This is NOT a birthday thread for Wrong Element.


Your dog is a jackass.
Feb 24, 2008
Because I may have accidentally promised I wouldn't post a birthday thread for him. So just in case, this isn't one.

If it were a birthday thread for Wrong Element, I would probably say something about how happy I am he was born, and how I'm even happier that the stars aligned and we both ended up on the GB. (Never doubt that a random PM can change your life.)

My wish for you: good Irish whiskey, long life, health, happiness, and many, many more years in my bed.

Totally randoms, out-of-the-blue blessings for no apparent reason, WE. May your wits remain sharp, your home remain happy, and your liquor remain delicious.
Happy Birthday, guy. Here's hoping you have a wonderful you day.


...w-wait, how'd that get in there? That was supposed to be a pic of a birthday cake! I'm sorry WE, that's so inappropriate and not even relevant to the thread! :(

Happy not a birthday! You rule! And your lady is hot.
Is he female? No? Then fuck him. I don't wish anyone anything unless it might result in that sweetest of internet currencies, nudie pics. Nudie pics on the internet are like cigarettes in prison.
Is he female? No? Then fuck him. I don't wish anyone anything unless it might result in that sweetest of internet currencies, nudie pics. Nudie pics on the internet are like cigarettes in prison.

It's that easy to get cigarettes in prison?

Thanks, everybody. Except Zumi, because good God that second post is not really an image I needed.
Many Non-Happies, WE - your bread landed butter-side up when you hooked up with arte :D
Wrong Element, one of the manliest men of Literotica!

Hoping you have the non-happiest birthday ever!
No wait, that should be "Not hoping you have the happiest birthday, ever!"
No wait, that should be "Hoping you have the happiest birthday, never!"
No wait, that should be "Hoping you have the happiest non-birthday, ever!"

Hell, I give up. I need coffee. :cattail:
Happiest of non-birthdays to you, WE! Wishing you a day full of joy and love (which I'm pretty sure is every day with Arte). Y'all are beautiful.