Time for Senator Diane Feinstein to step down and retire

Katie Porter speaks it out loud... the issue with the aging population of Senators and how plans have to be put into place that ensures work can still go on in the absence of sick members or maternity/paternity leave etc.., like is commonplace in most work places. Fetterman and Feinstein aren't the only congress critters (House or Senate) who've experienced illness but it's brought the needs into sharp focus.

I do think that the Senate and our country needs to look forward and think about, how are we going to address these issues going forward?"
"We’re going to have more people who are absent, we’re going to have more people who fall sick, we are going to have more Senators who age given the age of the body," Porter said. "And I think we need some forward-looking policies, not just focus on Senator Feinstein – although I understand the concerns – but really look at how we’re going to deal with this structurally."
"I don’t think it’s necessarily an age cutoff. I think that there’s not necessarily — that’s not necessarily the right approach."

Porter then pointed to another Democratic Senator who has been absent recently due to health issues: "But I do think that we are going to have people who exit the body for short periods of time. Look, we just had Senator Fetterman who was in the hospital for a couple months. We’ve had senators who have had children. If we elect more women, we might have more. And so I think we do need to have some policies like every other workplace in America, to think about, what are you going to do when someone becomes infirm, either for the short term or the long term?"
Simple. Designated Alternate.

Perhaps their Chief Of Staff. Would be in body for the most part, to sit in and register votes as directed by the Member and to directly relay communications. Not so much to participate in debates or act independently.
Simple. Designated Alternate.

Perhaps their Chief Of Staff. Would be in body for the most part, to sit in and register votes as directed by the Member and to directly relay communications. Not so much to participate in debates or act independently.
it really does seem way overdue that there was some contingency in place
Senator Feinstein has passed away at age 90. Rest in Peace.
and working right till the end
she participated in her final vote yesterday, before meeting with a friend for an hour or so who was likely the last person to see her alive. R.I.P