
The scowl on his face caused her to shift nervously on the chair, as she wondered what she had done wrong this time. His mood shifts were worse than most girls she knew, and her lips twitched at the thought even though she knew better than to share it with him. She had to cough to hide the giggle that started to come out when seconds later he shrugged off whatever it was that he was being pissy about.

Tensing when he walked behind her, Kira cast a furtive glance over her shoulder to see what he was up to and saw him pick up a sleek laptop. He entered what was obviously a password before turning the device towards her and directing her to type in her list. Making short work of recreating her earlier, she shot him a look from beneath her lashes as she debated whether she should ask him the question that had popped in her mind upon seeing the laptop. She opened her mouth and then closed it and went to open it again before sighing softly. He's just going to say no...

Placing her hands in her lap, she cleared her throat before asking in a rush, "Would you... Um, could I... My parents have to be wondering what's happened... to me..." She tried to slow herself down and continued, "Can I send a message somehow... To let them know... I'm okay?"
He stood and looked at her a moment. The wheels in his head spinning a million miles an hour. It was risky, but there was a potential reward in that if her parents bought the story they may not file a missing persons report. With no report the cops would not be able to get involved.

He nodded thoughtfully, "Okay but this is how it had to go. Open a new word document put your email address and password on It followed by the email. I will take care of the rest."

It was his hope if he used a proxy server and made the email look like it came from her home town the cops would only glance at it and chalk her up to a run away.

He walked around the counter and stood behind her, "Go ahead and start."
Other than standing up, he didn't say anything for a minute, and Kira shifting restlessly on the chair. He had a contemplative air about him, so she didn't think she had upset him with her question, but she still worried until she saw his head slowly nod.

Okay but this is how it has to go. Open a new word document, put your email address and password on it, followed by the email. I will take care of the rest.

Her fingers tightened as they lay curled in her lap. Okay, this was... unexpected. When the idea had first come to her, she had envisioned something going to her parents anonymously. She hadn't thought it would go directly from her. She watched as he walked around the counter and walked behind her.

Go ahead and start.

She sat looking at the laptop, her even white teeth chewing the hell out of her bottom lip. What the hell should she do? On one hand, she wanted her parents to know she was okay, unsure how they would have taken her unexpected disappearance. However, the thought of just handing over her account information seemed wrong.

Conscious of his presence behind her, close but not touching, she cleared her throat and murmured, "Maybe we should wait?"
He almost laughed at her hesitancy. "Why? It was a good idea. They may have raised you poorly, and without manners, but I am sure they are very worried about you."

He placed a hand in the middle of her back, "No trick, Kira. I am going to send the email through a couple proxy servers and make it look like it came from your home town, maybe the library if I can find their IP address."

He spun the stool where she could see him, and said, "This is pretty straight forward, nothing more than to alleviate their concern. You can tell them the time frame that you will be back if you want. Two weeks before college starts tops, unless we decide together that you should stay."
Why? It was a good idea. They may have raised you poorly, and without manners, but I am sure they are very worried about you.

She could hear the laughter in his voice and would have wondered what was so fucking funny, but his comment about being raised poorly and without manners distracted her. She had no manners? This coming from the man who had snatched her from a truck stop, stripped her naked, and yanked her around by the hair? Don't forget fucked, twit...

He sounded so reasonable, though, as he explained his plan to spoof where the message was coming from. She wasn't sure her parents would buy the message coming from her home town when she hadn't been close to it when he had taken her, but she guessed it was possible they would think one of her friends could have picked her up. Except I don't know where my phone is?!

This is pretty straight forward, nothing more than to alleviate their concern. You can tell them the time frame that you will be back if you want. Two weeks before college starts tops, unless we decide together that you should stay.

Lurching to clutch the towel to her chest when he spun the stool around to face him, Kira had to wait for the panicked blood to stop throbbing in her ears to fully comprehend what he was saying. Of course she didn't want her parents to worry, despite his comment about her not having manners, but she was totally at a loss for why he would talk about her staying any longer than the month or two that he had mentioned earlier.

