TSCLT 6.0: Hemi Bacon Intensive Care Bears

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Why would one want an asspot? I mean, besides Wat?

Right, I didn't think so . . . . :eek:

To Hell with staying up. I watched a movie, read some stuff, looked at a few tidbits, and now it's off to read for a bit.

Because we know what the little red X means . . . .

Having an ass pot is important in determining when you've loaded up a crap ton. It's a very precise measurement. ;)
Happy Sunday!!!

The only precip Wat has is water coming from the high roof onto the low roof. It really didn't do much at all last night, like almost nothing. Looks like rain later and a few sneaux flakes tonight, and wraps up at midnight. So much for being killed in the winter storm of all time.

Asspots are important, but Wat also measures in shit-tons. Now, there are shit-tons and there are shit-tonnes. There are standard, metric and imperial shit-ton(ne)s, too. So we must be specific with out shit-tonnery so as to avoid Teh Confusion. We just can't be havin' none of that, now can we?

There may be a trip to Walmart for cat supplies, but otherwise, it looks like a quiet day around the homestead.

Good morning.

The weather liar says 80% chance of sneaux, I seem to be in that 20% category. But he's given himself a window of time and if there's just one little sneauxflake between now and noon he can claim victory. Regardless I won't be getting the cables ready no matter what happens.

Ah yes, shit-tons which I suppose is separate from tons of shit. One is used as a metric for Lit. trolls and the other is an absolute measurement of the product of their efforts. Maybe we should carve that out as its own special unit of measure.
It may be cold enough still to have a good day to slip-n-fall on yer ass.

Better leave your metric shit-tonne of asspots in the house today.

The imperial shit-tons may go out. :rolleyes:

The cats would be perfect if they'd just fetch coffee.

Ah yes, weather weasels "claiming victory."


Like some of our bestest and mostest favoritest Lit(est) posters with legions of "victories" around here.

And sentient life just thought it was rationalization and justification.

Speaking of cats. I have left a cardboard box in the front room near the scratch pad. The cats have invented a game sorta like "King of the Hill" except this would more properly be called "King of the Box." One jumps in the box and hunkers down while the other tries to sneak up on him. This sets of a round of 'cat boxing' until the one in the box jumps out, as if to say, "OK, your turn", and the other jumps in and hunkers down while the former "King of the Box" does the stalking.

It seems that they have some sort of alarm clock that I've been unable to track down yet that goes off around 1 AM. Now the boxing match has a lot of hitting the box involved and the resulting sound echoes throughout the house. It can best be described as similar to the sound you would expect a 4 year old who had been given a drum kit for Christmas to make.

I have toyed with the notion of removing the offending box (drum kit) from them as punishment for engaging in their game at such an unGodly hour. Then I consider what other game they might invent that might include furniture, glassware, etc. So the box stays where it is.
Did anyone sentient doubt for a moment that this is a Fool's Paradise???


Charlie Sheen style . . . .

https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-GiM1XQemrJ.jpg https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-xPJQizwZIf.jpg​
Take Rory, for example.

He wins every day, but can never get ahead on the scorecard, because he thinks more is better which is also why his golf game sucks. He's be closer to winning if he could just take and make one quality shot per month.

I wonder if he will breathlessly report on the death of OldJourno's Bobo...

For busybody, winning is easy. All he needs is a thread without the use of 'nigger.'

He scores one of those about once a month making him a scratch poster.
I like the box tale.

Wat has boxes, but they're not playing.

Which reminds me, there is more shipped shit delivered to open.

It's like Epiphany . . . but my family never celebrated it, so . . . .

It's not like there aren't plenty of Mixxicans there to get it done.

Unless too many are Mexican'ts . . . .


Flip it? Yeah, but with our luck just after we fixed'er up the real estate market would crash and we'd be stuck with the damn place.
We should have kep' it in 1848.

Then they wouldn't be illegals any more . . . .

Mom just called. She's been sick all week, but she's decided that, now, she has to go to the Doc-In-The-Box, and that I need to take her.

So this is where the fucking box discussion led me . . . .

Home. Got Mom all doctored up. Her infection is back, or it's a new one, but either way, she copped some good drugs for it.

I went out for French toast-n-bacon!!! while she was at the box.

Went to Walmart and scored cat supplies while I was out. Now at home having bowl #1 of this week's crockpot meal.

The rain is slacking up, but it's still just below freezing. Allah only knows ahat it'll be like in the morning.

https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-HmrryLo0SQ.jpg https://cdn02.**********/uploads/photos/2019/01/50999/bdsmlr-50999-ghhGUyxMLv.jpg​
I'ma leave this here for the misogynistic pukes around who might have need for it.


Meanwhile, tits!!!

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