal experience, then. 30 just won't cut the mustard.
Your Score
50 out of 60
Well, although not perfect, it's nice to see that you're able to follow the simple rules of urinating in a proper and orderly manner. We're willing to bet that your friends aren't as good at peeing as you are. Now, isn't that something special? You can take pride in the fact that you know how to use the facilities properly. That's more than most of our staff can say....

I missed the "VERY tricky indeed" question:

Correct Answer: NONE ! You go to the mirror and pretend to comb your hair or straighten a tie until the urinals "open up" a bit more. If you have to go REAL, REAL BAD, for god's sake! ... use a doored stall.

LOL! Bullshit! If you gotta go, you gotta go!

Minkey Boodle and kitty would, I'm sure.
50 out of 60. I'm man enough that I can handle pissing next to some one instead of pretending I'm in there to comb my hair.

Several answers are incorrect, the test author is obviously some prissy, uptight urban boy, who is paranoid about being mistaken for a homosexual.

The correct answers can be found by taking a piss with the guys outdoors -- and then looking for the comparable indoors situation. True, you don't stand too close outdoors, 8 to 15 feet apart is a good range. But an even bigger faux pas is to walk too far away -- real men don't walk way 50 feet out of their way to hide their pissing or make sure there is no way someone can see their dick. Similarily, in urinals, you don't want to be too close -- but it is just as bad to obviously go way out of your way to be far away.

Real men are confident and assured in their masculinity.