"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Angeline said:
I write a lot of sonnets and I break a lot of rules most of the time when I do. But if I want to make sure I get the meter right, I repeat some of my favorite Shakespearian sonnets in my head and then test my lines against them. If the stressed/unstressed pattern sounds the same I know I've got it.

Maybe you do that all ready. :)
OH, another form writer!

Hi Angeline, I was just reading your conversation in the "Tudo Quanto" thread.
Yes, repeating other sonnets helps. My favorite is a modern one, by Archibald Macleish "Sonnet To The End of The World" which I'm going to now add to the "share poets" thread...
I'm afraid I'm so happy and excited about this new phase of mine, I'm looking silly!
Stella_Omega said:
OH, another form writer!

Hi Angeline, I was just reading your conversation in the "Tudo Quanto" thread.
Yes, repeating other sonnets helps. My favorite is a modern one, by Archibald Macleish "Sonnet To The End of The World" which I'm going to now add to the "share poets" thread...
I'm afraid I'm so happy and excited about this new phase of mine, I'm looking silly!

Nah, you don't look silly at all to me. I'm just happy to welcome to this forum someone else who loves writing poetry in traditional forms. Lots of people here seem to associate me with them--which always gives me a giggle because I see myself more as a writer of free verse. I have learned to love writing form poetry though. I never tried them until a few years ago. I had a mentor--a very gifted writer--who said you must learn forms. It's good discipline for everything you write. He was correct because it made me look at structure much more closely and come to realize that good structure is critical no matter what you write. Sloppiness rarely works unless it's planned if you know what I mean--I think good writers understand that.

Anyway what many folks fail to see about forms--especially the sonnet, imo--is that it is the opposite of limiting. The structure of whatever form you choose is simply a guideline that, once learned, can be manipulated to make something new. To me, that is the secret of the sonnet's longevity. That is why Shakespeare and Macleish and Milay and Berrigan and Collins and so many others have, over time, taken the form in so many directions.

I very much enjoyed your Wilmot poem. You are more true to the Elizabethan tradition than I usually am, but I also got the Restoration sensibility in it--that period's influence on you came across to me.

I'm gonna go read the Macleish poem now.

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Tristesse said:
I disagree with your decision to quit for the reasons you give but do what you feel is right for you. best of luck.


Another moment of insanity, a case of erraticus behavioritis, pms, menopause, being a Gemini - who knows?!

Once again, I took the Friday reviews, and once again, no new poems! !

I've gotta say that this is the easiest freelance job I've ever had. :p

In lieu of a review of today's new poems, here's my quick review of my cats:

While I enjoy the rolling around and purring, it's mitigated by their overuse of pooping in a box. Ideally, I'd like to see these two using proper toilet hygiene and keeping their nails trimmed, as their tendency to scratch the sh*t out of our new couch would be held in check. All in all, I give them a 4 for effort and undeniable cuteness.

mojo_cat said:
Once again, I took the Friday reviews, and once again, no new poems! !

I've gotta say that this is the easiest freelance job I've ever had. :p

In lieu of a review of today's new poems, here's my quick review of my cats:

While I enjoy the rolling around and purring, it's mitigated by their overuse of pooping in a box. Ideally, I'd like to see these two using proper toilet hygiene and keeping their nails trimmed, as their tendency to scratch the sh*t out of our new couch would be held in check. All in all, I give them a 4 for effort and undeniable cuteness.

It's a conspiracy. :cool:
A Stand up Guy

Hey, Mr. BILL DADA -- thanks for the kind words on my poem "Festival." It's nice to know that our disagreement about found poetry didn't degenerate into personal and poetical abuse (unlike some recent contretemps <barf, barf> on this thread).
You are a classy guy and I SALUTE you!
UBU said:
Hey, Mr. BILL DADA -- thanks for the kind words on my poem "Festival." It's nice to know that our disagreement about found poetry didn't degenerate into personal and poetical abuse (unlike some recent contretemps <barf, barf> on this thread).
You are a classy guy and I SALUTE you!

I don't know how classy or stand up of guy I am, I do know that I was not happy with the way I reacted to the whole found poem thing. After the fact it is obvious to me that I overreacted, but at the time it felt like I was being called a plagairist and that I had purposely stolen those lines. I had never heard of the play or the movie. And Mr. Roi, the fact that you use the name Ubu indicates some awareness of dada on your part and pranks are also somewhat dada. Since I didn't know you is why I wanted it verified that my "poem" had been written by a Nazi. So it wasn't that you were not to be trusted it was that I didn't know you at all or your intentions.

