Time to give up when...

Mary Riley

Really Experienced
Jan 7, 2003
You know it's time to give up on a certain man when you haven't slept in two days...feel sick to your stomach...and have decided that the only thing that is left to do is build you a little rickety cabin in the woods and become a shotgun toting hermit with a few sandbags tied together in a corner, stacked one on top of another, with a face painted on the very top one. This is the little stack that you now refer to as "dear" while you are pulling at your last few strands of hair and beg it for reasons not to go kill the stupid bastard and it actually answers you with it's little red painted lips.

I've officially gone crazy now.

Hey Rockie! Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!!

would that be Dr. Jeckyl or Mr. Hyde you are referring to?

no wonder you have man trouble:rolleyes:
I suppose you are the normal guy that reads Readers Digest while eating his nutty buddy.

How special...yet typical. Men don't understand the hell they put women through sometimes.:p
There's nothing wrong with being a gun-totin' sandbag befriendin' hermit. Except that when you go to the Hermit Support Group, you are usually the only one there.
Mary Riley said:
Well...except for the sandbag. *chuckles*

We all need friends.

Even imaginary ones.

Hey my imaginary friends are great. We go out to the bar and I end up finishing all their beer.
Mary Riley said:

I hear the tune, "Dualing Banjos" playing in my head! Visions of Mary, hunkering down behind the sandbags, shotgun at the ready!!:D
;) It could be worse...*looks around all shifty eyed from side to side*...I think?

At least we are not talking about King Kong playing ping pong with his rubber ding dong. Ooops...I just did.

Oh look! A baby wolf! *ducks and sneaks away*
I hope you never decide to go man hunting here
This thread will come back to haunt you

Welcome to Lit
Mary Riley said:
...and have decided that the only thing that is left to do is build you a little rickety cabin in the woods and become a shotgun toting hermit with a few sandbags tied together in a corner, stacked one on top of another, with a face painted on the very top one.

i've always favored the fantasy of being an old woman, sitting in my rocking chair on my porch with a shotgun, cackling at anyone that wanders by, with three-hundred cats fighting all around me. each one would be named "precious"