TSCLT 6.0: Hemi Bacon Intensive Care Bears

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No Winter type weather to be found here.

I'm sorry Mama Tyler is ill, good thoughts for her fast recovery.
Mom is doing fine. She has strep - again. She also has a Zpac. I hope this one does the trick.

Spent some time with the person I mentor this afternoon. It's a joy to assist someone try to sort the chaos out of his/her life. Been there, done that, and here's what I did to get out of it.

Wouldn't it make more sense to buy the Weather Winners a weather rock? Then they could just hang it outside and have it tell them what's going on.

Thanks be to Allah that it's still just rain.


https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-OjoipU4qlo.jpg https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-BDM7Qiy9BI.jpg​
You're mom is hanging out with the wrong crowd Wat. Strep is some spontaneous infection, you have to catch it from someone or something (door handles etc.).

I'm thinking of buying my own little weather station just for the hell of it. I'll skip the radar option.
You're mom is hanging out with the wrong crowd Wat. Strep is some spontaneous infection, you have to catch it from someone or something (door handles etc.).

I'm thinking of buying my own little weather station just for the hell of it. I'll skip the radar option.

Are you gonna be the one to tell Mama Tyler she has to find new friends? Before you answer remember she RAISED Wat.
It's been a bad winter for stuff around here. Likely one of those old wimmins in her building has it or something like it.

Or she gave it to herself again because she didn't toss her old toothbrush. Allah tipped me off on that one.

Got the laser set-up installed and sighted in on a far wall. It's great for household distances - its purpose. But it's a blast when the cat comes to investigate what you're doing and sees not one but two red dots - the laser and the bore sighter. He's such a silly old boy.

Off to bed. Fuck today. Tomorrow will be a new one, with new promise and opportunities to glorify Allah . . . .


Turns out listening carefully to your car is great for gas mileage. I got 51 mpg on the way home.

Sounds like some kind of carrier bearing or half-shaft problem. It goes away when I turn to the left or the right especially if I turn to the left but if I'm just growing straight down the road it makes a low rumble. It cannot be as big a friction problem as it sounds like or I wouldn't be getting that kind of gas mileage..

I'd rather not find myself broken down in the middle of the night and some of the areas that I work so I figured the best thing to do would be to just call it a night.

My Prius mechanics divorce is still causing me problems. He wasn't the best that actually being at his shop when he was supposed to be and he sent it a double stack appointments but once he actually started working on your car it was done quickly and perfectly every time. He closed the shop to appease his wife and ended up a divorced anyway.
Happy Monday!!!

Woke up too damned early, but WTF? It switched back to snow after I crashed early, so I have that to contend with, over a bed of ice, I'm sure. So Wat will be in no hurry to get outta here at first light.

Just getting the stuff together and drinking the coffee to get the brain cells together.

This is payday week and the raise should kick in as of this check. Woohoo!!!

It's below freezing for the first time in a long while, but not by much.
The ground is still a slick, wet, muck of clay.

The coffee is hot this morning and I am going to follow it up with a protein shake because I ate too much yesterday...
Yeah, that's probably what I have outside, too.

It may have begun to get crunchy.

I'm hoping that the paved bits retained enough warmth to keep this shit liquid.

I reckon we'll see . . . .

https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-sJb0FgCqvj.jpg https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-WAkb0u8z8h.jpg​
I sure don't want a hard freeze, the trees will be so much more beautiful this spring.

I'm looking forward to Dogwood, Redbud, Tulip trees and those trees that bloom white out in the forest...

Even the summer trees, such as Mimosa, Crepe Myrtle (yes, I count that as tree-like when it is as old as ours) and Magnolia.
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I wish I had some bacon . . . .

There's a cat here who's attacking my hands, maybe because he does, too.

He's knows that I'm packing to split, so . . . .

As in, this morning would be better with bacon.


Seen the Hulu commercials? Never order bacon on food, it will spoil food [without bacon] forever...
I don't add bacon to much, and it's usually to ground beef, which is in need of some help sometimes.

Things like burgers and meatloaf.

It's time to try to roads out and see where they hid the Instant Death this morning.

Someone has to keep an eye on these weasels . . . .

https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-UuerW1U1Cd.jpg https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-c8p0El8Z1k.jpg​
Home - mountain home. Twarn't in no hurry. Got here in one piece.

We have a FNG who started today. Lucky him. He can have all the shit details now. Oh wait, here's to saying I don't get to relinquish some of my chores. :mad:

Could be worser. Gotta job.

The sample tax form for this year seems to be missing all manner of lines of horse shit. Praises to Allah!!!

Happy Tuesday!!!

We have a weather advisory this morning - for freezing fog. Again. It does make the trees look pretty. We'll color ourselves advised then.

We're supposed to get the senior PM up to visit this week sometime. I ducked him entirely last he was up. Perhaps I can make it a two-fer. No sense sweating what hasn't happened yet - kinda like last week's free lunch that didn't materialize.

But coffee is happening right now, thanks be to Allah . . . .


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