"Okay," she said in a small voice, her eyes skittering away from his.
He caressed her face after waiting through her initial reaction, jerking away from him. His thumb caressed her cheek a moment. "You will... adjust, in time."

He stepped back a moment and held his hand out, "The towel, please. Day to day, we will not need clothes."

After she gave him the towel, he said, "Now the email, please. "

He stood behind her to watch after turning her toward the laptop. "One thing I should thank you parents for is you, though."

Her fingers paused over the keyboard and he whispered, "You are bright, beautiful, and in time I think as lovely to be with."
Kira flinched when he reached his hand towards her face, thinking he meant to either strike her or grab her hair again for whatever reason, and was surprised when he merely caught her chin in his hand and them stroked her cheek with his thumb.

You will... adjust, in time.

She didn't even attempt to hide her puzzlement over his words, her eyes searching his for clues. Adjust? I don't want to adjust... I want to go home... She might have asked what he meant if he hadn't surprised her by backing up and telling her to hand over the towel.

Her clear blue eyes turned a stormy grey at the idea of walking around naked in front of him, but the idea that he might be doing the same seemed to make it even worse. Despite wanting to hold desperately to the towel, she didn't dare risk his temper just yet, so she slowly unpeeled it from her body before reluctantly handing it over.

Now the email, please.

It was almost a relief when he turned the stool so that she was once more facing the laptop instead of feeling so exposed to his silent regard. However, she was painfully aware of how close he stood behind her as she placed her unsteady hands on the keyboard.

One thing I should thank your parents for is you, though.

There was something in his voice, a tone... an inflection... that caused her to freeze, unsure of how to respond. 'Thank my parents for me?' she thought with just a touch of hysteria, 'they didn't give me to you... You took me!'

You are bright, beautiful, and in time I think as lovely to be with.

His whispered words caused a skitter of tingles to go down her spine, and she bit her lip before asking, "In time?"
"Yes, in time." He brushed her hair away from her neck then leaned forward and kissed her wetly at the hollow. He looked down her chest. He wrapped and arm around her hefting her tit, her nipple between his fingers. He squeezed her tit, rolling her nipple between his fingers.

"First you have to appreciate what you have. I know that today you don't but in time you will crave my touch."

His other hand dropped between her legs and he brushed his fingertips up and down along her labia. "Tell me, can your boyfriend make your body sing out like I did?"
She rolled her eyes as he repeated his cryptic statement, emphasizing in time like it would make things more clear. If she had understood what he meant, she wouldn't have asked. She would have...

She froze when she felt his fingers slide along her hair, brushing it away from where it had artfully covered her front, although she relaxed fractionally when he didn't yank on it like before. He leaned forward, crowding her with his hard chest as he twisted around to kiss the hollow of her neck, his lips making a wet sucking sound as he pulled away.

Shying away slightly when she felt his arm go around her, Kira looked down to see his hand claim her right breast, her nipple held snug between his fingers. She watched in fascinated horror as he squeezed and rolled, acting like this was all perfectly normal. Dammit, why did he keep touching her like that? Hadn't he just fucked her less than an hour ago?!

First you have to appreciate what you have. I know that today you don't but in time you will crave my touch.

Thankfully she was able to stop herself from snorting in derision, but just barely. 'As if...,' she told herself, thinking he might have surprised her with his moves earlier, but to crave his touch? Not going to happen...

She squeaked when his other hand made its way unerringly between her thighs and began lightly stroking her folds. She wanted to clamp her thighs closed, and they trembled with the need to do so but she managed to stay still... mostly.

Tell me, can your boyfriend make your body sing out like I did?