My found poems are bits of writing that I find in ads, newspapers (articles that don't have a copywrite), basically sources that are not literary. I did find the discusion on found poetry interesting, considering most people were quite shocked at the time Marcel Duchamp put a mustache and his signature on a reproduction of the the Mona Lisa and called it a readymade. In fact his two most famous readymades or found objects were hardly altered at all. The urinal was taken of the wall and laid on a table and the signature R. Mutt added to it.

If I hadn't overreacted so much at the time I think we would have found that we didn't have that much we disagreed on. And whether we agree or not has nothing to do with the quality of your writing. I recommend everyone read your poems, it is more than worth the effort.
I've put a nice little picture on my profile, so y'all can see what I look like ;)
jthserra said:
I caught TheRainMan looking at the stars in some apparent bewilderment. I guess we all would do the same When Astrology Deserts Us . When the stars don't put the chicken on the table, well...

"Who can eat black magic,
who needs defense
when they’ve already lost o
ur direction
when there’s nowhere left to go?"

I don't agree with some of the line breaks in the poem (I snipped the quote above), but it's still a poem I wish I had written. Read the poem, you'll wish you'd written it too.

jim : )

Thanks, Jim.

I don't agree with some of the line breaks either, now that you mention it. :)
Ewopper-I've been around awhile

I joined Lit in July /05. I've been writing poetry since high school,I've written over 50,000 poems since 1993. my poems cover a wide range of genres from spiritual to political, to humor, to romance, to fantasy and more. I've self published nine books, just using my computer and printer. I designed my own covers and backs. My books have been well received in local book stores and libraries and schools. I host a couple of open mics in my local area, I am a member of a writers group called the Writers Bloc. Several of my poems are posted around lit. I'm just here to make friends, share my poetry and meet new people. I have close to 1400 poems posted at the Starlite Cafe at this moment.I have also written over 200 poetic short stories [ long poems] and I''ve lusted after some women on here :D feel free to IM or email me in yahoo at ewopper2@yahoo.com
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wildsweetone said:
i sure hope she got to see the latest reviews before it was taken out.

I'm sure she did. The request was made hours before the thread was unfortunately removed. And I do apologize to everyone who took time to leave a critique on that thread.
The Poets said:
I'm sure she did. The request was made hours before the thread was unfortunately removed. And I do apologize to everyone who took time to leave a critique on that thread.

I sure hope you're not apologizing on my behalf. I do my own apologizing when and where I see fit. I see no need for an apology here.
BooMerengue said:
I sure hope you're not apologizing on my behalf. I do my own apologizing when and where I see fit. I see no need for an apology here.
Sigh. No. I was apologizing for moving their critiques. It's your poem and your right to do with as you wish. I just feel as though I should have somehow kept their comments, but I couldn't think of a way to do that. :)
WickedEve said:
Sigh. No. I was apologizing for moving their critiques. It's your poem and your right to do with as you wish. I just feel as though I should have somehow kept their comments, but I couldn't think of a way to do that. :)

don't sigh. I hate to make people sigh. i'm a schizophrenic bi-polar manic-depressive, doncha know. I hear a lot of sighs.

No worries about the comments, lovey. i'm not. nice av, btw. you should dress up all the time. you look gorgeous.*

*typed w/ one finger-not an eecummings wannabe.
What if Aliens are real and are sex crazed nymphos?

would you let them abduct you??? :D
Remember This?

Gosh! This thread, although it has a few digressions, is still an interesting discussion. I wonder if any of the participants have new insights...

Happy Kwanramhanimus!

Rybka said:
RedHairedandFriendly starts today's list with three poems:
Pain Cuts Deep
I have one problem with this writer, she tries to rhyme so hard that (IMO) she weakens her work and often trips herself up with stretched or missed rhymes or bits of "Yoda speak". I really wish this poet would forget about rhymes for awhile and begin to experiment with free verse and fresh/strong imagery. I think she has the capacity.

Thank you for your mentions and taking the time to comment on them. I will look into free verse. I started writing poetry not as a hobby, but just to write. I don't look for rhymes I know that is obvious in some of my work. I write them like I do my stories for lit. I go till I don't hurt anymore or I don't see it anymore.

If they make sense great, if they don't that's okay too... I do it for my pleasure first and if someone enjoys them wonderful, but it isn't necessary. I will though as I stated above, look into your suggestion of free verse and I do appreciate your words they were done respectfully and not cruely like I have seen in the past. I thank you for that.

Red ~ :rose:
Thank you, Tzara, for covering for me yesterday. I've been having some personal issues that have been taking up quite a lot of time and energy out of me. Perhaps it would be wise for me to step down from Wednesday reviews for a few weeks until I get everything sorted out, if anyone would like to volunteer. :rose:
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