Two things that made me feel old today...


Nov 27, 2002
1. I signed the mortgage papers on my brand new townhouse...preapproved in MY name only . Talk about weird and freaky stuff.

2. My mother's father had a stroke last week as I found out tonight. I have never imagined our family to be without 'Archie and Edith' (as I have always thought of them). Grandma and Grandpa's house has always been where it's at, man. As a matter of fact, I didn't spend one Christmas away from their house until I was married with three kids (I think I must have been about 31).

Sheesh...this is my last Grandpa. And only two Grandmas left. :(

Damn I hate getting older.
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Well at least you got to know your grandpas.

MIne were both deceased by the time I was born. :(
both my grandparents were gone by the time i was 16. One was more of a father to me than my real dad was, he died when I was 11. the other I hardly knew, spent most of his time in alcohol induced stupor. Getting old sucks but you should be thankful they lived long full lives and that they did actually get to see your children. I'd give anything for my grandfather to meet my son.
Lazarus1280 said:
Well at least you got to know your grandpas.

MIne were both deceased by the time I was born. :(

That is true...and actually, I had 3 grandpas and 2 great-grandpas that I knew and loved. I know I have to count the blessings...but when you look at these people, you just always see yourself as a child.
Mia62 said:
1. I signed the mortgage papers on my brand new townhouse...preapproved in MY name only . Talk about weird and freaky stuff.

I was 29 when I did that. I remember the feeling well. :)
Re: Re: Two things that made me feel old today...

Cheyenne said:
I was 29 when I did that. I remember the feeling well. :)
I just did in my own name for the very time last year at this time, darlin'. It's a freaky thing, for sure--but it's really wonderful a year down the line. All the freak-out stuff is gone and you're free and you're just good about everything. I've hammered nails into my walls for hanging pictures onto and unplugged toilets and started/stopped the automatic lawn sprinklers, nothing i'd ever done in my life before this past year.

Congrats, darlin'.
It's a good day for you.
The last thing that made me feel old happend a couple of weeks ago.

I am on a committie that is reviewing the student organization office spaces in my building. Every two years they do this and it is something like an audit. All the student organizations get looked over really well and we decide if everyone is using their space appropriately.

Its unlikey anyone will get kicked out but some people could lose part of their space to another organization.

The committie is made up of students and some of the full time staff in the building. Two of the people on the committie, me and one other woman who works with me, are student employees of the building.

For part of the review process we are suppsoed to perform random inspections of the office spaces to make sure everything is at least some what close to what they claim on their applications.

The committie is supposed to break up into pairs with one student member and one staff member. I always sit by two of the head administration people that run the building because we are pretty good friends. Well I guess that combined with some other things made one of the student members think I was a full time staff person.

When we are pairing up he says he will pair up with me and asks where my office is I say, "uhh I am not really a full time staff member." He goes oh I thought you were.

I get this horrid feeling that he thinks I am as old as David and Scott the two administrators who are in their 40's and 30's respectively.

So there is my I feel old now story.
Azwed said:

I get this horrid feeling that he thinks I am as old as David and Scott the two administrators who are in their 40's and 30's respectively.

Did he call you "sir?" :D That would have been a clue.
Cheyenne said:
Did he call you "sir?" :D That would have been a clue.

No, he did not thank god. Nothing makes me feel older then getting called sir. I hate when that happens.

The sad part is that he is about the same age as me. He is a senior and I am a super senior so about a years difference.
I know the feeling too! Lost my only Great grandmother at 3 and Grand parents between age 8 and 32.

Now Marksgirl and I are facing an ultimate.......Our Son got his orders today for Iraq!

Getting old sucks!
Mia62 said:
1. I signed the mortgage papers on my brand new townhouse...preapproved in MY name only . Talk about weird and freaky stuff.

2. My mother's father had a stroke last week as I found out tonight. I have never imagined our family to be without 'Archie and Edith' (as I have always thought of them). Grandma and Grandpa's house has always been where it's at, man. As a matter of fact, I didn't spend one Christmas away from their house until I was married with three kids (I think I must have been about 31).

Sheesh...this is my last Grandpa. And only two Grandmas left. :(

Damn I hate getting older.

Congrats on the first! Its a great feeling to know that someone totally independent of you thinks that you are a responsable adult and is willing to bet money on it! Hey, the whole world thinks that you are finally grown up.

I'm sorry about the second. I never knew one grand father, and the second died when I was 12 or so, but I have some wonderful memories of him and his wakky since of humor.
Azwed said:
Nothing makes me feel older then getting called sir. I hate when that happens.
Well...there are those playtimes when the word could be a thing of transfixing power and heady eroticism, right? Or did you give all that up for nilla-land pleasures in the last six months? (mg5 said i could use the word now, she told me it's become an okay word. If you don't like it, go get on her about it.)
cymbidia said:
Well...there are those playtimes when the word could be a thing of transfixing power and heady eroticism, right? Or did you give all that up for nilla-land pleasures in the last six months? (mg5 said i could use the word now, she told me it's become an okay word. If you don't like it, go get on her about it.)

Heheh It could be ok in those situations although I don't think I have had that word used much in play.

I haven't even done anything like that in a several months though for various reasons including my title up there.
Azwed said:

... I get this horrid feeling that he thinks I am as old as David and Scott the two administrators who are in their 40's and 30's respectively.

So there is my I feel old now story.

Wow ... you must look like stir-fried shit. J/K
Part of living I guess....

All my grandparent's are gone, no Xmas/Thanksgiving at gamma & gampa's house, a big chunk out of my family's life. Soon I'll be without my parent's, then my brother's, then me. The circle continues. :rose:
Re: Part of living I guess....

Lost Cause said:
All my grandparent's are gone, no Xmas/Thanksgiving at gamma & gampa's house, a big chunk out of my family's life. Soon I'll be without my parent's, then my brother's, then me. The circle continues. :rose:

Doesn't that feel odd? My in-laws are in their 70s now...My parents are in their just feels...'odd' for lack of a better term.
Feeling it and such....

When your ears perk up when you hear discussions of "retirement", and "senior discount."
It's really wierd thinking you only have about 25 years left.
One thing that really steams my beans is being called ma'am. I cannot stand it when someone calls me that and it always seems to be the older (40+) clerks in stores. I may not look my age but I sure as hell do not look like I am qualified for the Senior Discount.
MsSpellChecker said:
One thing that really steams my beans is being called ma'am. I cannot stand it when someone calls me that and it always seems to be the older (40+) clerks in stores. I may not look my age but I sure as hell do not look like I am qualified for the Senior Discount.

What's worse is when they say "Ma'am can I check your ID?" when your trying to buy cigarettes or liquour... Geeze Louize make up your damm mind! :(