Her first thought when she finally figured out that he assumed she had a boyfriend given her non-virgin status was to lie through her teeth. "Of course," she answered sharply, hoping the damn blush that normally followed her attempts to prevaricate wouldn't be noticeable.
He noticed the blush on her face that started at her neck and ended at her eyebrows. "You lied," he said flatly.

He snatched her up in his arms and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her into the living area. He moved her from shoulder to drape face down her across his lap as he sat down. He sweet ass stuck up at a beautiful angle and he slapped it with a loud CRACK!

A second CRACK! followed swiftly by a third. "Don't you ever fucking lie to me again, bitch." CRACK!

He continued spanking her, hand rising and falling with a steady rhythm. Her ass soon turned pink, then red. He continued until the pain in his hand matched the hard on that was pressing against her stomach.

Reaching up, he yanked her by the hair, and craned her neck so that he could look into her eyes he hissed venomously, "Have you learned your lesson about lying, bitch?"
You lied.

His pronouncement was made in a voice devoid of any emotion, and she didn't have time to begin formulating a response before he had yanked her off the stool and had thrown her over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes. The stiffness of his back and shoulders all but screamed his displeasure, and Kira cringed at the thought of what he was going to do next.

When he stormed to the living area, she wondered if he was planning on giving her a lecture of some kind, and was alarmed when he plopped down with her laid facedown across his lap. She was struggling to push herself up when the first smack to her bare bottom came, a startled yelp spilling from her lips.

Don't you ever fucking lie to me again, bitch.

He punctuated his words with a series of spankings that had her squirming and squealing like she was a naughty toddler. 'Dammit, that hurts, motherfucker' she wailed inside her head, although she was careful not to let her words out. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten a spanking, and it made her both angry and embarrassed that this stranger was doing so and that there was nothing she could do to stop him.

She flinched with every blow, and she squirmed about until she felt something hard pressing against her stomach. She wasn't sure if it was the squirming or the spanking that was getting him excited, but she wanted nothing to do with either! She groaned in protest when he turned her head to look at him with a cruel wrench to her hair.

Have you learned your lesson about lying, bitch?

The look in his face scared the shit out of her - that hard "I'm seconds away from killing you" look that caused every muscle in her body to freeze up in terror despite the knowledge that a lack of response would likely piss him off even more. She jerked her head up and down a couple of times despite the tight grip in her hair before she found her voice and whimpered, "S-s-sorry... S-s-so s-s-sorry."
He looked at her and said, "Congratulations, you have earned the name of lying cunt." With that he delivered a final CRACK! to her ass.

He shoved her off his lap and watched his cock dance in front of her face like a cobra. "See what you have done? That one is on you; take care of it lying cunt. "
Congratulations, you have earned the name of lying cunt.

Kira squealed when he smacked her sore bottom again, having assumed he had finished abusing it. Yeah, and you're crazy fucker...

Her eyes clashed with barely repressed anger when she scrambled to pick herself off the floor after his hard shove off his lap. 'What the fuck was his problem?' a little voice inside her head snarled. It wasn't like she asked for him to snatch her.

She froze in her crouched position, however, when she saw how close she was to his direction as it stood out from his body.

See what you have done? That one is on you; take care of it lying cunt.

She scooted backwards without thinking, and then looked at him with wide eyes. Take care of it? Surely he had enough earlier...?
His eyes narrowed as he leaned forward and grabbed her arms. One hand he placed at the base of his monolithic member, and the other above the first.

He then grabbed her by the chin and said, "This is very simple, you suck me off, or I bend you over the couch and fuck you up the ass and I will cum so deep inside you that you won't be hungry for days."

He leaned back and smirked, "Which shall it be?"
The look on his face warned her that he was going to do something, but he still caught her off guard by the speed at which he moved when he reached out and grabbed her by the arms. She almost started babbling something about no more spankings, but he only pulled her up so that she was kneeling nestled between his legs again and not over his lap.

