tswyk: in a few words


How are you???? :kiss: :kiss:

I kinda' miss that voice of yours...catch me up on your life!


tswyk said:

How are you???? :kiss: :kiss:

I kinda' miss that voice of yours...catch me up on your life!



I miss yours too, but no long distance at the moment :(
I'm more than a little behind here at Lit, so tell me - baby here yet? Are you happy? Just share the news, honey!

hiya, Concrete!

tswyk said:
I'm more than a little behind here at Lit, so tell me - baby here yet? Are you happy? Just share the news, honey!

hiya, Concrete!


baby is here

momma had a week of mastitis and a week of infantitis, but she is completely well now, the baby Samuel Isaiah is great. havinf all kinds of fun

and he at a month and a half can now point to the correct letter from A to H from the sound and can trace out the letter a to d when given the sound with his hand

I am going to wiork him into a child genius

Are you all living together? Do you get any sleep?
tswyk said:

Are you all living together? Do you get any sleep?

no she lives home with her mom and I live at my place but visit at least once if not three times a week

our method

in the womb:

say the letters while tracing them on her belly backwards so that from inside they would be felt the correct way {mirror imaging}

out of the womb:

saying the letter while holding his hand and tracing over the shape of the letter on an 8 by 12 flash card.

he is learning through sound stimulus, visual stimulus and visual stimulus and repetition all at the same time. I am hoping that we can have him saying the letters and numbers 0-10 with rvisual recogonition by a year old. I know its high hopes.

I figure though if we can get him educated for all he is worth that he will be into education and want to work to learn. I only wish there was 26 musicakl keys instead of just 8 so that we could could give him the added sound stimulus will learning the alphabet