Her lips tightened when he positioned her hands around his cock, and her fingers flexed slightly in reaction to its heat. The fingers that lifted her chin were less than gentle, and that scary expressionless look was back on his face as he spoke in a soft, deadly serious voice.

This is very simple, you suck me off, or I bend you over the couch and fuck you up the ass and I will cum so deep inside you that you won't be hungry for days.

Her stomach dropped so quickly at what he said that she honestly thought she was going to be sick. Neither option was appealing, but the thought of him tearing up her backside - almost had her hyperventilating, and the threat of his cuming inside her alarmed her. The self satisfied smirk on his face as he leaned back against the cushion left her no doubt that he was fully prepared to carry out his threat. In fact, there was almost a gleeful tone in his voice as he asked her which it was going to be that screamed his preference.

Her eyes flicked nervously down to the behemoth in her hands, and she gulped at the thought of him losing patience with her and ramming it down her throat. Telling herself that it couldn't be that much different from Tommy and that it couldn't take that long, her fingers tightened ever so slightly before she leaned over and gave the tip a hesitant swipe of her tongue.
It wasn't much, but it was a start. Her hands gripped his large cock, no where near hard, but it was nice. An added bonus she lapped at the very tip of his cock and it a great deal of control to not moan in response. He looked at her over the tip and his eyes had nothing but strength of will behind them.

He said, not ungently, "This will take a long time if you are just going to squat there and look at it."

The second time she lowered her head she kept the contact a little longer, her lips puckered like she was a fish out of water, which perhaps she was. He nodded encouragingly, "You can do it, Lying Cunt." He reached down and caressed he cheek.

His eyes softened as he said, "Part of me wants this to work out on some level, as crazy as it sounds. A bigger part knows that is probably the last thing you want. Make it easy on yourself. Don't lie and behave."
This will take a long time if you are just going to squat there and look at it.

Kira looked at him from beneath her lashes. She so wanted to tell him where he could go, but she hadn't forgotten his threat from mere minutes earlier... but it wasn't like she had taken a fucking short course on fellatio, and she had never really had to do a whole bunch before Tommy blew his load anyway.

Sighing softly, she leaned forward and hesitantly guided him past her puckered lips. She tried to remember what she had seen on the porn movie she had stumbled across when babysitting for one of her neighbors, but they hadn't given tips for a "kidnapped by a crazy man" scenario.

Pulling away, she sat back on her heels as she chewed on the side of her lip, her hands still loosely holding onto him. Thankfully he didn't seem as pissed now, although he had displayed rather mercurial mood changes before, so that could still change.

You can do it, Lying Cunt.

She flinched when he reached down and caressed her cheek, thinking he was going to grab her by the hair again. She felt her cheeks heat up, but wasn't sure if it was because of the flinch or the way he kept calling her that word... or both.

Part of me wants this to work out on some level, as crazy as it sounds. A bigger part knows that is probably the last thing you want. Make it easy on yourself. Don't lie and behave.

Again, she looked at him from beneath her lashes. God he was confusing her with his personal version of good cop/bad cop! She already knew from past experience that she was a horrible liar, so not lying wasn't likely to be a repeat problem, but she had a sinking suspicion that she and he had polarizing opinions on what behaving entailed.
He looked down at her expectantly. His engorged cock throbbed in her small hands like a cobra ready to strike out at a snake charmer. Not that she was particularly charming at the very moment.

Yet, there was something about the diffident way she held his cock that was exciting, alluring. While he knew that hesitancy would eventually disappear he hoped that skill would find its way into her hands and mouth before that time arrived.

He felt her take another swipe at him with her tongue. If he were honest with himself and her, this felt GREAT. The purely innocent and almost fear filled way she gripped and stroked his cock was far more erotic than the most skilful hand or blow job than a guy could get. Yes skill was important but he would take a first or second timer every time.

"Good," he moaned, "Just like that. Lick me, suck me, stroke me." His voice low and heated.

"I want you to swallow as much of my cock as you can," he whispered.
Leaning back against the cushion with one arm along the back of the couch, he gave her a look that clearly expected her to do something... something more, but she didn't know whether he'd think she was lying if she admitted she didn't really know what to do.

Her eyes dropped to her hands and then flicked back up at him. She never really had time during her sporadic making out with Tommy to get a truly good look at the male anatomy, and quite frankly the lightening in the media room in his parents' basement had been conducive for hiding their petting sessions. And their fumbling around had never lasted very long, which had worked well given his mom's propensity to find excuses to come downstairs a lot.

Afraid he would lose his patience again, she slid her top hand tentatively up and down. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to move both hands or just one hand using the other as a stabilizer, but felt awkward enough moving just one. He didn't say anything, just watched her with that intense stare of his, leaving her to wonder uneasily what he was thinking. Suck him, idiot...

This time, she looked as she leaned forward and lapped at the tip, drawing it slowly in her mouth, trying to pretend it was Tommy, and was rewarded for her efforts by his low groan. 'Thank God I'm doing something right...' she thought.

Good, just like that. Lick me, suck me, stroke me.

She sighed a little, almost wishing he wouldn't talk as it was so much harder to pretend it was Tommy that she had in her mouth instead of some stranger. But at least his words gave her a clue as to what she should do, and she proceeded to do all three, although not necessarily at the same time and definitely not in a coordinated manner.

I want you to swallow as much of my cock as you can.

The hoarse whispered words gave her pause and she struggled not to go scrabbling away. Swallow as much as she could? Was he fucking nuts?! She'd end up gagging before he was a quarter of the way in, and with her luck she'd get sick all over him. She shuddered at the thought of what he'd do in reaction to that.
He almost roared in amusement at the lying cunt's shudder of swallowing as much of his cock as she could. Instead he lowered his voice menacingly, "Open your fucking mouth," he hissed.

He grabbed her by the back of her head and pulled her head down toward his cock head. As she did open her mouth he pressed down until he heard her gag. He held her there a moment then eased up. "Relax your throat," he said as he pulled her back down again.

He pressed her again until she gagged again, and he held her for a moment before letting up again.

He looked at her, "Instead of resisting, try swallowing when I get to the back of your throat."
Open your fucking mouth.

Her eyes widened in dismay at the low menacing tone, and she looked at him fearfully, noting the glint in his eyes. What had she done now?! Her fingers flexed in agitation around his member, and she felt an answering twitch at her tightened grip.

She let out a startled squeak when his hand shot forward and grabbed the back of her head, his fingers gripping her hair roughly as he forced her head toward his lap. She didn't remember to open her mouth until her lips touched his flesh, and she wished she hadn't when he began pressing her head down, forcing her to take more and more of his cock into her mouth. The downward force continued until she made a gagging noise, and he seemingly relented enough to let her breath again.

Relax your throat. What the hell?!?

Before she knew it, he was pushing her down on his cock again, again to the point of gagging her. This time, he held her in place until her shoulders began heaving, and then he pulled her head up by his fistful of her hair.

Instead of resisting, try swallowing when I get to the back of your throat.

She shook her head slightly, and the look she gave him made it clear she thought he was crazy. There was no way in hell she could do that. He was much too big! His eyes darkened, and his fingers gripped her hair cruelly, forcing her head down despite her best effort to fight against the pressure.

Kira made a small whimper of protest before opening her mouth to receive him again, wishing she could figure out how she was supposed to relax when it felt like he was cutting off her ability to breathe. She tried, she truly did, lasting fractionally longer than before the foreign protrusion became overwhelming. Panicked, she released one hand from its hold on his erection, and her nails bit into his thigh as she tried to push away from his hold.
The pain of her nails digging into his thigh woke him up and got his attention. He looked down and saw the panic in her eyes, and relaxed, it was a reflexive action on her part. A painful one to be sure, but not done in malice.


He pulled her off his cock and looked down at her. "There has got to be a better way than this," he mused.

A moment of inspiration hit and he fired up the big screen TV and the PC attached to it. He surfed to one of his favorite porn sites and pulled up a video selection based solely on blow jobs.

He picked her up off the floor and sat her down on his stomach so her pussy rested against the base of his cock. He started a video with a young girl sucking on a cock about the same size as his, and whispered, "Think of it as a training video."

At first she wasn't sure if he had said the word or she had thought it, but she gasped noisily for air when he finally pulled her head up and she was able to suck in greedy gulps of air. She heard him mutter something about there being a better way, and she almost told him that the best way was to forget about it, but she managed to keep her smart ass comment to herself... barely.

Realizing her one hand was still curled around his hardened flesh, she let go like it had scalded her and sank back on her heels. She wasn't feeling brave enough to try edging further away from him, so she sat quietly at his feet while he fiddled around his electronic equipment. She wasn't sure she followed his thought process, but if he'd rather watch television than try to shove his dick down her throat, she was happy.

Flinching when he suddenly snatched her up, she tensed afraid he was going to turn her over his knee and spank her again, but he merely settled her on his stomach. However, she wasn't sure if perhaps a spanking would be preferable when she felt the heat from his erection press against her lips.

Think of it as a training video.

His lips brushed her ear as he whispered, and she watched in dread as she realized what he had queued up. 'Oh shit,' she thought as the video began with no preamble. She had snuck in a few minutes of that old porn movie at the Miller's house, but she had been so terrified of being discovered that she had been on pins and needles the entire time. And she certainly hadn't watched it with someone else! Someone else who would likely expect her to be able to repeat what was being demonstrated so enthusiastically.

She squirmed at a particularly noisy moment, only to freeze when she noted how she was rubbing against his cock. Closing her eyes didn't help, and if anything it made her want to squirm more.
The squirming was driving him nuts. Her pussy rubbed left, right, up and down along the base of his cock. He could feel her getting warmer and warmer with each scene, until she was hot and ready enough to fuck.

He wrapped his left arm around her, and cupped her right tit with his paw. He pulled her back until her back was pressed against his chest. He kneaded her breast a moment, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

His right hand took her right hand and he pressed against the bottom of his cock with it, pressing his turgid member against her dripping pussy. His lips brushed against her ear as he whispered, "Don't let go of it."

His hand moved down to her thigh and he rubbed it gently while his left hand continued its ministrations on her breast. His lips and tongue played along her ear as he whispered, "I love your scent, and the way you move when turned on."
Despite the embarrassment of being forced to watch the lewd video, Kira couldn't help but watch in amazement. Good grief, it was like a car accident.... She knew she shouldn't watch, but she couldn't seem to turn her eyes away. There had to be some kind of camera trick involved as the little blonde on the television all but swallowed the cock she was kneeling in front of.

Blue eyes flicked to the massive erection she was pressed against and then back to the television. No way... There was no way she could get to the point where her lips would be brushing against his groin. She'd throw up for sure... Unfortunately between the noisy scene playing out on the screen and her own imaginings, she couldn't seem to stop squirming and each brush against his hardness only seemed to make it worse.

She gasped in surprise when he reached around and grabbed her breast, pulling her back against his chest in the process. His fingers were warm against her cool skin as he played with breast and nipple causing her breathing to hitch, and it hitched again when he guided her hand to his erection and pushed it up against her mound.

Don't let go of it.

Her fingers curled around him as his heated whisper seemed to echo in her ears. She should have been embarrassed at the way his cock seemed to glide along suddenly sopping center, but it felt too good even if she knew it was wrong. His hand, lips and tongue also teamed up, making it hard for her to stay still.

I love your scent, and the way you move when turned on.

Kira whimpered softly as she realized that the musky scent that was filling the air was hers. 'No,' she thought in a panic, 'it can't be... This can't be turning me on. HE can't be turning me on.'